I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2061: Killing Feast

For everyone in the world, Chu Yunfan's beheadings one after another caused an uproar among all the masters in the entire Zhongzhou City.

Everyone was shocked. They never thought that the masters of the heavenly realm would be so fragile that they would be easily bombarded like a little chicken. This was obviously beyond the limit they could imagine.

This terrible killing aroused the fear in their hearts.

Especially Chu Yunfan was expressionless, standing on the sky like a devil, with the flying wing tiger on the azure blue gun tip in his hand.

The master of this huge flying tiger clan was shrunk to a size of more than two meters with special magical powers, which was particularly shocking.

Everyone didn't know who Chu Yunfan was, but there was no doubt that they could all feel Chu Yunfan's strength. Many people couldn't help holding their breath and watched the scene quietly before them.

At this time, many people remembered seeing Chu Yunfan stand up at the earliest time. Many people still felt that he was overweight, but now they really understand who the overweight is.

"I can't help myself!"

Chu Yunfan collected the corpses of the three masters who had been beheaded by him, but said indifferently.

Then he held his spear and continued to skim in the direction of those foreign masters.

"Kill him, let him die without a place to bury him!"

At this time, some foreign masters were roaring, and they were roaring, trying to kill Chu Yunfan.

Although Chu Yunfan's demonstrated strength was extremely astonishing, they weren't too scared, they were just very afraid.

After all, the three people who were killed by Chu Yunfan were among the three with the weakest strength. They were just entering the heavenly realm for the first time and could only be regarded as the early days of the small heavenly stage.

In their opinion, Chu Yunfan dared to do something to the weakest among them. Obviously, Chu Yunfan's own strength was not that strong, but he was just pretending to be a fool.

Otherwise, why not pick the strongest among them to start.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn!"

Chu Yunfan didn't get angry, but said slowly, the azure blue spear in his hand burst out with astonishing blue electric lights.

In the next instant, the battle finally broke out. There were five masters who started to work almost at the same time and directly pressed towards Chu Yunfan. The rest of the people also scattered around and began to encircle Chu Yunfan.

Each of these five masters carried an extremely terrifying aura, which was better than the masters who were beheaded by Chu Yunfan, and even one of them was a mid-level master with a small heavenly rank.


Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, the frantic blood swept away from him, and the sea of ​​qi turned into a surging weather wave, spreading directly in all directions.


The five masters who had just forced Chu Yunfan over were immediately slammed back, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out and was directly hit by Chu Yunfan's qi and blood.

Everyone had a look of shock on their faces, and the qi and blood released from Chu Yunfan's body were already so strong.

It's strong, and it's too strong to look up.

"What kind of monster is this, the physical body can actually be so powerful?" Someone couldn't help but mutter. You must know that the strength of the blood is closely related to the strength of the physical body.

Together, they were actually shocked by Chu Yunfan's qi and blood. It was still with their own power, which shows how terrifying the qi wave that Chu Yunfan's qi and blood turned into is.

"Go on, kill him, you can't let him go crazy!"

Suddenly, one of the five people roared, but in the next instant, a azure blue light pierced the sky, and in an instant, he was nailed into the sky.

His eyes widened, completely unexpected, he died like this, and there was no way to fight back.

At the same time, dozens of other foreign masters shot at the same time, all swept towards Chu Yunfan, all kinds of treasures, all kinds of martial arts attacks, all kinds of magical attacks, all blasted towards Chu Yun. Where.

Chu Yunfan was even more simple. He just opened his big hand and suddenly turned into a big thunder hand, and then all of these attacks were given to the income in one fell swoop, and then he caught it in one fell swoop.

Immediately afterwards, the azure blue spear in his hand was pierced, and in front of him, a blue sea of ​​thunder was turned into, directly crushing the void, and a terrifying sound erupted.

The remaining four masters who had been culled were swept away by Thunder Ocean in an instant, vomiting blood and retreating, and their bodies had already exploded in mid-air.

Even if Chu Yunfan couldn't take this shot, he had already lost miserably.

Chu Yunfan stretched out a hand again, and then grabbed the flesh and blood in his hand and sent it into the space of the mountain and river map.

This is the essence and blood of a master of the Celestial Realm~www.ltnovel.com~ It is rare to see on weekdays, or in other words, a peerless treasure that you can't see at all.

Before these foreign masters had time to show their true shape, Chu Yunfan had already grabbed their bodies.

"Why does this person look familiar?" At this time, watching from the side, Chu Hongcai, who was extremely shocked in his heart, couldn't help showing a somewhat suspicious expression.

Although he was sure that he had never seen Chu Yunfan's appearance, the style of fighting, and the style of looting even the corpse after killing a person, seemed to be seen everywhere.

But he just had a faint suspicion, and didn't think too much, because in his opinion, the most likely choice was the most unlikely.

And the battle here finally shocked Yang Dengxian and the others. They all followed this battle with divine minds. For the people and masters in Zhongzhou City, this battle was too terrifying, for Yang Dengxian and others. For the big people who have long been successful, it's not the case.

They even have a feeling in their hearts, I'm going, this is a super master who popped up. Normally, how could they not know this kind of character at all.

"This person is really terrifying, such a powerful master, how could I have never heard of it before?"

"Who is he?

"Damn it, why would he intervene!" This was the anger of Li Yuanjia and other masters of the Destiny Sect.

But Yang Dengxian and the others couldn't help showing a somewhat happy smile. No matter how they looked, Chu Yunfan was helping them at this time. No matter what their position, they were now standing on the same line.

With Chu Yunfan's intervention, their pressure was greatly reduced.

At the same time, the eight remaining masters in the battle saw that Chu Yunfan slaughtered those foreign masters like a slaughter of chickens and dogs. They were almost ashamed of being killed, and they planned to start fleeing.

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