I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2060: Slaughter in heaven is like slaughtering chickens and dogs

After saying this, many people recalled the legend about the Heavenly Punishment Force, which was a force that was terrifying to the extreme.

The number of that unit is not large, but countless years, the terrifying prestige created can even reach the point where children stop crying.

It is said that among the Heavenly Punishment troops, only those who have cultivated to the Heavenly Position Realm are eligible to enter, and those below the Heavenly Position Realm can only be regarded as alternates.

Every Heavenly Punishment possesses extremely powerful strength, responsible for hunting down the best of the traitors who betrayed the Great Xia Dynasty, as well as the masters who dealt with some infiltrated Zhongzhou City.

Just like today's masters of these alien races, the level is already high enough for the Heavenly Punishment Troop to take action in person.

This army is really very mysterious. There are even rumors that many of the sect masters have actually joined the Heaven Punishment army, but they are silent about some of them.

And Chu Yunfan was not in anyone's intelligence materials before, and suddenly appeared like this, it is difficult for people not to think of that mysterious unit.

It seems that they came here specifically for these alien races, and it will inevitably make these people think too much.

"Impossible, every member of the Heavenly Punishment Force wears a fixed uniform, different from him!"

But soon some insiders denied that Chu Yunfan was a member of the Heavenly Punishment Troop. The Heavenly Punishment Troop wore a fixed uniform every time it was dispatched. If it didn't wear it, it was not the Heavenly Punishment Troop.

Many people have seen that uniform, but no one dared to imitate it. Otherwise, it would be to blaspheme the Heavenly Punishment Force, which would cause the Heavenly Punishment Force to pursue and kill endlessly.

After vetoing the possibility of Chu Yunfan being the Heavenly Punishment Force, everyone was even more puzzled as to where exactly this Chu Yunfan came from.

At the same time, Chu Yunfan just looked at those foreign masters coldly, and he locked his next target on one of the men with disheveled hair.

It was a middle-aged man with a disheveled hair. He was extremely sturdy and surrounded by wind elements, making him look like the legendary **** of the storm.

Seeing Chu Yunfan locked his gaze on his body, the middle-aged man immediately became nervous. It is true that the speed at which Chu Yunfan killed the sea clan master just now was too fast, it was too frightening.

"Human, do you think it's all air when I'm waiting? Want someone to deal with so many of us?" The beaten-out man suddenly agitated, wanting everyone to join hands to deal with Chu Yunfan.

But these masters of foreign races were not fooled. These masters of foreign races had long been conflicted with each other, but they were consistent in the matter of beheading Chu Hongcai today. Naturally, they were not willing to be willing to be for him. Take a risk.

But at this moment, Chu Yunfan shot again, and the azure blue spear in his hand tore out a azure blue lightning, traversing the sky, and in an instant it had directly pierced the man with disheveled hair.

"No, roar!"

The man with the disheveled roar made an angry roar, forming a wind shield in front of him, but the wind shield was not able to play a sufficient role in the future, and it shattered under this gun.

Immediately after everyone saw this azure blue spear, it pierced the chest of the man with disheveled hair.


A shot pierced the body of the man with disheveled hair, and the man with disheveled hair struggled for a while and stopped moving.

After being pierced by this long spear, it took away all the vitality from him. At this time, the man with disheveled hair finally showed his original shape, turned out to be a flying tiger.

Everyone suddenly realized that more than a decade ago, Chu Yunfan had killed the Tianjiao of the Flying Tiger clan, and later killed a large number of masters of the Flying Tiger clan.

Even though the Flying Winged Tiger was a royal clan among the demons, with many masters, it was almost destroyed by Chu Yunfan alone.

Although they are not the top masters of the heavenly realm, these are the absolute backbone of the flying tiger clan and the hope for the future, but they are all buried in the hands of Chu Yunfan.

It can be said that a kind of stall and vacuum period have been caused in the flying tiger clan.

There is no doubt about how much the flying tiger clan hates Chu Yunfan.

This time, in order to slay Chu Hongcai, even a master of the heavenly realm took it personally. Who thought that there would be time to kill Chu Hongcai in the future and reshape the majesty of the flying tiger clan.


At this moment, among these foreign masters, another female master roared, with tears in her eyes, and roared towards Chu Yunfan.

"Are you watching him kill someone?" The female master also burst out with a terrifying element of wind, and a strong demonic air ran across the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone immediately judged it, which is the same as before. The man with the disheveled hair was exactly the same, yet he was another flying tiger.

This time, two masters of the flying tiger clan actually appeared, and they seemed to be husband and wife. Now that the husband was killed, the remaining female flying tiger clan master was completely angry.


Chu Yunfan said coldly, the long spear in his hand was shot directly, almost instantly, like a azure blue lightning, and the void was distorted and uttered a terrible whine. The whine formed a terrible wind.


With this shot, the spear light shook open, like a terrifying violent wave, heading towards the master of the female flying tiger clan.


That female flying wing tiger almost transformed into its original form in the air. She wanted to kill Chu Yunfan, but she was shot through by Chu Yunfan. The terrifying thunder energy shattered everything in her body. The internal organs cut off all her vitality.

Everyone in Zhongzhou City was horrified. It was really terrifying. Chu Yunfan's slaughter was almost like a slaughter of chickens and dogs. No matter what kind of master he was, in front of him, it seemed that he couldn't make a single move. .

A simple shot, but contains the most terrifying power!

"How could it be, it's terrible!"

"The masters of the sea clan will not say anything. The flying wing tiger clan is the master of the wind element. Their speed has always been the only one in the world, and they have never lost to others. However, they face Chu Yunfan's When attacking, I couldn't even react, and I was bombarded!"

"How about the reaction? I can't resist it. The two sides are not at the same level at all!"

"Who is this person?"

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