At this time, if the Heavenly Destiny Sect wanted to attack Chu Yunfan, only the Flying Immortal Sect had the strength and willingness to protect Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan just shook his head and said, "No, I have my own arrangements!"

There was a somewhat relieved expression in his eyes. After more than ten years of his absence, Chu Hong has been greatly tempered and grown. He has a degree of advancement and retreat, and is calm and extraordinary. It is no longer the frizzy he used to be. Of the teenager.

Such Chu Hong can afford the top spot on the Tianjiao list!

After a pause, Chu Yunfan spoke again: "You don't need to worry about my affairs, but you are careful, and you don't want to come out until you break through the realm of good fortune!"

Chu Hongcai couldn't help being confused by Chu Yunfan's words that he cared like an elder, but of course he could hear Chu Yunfan's kindness, and immediately said, "The younger generation understands!"

Chu Yunfan saw that Yang Dengxian and the others were about to encircle him, and immediately did not intend to stay and talk to them. He knew that his identity would be revealed sooner or later, but not now. If he can fight for a period of time, he will fight for a period of time. time.

These old people will meet freely in the future.

With the effort of speaking, Chu Yunfan's figure has disappeared in the same place, disappeared into the sky.

"Who is this person? Why do I feel a bit familiar!"

Yang Dengxian muttered to himself.

"No matter what, this time is considered lucky. With the help of such masters, I never expected that the Destiny Sect would be so unkind and dispatched so many masters to deal with Hongcai!"

In the distance, Chu Hongcai's protector had already arrived in front of everyone, and then said with lingering fears.

This time, he was caught off guard, and even he felt lingering in his heart.

The preparations of the Destiny Sect were far more adequate than they had imagined.

Before that, they didn't have much expectations for the character of the Heavenly Fate Sect, so naturally they would prepare more if they could prepare more.

In addition to his guardian, Yang Dengxian was invited, and an invitation was also sent to Xiaoyao Xianshan.

Who knows that even so, it almost caused Chu Hong to have an accident.

The Destiny Sect's determination to stifle Chu Hongcai secretly frightened him.

"This is also the negligence I waited for!" Yang Dengxian's face was as sinking as water, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Because it was not just Chu Hongcai's protector, but he also underestimated the determination of the Heavenly Mandate Sect.

He was also a Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list before, and the various targets and assassinations he suffered were countless, too numerous to mention.

However, there has never been an ambush with such a lineup.

Chu Hongcai was just a monk in the Universe Realm, and a slightly stronger master in the Good Fortune Realm could easily kill Chu Hongcai without any difficulty at all.

In his opinion, the Destiny Sect had the greatest possibility of creating a good fortune realm, at most, there would be one or two masters of the Heaven Realm level.

Those were all within the scope that he could deal with. Who knew that in order to deal with Chu Hongcai, the Heavenly Fate Sect had set up a net of heaven and earth, and there were such powerful masters, and there were so many.

It can be said that if it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the unknown mysterious master, Yang Dengxian would bludgeon his horse. By that time, together with the death of Xiang Feiyun's Tianmingzong, both would suffer.

He is still in a trough, and the number one on the Tianjiao list is how an eyebrow is for many people.

Although he was in the top 20 on the list of Tianjiao before, he was considered to be the best among the list of Tianjiao, and among Daxia's peers, he was ranked in the top ten.

However, the top ten, the top twenty and the first are not the same at all, and they are not on the same level at all.

"But no matter what, this time the Tianmingzong ambush Hongcai, we can't just leave it alone, otherwise the tragedy of the year may be repeated at that time!"

Essence burst into Yang Dengxian's eyes.

He was talking about the matter of Jun Tianci killing Chu Yunfan at the beginning.

That battle caused Fei Xianzong to lose a supreme genius who could make the sect prosperous. So far, Fei Xianzong has been heartbroken.

"In the next period of time, you don't need to go anywhere anymore. That person is right. Don't go out until you reach the realm of good fortune. Only staying in the Flying Immortal Sect is the safest!"

Yang Dengxian said.


Naturally, Chu Hongcai knew what was good or bad.

Zhenyuan City, in the Zhenyuan Army Camp.

After more than a decade of development, Zhenyuan City has become the largest city in a radius of thousands of miles. Although Chu Yunfan has not appeared for more than a decade, the Zhenyuan army insisted that Chu Yunfan is still alive.

Therefore, the development of Zhenyuan City has always been adhering to the original development line of Chu Yunfan, and has continued to develop, and has become a nearby administrative center, military center and economic center.

In addition, the rising star Chu Hong has made a name in the world. Just like Chu Yunfan at the beginning, the Zhenyuan army has not been suppressed, on the contrary, it has been continuously supplemented.

Over the years, the Zhenyuan Army has also rotated from time to time to participate in the battle of the monster battlefield in the town of Monster City, and has long been known for its invincibility.

Among the handsome tents of the Zhenyuan army camp, You Chuyun sat high on the main seat. For more than ten years, his whole person was a little more windy and frosty. A small beard growing under his forehead made him look Also matured a bit.

Before the retreat, Chu Yunfan entrusted the affairs of Zhenyuan army to You Chuyun. After more than ten years of tempering, You Chuyun had already become a qualified commander.

You Chuyun was considering the next development of Zhenyuan Army, and suddenly a figure appeared beside him, almost as if it appeared out of thin air.

"Who?" He became vigilant almost The cultivation base broke out all at once, and he had already entered the realm of the universe, and he could be called a master of the party.

He also encountered this situation several times. The Zhenyuan Army was in Zhenyuan City and swept across all foreign races. I don't know how many people were offended. As the coach after Chu Yunfan, he was assassinated more than once.

He is naturally extremely vigilant.

But when he saw that person's face, he was suddenly excited.

"Master Hou!"

You Chuyun's voice was trembling, a little choked.

In front of him, a man wearing a moon-white robe with a white face and no beard, who looked like he was only about twenty years old with a handsome face, was not Chu Yunfan and who was it.

He even rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but he immediately confirmed that a person's appearance can be pretended, but his own breath can't be disguised. It is indeed Chu Yunfan who is looking forward to returning day and night.

It is also the true backbone of the Zhenyuan Army!

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