I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2073: 10 years, wind and rain

Even for many people, Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain is even more difficult to deal with than taking off Xianzong, because Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain does not have many powers, so you can take action without any scruples. Many of the forces in the East China Sea of ​​Heavenly Mandate Sect have been attacked by Xiaoyao Xianshan Sniper.

Although Xiaoyao Xianshan's influence is not worth mentioning to the Heavenly Mandate Sect, it is an out-and-out hegemon above the East China Sea.

There are quite a lot of masters who are obedient to Xiaoyao Xianshan, or, to be more accurate, they should be obedient to the princess.

When the eldest princess started a sect in Xiaoyao Xianshan, it can be said that I don’t know how many people have been offended, but in the process, the heroes on the East China Sea who have also been killed are terrified.

This battle really highlighted the strength of Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain above the East China Sea. The name of Tianmingzong was effective in the interior of the Great Xia Dynasty, but it did not have much appeal in the East China Sea.

Not even Xiaoyao Xianshan has a high reputation.

Suddenly, the entire force of the Heavenly Mandate Sect over the East China Sea retreated steadily, and even continued to retreat to the offshore areas where there were garrisoned protection.

And all this was exposed, the person who really shot was not the princess, but the lord of Gushe County Tang Siyu.

As the young master of Xiaoyao Xianshan, Gushe Princess Tang Siyu is certainly qualified to mobilize the resources of Xiaoyao Xianshan.

For a time, the various forces under Xiaoyao Xianshan launched a continuous general attack on the Destiny Sect. It can be said that for the first time, Xiaoyao Xianshan really showed its fangs in front of outsiders.

And Tang Siyu, who led all of this, became more famous for a while, and even a Tianjiao ranked 30-odd in the Tianjiao Sect died when he was on duty in the East China Sea.

Although no one has concrete evidence, there are still many people who believe that all this is not done by others, it is Tang Siyu.

Tang Siyu personally sniped the master and killed the Tianjiao with a single sword.

The world was in an uproar for a while, especially the Destiny Sect was full of anger. They had always attacked other people. However, other people dared to act on the disciples of the Destiny Sect. That was still rare.

After all, not everyone has the guts to face the behemoths in the world.

Although Xiaoyao Immortal Mountain did not explain the reason for this battle, everyone knew that it had something to do with Chu Yunfan's suspected fall.

Tang Siyu was Chu Yunfan's fiancée, and it seemed to ordinary people that Chu Yunfan was targeted by Jun Tianci because of Tang Siyu's relationship.

Tang Siyu personally vented his hatred, it is not possible that it is not at all, and even this is very logical.

And this was just the beginning. It didn't take long for Tang Siyu to leave the customs again. This time, his goal was directed at the Donghua Heavenly Girl of the Heavenly Nv Sect.

It can be said that this battle has almost become the most watched battle of the year.

Before, the Donghua Heavenly Girl defeated Tang Siyu with big bullying and almost made Tang Siyu hate on the spot.

However, this time, Tang Siyu came to the door personally, I am afraid he was also prepared.

Sure enough, as expected by many people, this time Tang Siyu defeated the Donghua Heavenly Maiden almost by lightning speed.

If it was said that the Donghua Heavenly Girl defeated Tang Siyu or worked hard to defeat you, this defeated Tang Siyu, and at the same time made Tang Siyu famous.

But this time, Tang Siyu almost defeated the Donghua Heavenly Girl in a desperate manner, and the victory or defeat was determined within a few strokes, simply and neatly.

Even the Donghua Heavenly Girl was severely injured within a few strokes and almost died. If it weren't for the Donghua Heavenly Girl's protector desperately snatched her back, I'm afraid the Donghua Heavenly Girl would be there to confess.

But even so, she was severely injured by Tang Siyu, and her strength was greatly reduced.

In this case, Tang Siyu became famous almost overnight.

Although Tang Siyu had already been considered famous at the beginning, he was ranked second among the most arrogant in the world.

However, it was still too young. This also verified a lot of speculations. It was too difficult to counterattack at a young age. Not everyone was Chu Yunfan, and not everyone had such terrifying strength.

However, after this war, all the gossips have been completely vanished.

Tang Siyu proved himself with absolute strength, not only entered the heavenly realm, but also defeated the previous generation of Tianjiao, the Donghua Tianjiao, who was still above him in strength.

When Chu Yunfan's life and death were unknown, and there was a high probability that he had fallen, Tang Siyu's ranking climbed one place, and was already recognized by many people as the first place on the Tianjiao list.

This battle made Tang Siyu a thorn in the eyes of many forces.

Coupled with the fact that Tianjiao who was on the Tianjiao list died in Tang Siyu's hands, Tianmingzong was furious.

It is said that the supreme master of the Tianming Sect personally led a large number of Supreme elders to come to ask the guilt aggressively.

However, before he was close to Xiaoyao Xianshan, he was beaten by a big hand from the sky before he collapsed. Even the Sect Master of the Heavenly Fate Sect could only protect himself.

Let alone other people, vomiting blood and regressing, it is impossible to contend with such a big hand.

In the end, the expeditionary troops of the Destiny Sect had not had time to kill and take revenge on the Fairy of Xiaoyao, so they had to return to the Destiny Sect in despair.

For a time, not only Tang Siyu, coupled with the fairyland of Xiaoyao Xianshan and the supreme magical powers of the eldest princess, became the focus of discussion after the rest of the meal.

The whole news is extremely hot!

Especially for Daxia, the younger generation did not know much about it. Many people only knew that she was originally the eldest princess of Daxia, and later confronted Daxia, moved away from the imperial capital, and came to Xiaoyao. Sects were founded in the fairy mountain.

Some people even rumored that she is the best player in the world~www.ltnovel.com~ but Xiaoyao Xianshan does not recognize it.

But this time, he almost realized the great reputation of the Great Xia Dynasty in the world, and there is no doubt about it.

Because Tianmingzong cannot deliberately direct and act for the princess, let them become the laughing stock of others.

Since the eldest princess took the shot, all the forces in the world have been silenced, and it can be said that it is timid to kill at once.

The terrifying strength of the eldest princess made many people feel terrified.

That is to say, many casual cultivators above the East China Sea disagree, because they are used to the fear when they are dominated by the princess.

There is such a master of Gedai sitting in town, and there are not many people in Xiaoyao Xianshan, but it has already caused a huge threat to the Destiny Sect.

Until later, the grievances between Xiaoyao Xianshan and Tianmingzong continued, and there was no time to stop.

Especially above the East China Sea, it is the base camp of Xiaoyao Xianshan, strong and invincible.

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