I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2059: 1 shot, 1 heaven

This shot almost shattered the entire sky, not to mention the trident.

The clanging sound of Jintiejiao shook the world, blood burst out, and a screaming scream came. When everyone looked at it, they saw that it was the palm of the sea clan master who directly exploded.

In the collision with the azure blue spear, it was shattered by the terrifying force.

The blood was falling down along with the minced meat, which was extremely terrifying.

"How could it be, what kind of monster is that!"

The sea clan master was shocked immediately, and the severe pain made his whole body tremble.

If Chu Yunfan just shook off the trident in his hand, it was still within the scope of his understanding, but Chu Yunfan actually exploded his trident with a single shot.

It was an indestructible magic weapon made from deep sea fine gold.

Even a hand raised in the deep sea can be pierced by him with a halberd, and I have never heard of it that can be blown up.

It's a monster!

He looked up again, only to see that Chu Yunfan was holding this blue spear in his hand. The spear was shining with the light of thunder. Only then did he realize that this spear was not a magic weapon at all, it was just condensed by the power of thunder. Into the spear.

It's just that after forming a spear with the power of ordinary thunder, he can actually have such a terrifying power, he simply can't believe it.

"Who is he?" This sea clan master only flashed this thought in his mind, but in the next instant, his reaction was only to retreat continuously, and was directly scared by this shot.

But Chu Yunfan didn't give him such a chance at all, and the blue spear in his hand shot directly.


The sky and the earth trembled violently, the light of the spear pierced the sky, and the clanging sound shattered everything, and the spear rushed directly in front of the sea clan master.


The master of the Sea Clan had no time to react, and only screamed, the stern voice made people sound hairy.

Chu Yunfan's speed was too fast. Everyone couldn't see how he made the move. They only saw that Chu Yunfan had just made the move. His azure blue spear had already pierced the master of the sea clan. Pierced his chest and nailed to death in the air.

The blood was scattered like a waterfall. In an instant, his internal organs were all shattered. The sea clan master struggled to escape, but could not move at all. He had died tragically a few breaths before.


Suddenly dead silence!

This brutal scene almost suffocated everyone, and almost everyone was afraid of it!

This shot was too terrifying. It was as fast as thunder, and it shattered the world with just one shot. The famous Heavenly Stage level master could not even stop this shot, and even wanted to escape. Extravagant hope.

That's not a cat or a dog!

A master of the good fortune realm level, above the East China Sea, can be regarded as a giant of a party, opening up a sect and becoming the ancestor of the sect.

Tianwei Realm even has the strength to open up a first-class school, which is considered cutting-edge combat power in the entire world.

The existence of this level is actually shot to death by a shot!

Cruel, really cruel!

"That is... An old antique among the Sea Clan. He was active for a while more than two hundred years ago, but he did not expect that he would actually rise to the heavenly realm!"

After the death of this sea clan master, his mana was dissipated, and the people finally saw his appearance, no longer being hidden by the black fog.

Not many masters who knew this sea clan were there, but there were still some after all.

Although others don't know the origin of this sea clan master, they still understand how terrifying a master at the level of heaven is.

The old antique of the sea clan's celestial position, in front of Chu Yunfan, was easily stabbed to death as if it were paper.

The entire Zhongzhou City was silent, only the explosions of Li Yuanjia and Yang Dengxian's masters when they played against each other.

With the power of one person, the masters in the audience were actually shocked, and brutality is extremely rare.

Chu Yunfan stood in the midair, like a demon god, full of monstrous killing intent.

Even the masters in Zhongzhou City were somewhat frightened.

They originally wanted to make a move, but the terrifying power of Chu Yunfan's casual blow actually frightened them all.

That was a supreme master of the Sea Clan, who was killed by a single shot. The shock in everyone's hearts can be imagined.

Many people even felt that Chu Yunfan's body had a force of force, making it very difficult for them to breathe.

The most important thing is that Chu Yunfan's mana fluctuations are not obvious. It can even be said that there is basically no mana fluctuations. This means that Chu Yunfan will already be unmatched in their eyes before he can really exert all his strength. The Hai Clan master shot and killed.

"Who is this person? There shouldn't be many masters who can cultivate to this level. How come I don't know him!"

In the depths of Zhongzhou City, someone whispered ~www.ltnovel.com~ For them, the most incredible thing is not Chu Yunfan's strength, but Chu Yunfan who possesses such strength, unexpectedly there is no news before then. .

It's like a person who suddenly jumped out of a crack in the rock.

"But fortunately, it seems that it should be a master of my human race, not a master of alien races!"

Someone couldn't help but say.

And the masters of the foreign races looked at Chu Yunfan vigilantly. The masters of the sea race were killed almost instantly, which also greatly shocked them.

Chu Yunfan was holding a blue spear in his hand. On the spear, the power of infinite thunder was flowing, constantly shining with terrifying light.

"Breaking into my Middle-earth China and wanting to get out of it all? What a wishful thinking!" Chu Yunfan said coldly.

At this time, someone couldn't help but think of something for a moment, and said: "A master who has never heard of, is it a member of the legendary punishment force?"

Hearing someone say this, everyone's memory was suddenly opened, as if thinking of something extremely terrifying.

"If it is the Heaven Punishment Troop, it is really possible. These alien masters pretend to be lofty and dare to sneak into Zhongzhou City, but they may have attracted the attention of the Heaven Punishment Troops. At this time, sending a master to clean up these masters is normal thing!"

"Heaven's Punishment Force? Is that the legendary terrorist force that directly belongs to the Taiwei Mansion?" Someone could not help but breathe in air-conditioning. "It is said that there are not many people in that army, but each of them is super master, specializing in dealing with problems that ordinary troops cannot handle, such as these super masters who sneaked into the Middle-earth China, as well as chasing and killing traitors who betrayed the court, etc. I just heard about it, I have never seen it before!"

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