I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2072: Wind and clouds in the past 10 years

You Chuyun invited Chu Yunfan to the main seat, then stood still, and informed Chu Yunfan of the development of the Zhenyuan Army in the past ten years.

With the prestigious existence left by Chu Yunfan, afterwards, You Chuyun and Chu Hongcai stepped into the universe one after another.

The Universe Realm can become an elder or true disciple in the Flying Immortal Sect, and can be regarded as a member of the high-level.

In theory, they could independently lead the army, but neither of them could lead the army independently, and both remained in the Zhenyuan Army.

Therefore, the resources that the two had originally obtained also flowed to the Zhenyuan Army. After these years of continuous development, the Zhenyuan Army had already become a famous army on the battlefield of the monsters.

The troops have also been expanded again and again, and even in addition to You Chuyun, there are several masters in the Universe Realm. They were all those who followed You Chuyun and followed Chu Yunfan back then, and there are those left by Chu Yunfan who went directly to the Universe Realm. Cheats, these people have good talents, so they have all entered the realm of heaven and earth one after another.

These are all peerless cheats that can't be bought with money outside. People who don't know how many generations need to accumulate and accumulate experience from generation to generation.

During this process, the Zhenyuan Army gradually expanded to 100,000 people and became an independent legion, but the position of the legion commander was always vacant, which was reserved for Chu Yunfan.

Of course, it seemed to outsiders that Chu Yunfan had already fallen, but the Zhenyuan army had unanimously determined that Chu Yunfan had not fallen, and then gave up.

The scale of Zhenyuan City has also been repeatedly expanded during this process. In just over ten years, the original outer city has become an inner city, and the size of the main city alone has expanded more than three times.

You must know that Zhenyuan City has not been expanded for many years, and there is even a gradual shrinking trend.

The quality of the soldiers of the Zhenyuan Army has also been improved again and again, and most of them have even stepped into the virtual realm. They can be regarded as a very elite army, and they have a reputation among the nearby races.

Basically, all ethnic groups fled when they saw the banner of the Zhenyuan Army.

"Very well, I'm not here for these years. It's up to you to bring the Zhenyuan Army to this point!" Chu Yunfan nodded in satisfaction.

You Chuyun quickly said, "This is the foundation left by Master Hou, otherwise, I would not be able to achieve this point in any case!"

You Chuyun hadn't been dazzled by these, and naturally understood that the fundamental reason he was able to do this was because of Chu Yunfan, if it hadn't been Chu Yunfan's support and foundation.

Let him take over the Zhenyuan Army alone, I am afraid that he has no way to suppress the large and small leaders in the Zhenyuan Army.

Even the defenders of Baotai Town at the time might have caused him to be devastated.

Not to mention that the cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds, it is almost impossible!

His greatest hope in his entire life was to step into the Universe Realm, but now that he has entered the Universe Realm and became one of the ranks of true disciples, naturally there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"In the past few years, the pressure in all aspects has increased. Fortunately, Lord Hou, you have already returned!"

You Chuyun said that he was not talking nonsense, but as time passed, Chu Yunfan never showed up again. Many people had long suspected that Chu Yunfan must be dead, otherwise it would not be the case.

There are countless people from all parties who are greedy for this big cake of Zhenyuan Army. I don’t know how many people want to reach out. In the past few years, Chu Yunfan’s reputation can deter one side. In the later stage, it was basically relying on the newly emerged Chu The fame that Hongcai brought suppressed those black hands.

Otherwise, the Zhenyuan army would have changed hands long ago.

Fortunately, at this moment Chu Yunfan returned, which made him finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to tell everyone the good news now!"

You Chuyun said quickly.

Chu Yunfan shook his head and said, "Don't tell everyone about this. I don't want people to know that I have come back for the time being. You have to keep it secret for me for a while!"

Chu Yunfan knew that sooner or later the matter of his return would be exposed, but before that, it would be a period of time if it could be delayed. At least now is not a good time for an outbreak.

He must hurry up and cultivate for this period of time, take his cultivation base further, and truly rush into the heavenly realm. At that time, even facing the Jun Tianci a dozen years ago, he will have the power of a battle.

"I understand!"

You Chuyun nodded quickly. Although he didn't know why, he still followed Chu Yunfan's opinion.

"What happened to me after I retreat all these years?" Chu Yunfan said.

You Chuyun paused and talked about the events of these years. Chu Yunfan knew that after he left, the world was turbulent, and he was not lost at all when he was there.

When he just retreats, almost the whole world believes that he has fallen, and Tianji Pavilion can't calculate Chu Yunfan's whereabouts at all, and even a little information can't be calculated.

Fei Xianzong was furious. It can be said that this time Jun Tianci's attack on Chu Yunfan has exceeded the limit that Fei Xianzong can tolerate.

The two major sects once had a fierce collision outside of Daxia!

Tianmingzong absolutely refused to bow his head and admit that he had done wrong, and it was even more impossible to hand over Jun Tianci to Feixianzong for punishment.

As for Fei Xianzong, how many assassinations Chu Yunfan has suffered, even now it includes Jun Tianci, the supreme arrogant of the previous generation.

If Fei Xianzong's performance is weak, who would dare to worship Fei Xianzong in the future, I'm afraid that when he sees Fei Xianzong's brand, he will have to take a detour.

The two major sects have irresistible reasons ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Various fierce conflicts and collisions have fought against each other in the Great Xia Dynasty for three years. The two sides suffered heavy casualties and even caused the Great Xia Dynasty to hear the anger. The Taiwei came to the door in person, and this allowed the two families to turn their fighting against each other and stop targeting each other outside the territory.

However, everyone knows that this is just the temporary dormancy of the two great sects. Three years of fighting have caused both sides to suffer heavy losses. Coupled with the intervention of Daxia Taiwei's Mansion, both sides have to save face.

However, this battle also shook the world, and all the major forces saw how terrifying the situation would be if the ten sect-level behemoths were furious.

After Feixianzong was temporarily calm and accepted the fact that Chu Yunfan had fallen, another sect joined the battle against the Heavenly Destiny Sect.

That is Xiaoyao Xianshan.

Although Xiaoyao Fairy Mountain is nothing at all to a behemoth like Tianmingzong, Xiaoyao Fairy Mountain has a princess like the long princess, who is a master of the sky.

Even if it is not the top ten sects, no one dares to underestimate the existence of Xiaoyao Xianshan.

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