I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2077: Unstoppable epiphany

After entering the small heaven, in addition to the continuous improvement in combat power, the most important thing is that Chu Yunfan felt that his fit with this piece of heaven and earth was constantly improving.

This is an obvious increase in the perception of heaven and earth by more than one level, and even the perception of realm far exceeds the realm currently possessed.

After the breakthrough, Chu Yunfan's realm improvement did not stop, on the contrary, it continued to improve over time.

He could feel that the godhead in his mind was constantly analyzing those laws, turning them into countless information flooding into Chu Yunfan's mind.

This also meant that Chu Yunfan was constantly in a state of enlightenment, eating, sleeping, standing, and sitting, all enlightened.

Most people's epiphany for a short period of time is very remarkable, and every epiphany is an opportunity to advance by leaps and bounds.

But like Chu Yunfan, he was in a state of epiphany almost all the time, but it was extremely terrifying.

At this speed, Chu Yunfan felt that he would soon catch up with those super masters, and for the first time he truly felt a sense of overnight enlightenment and skyrocketing in the day.

In just a moment, Chu Yunfan stabilized the realm of Xiaotiandi's early stage, but his realm was still improving at an astonishing speed.

Soon, Chu Yunfan had discovered something wrong, because at such a speed, he might be close to death soon.

In the process of constantly improving his realm, his entire body is evolving toward a higher level.

The cultivation of all things in heaven and earth is itself a process of transition from a low-level life state to a higher-level life state.

In this process, you will have stronger power and longer lifespan, until you live for a long time, live forever, and become a true god.

But in the process of this life transition, a large amount of energy needs to be absorbed, and the huge energy contained in Chu Yunfan's body will almost be exhausted in a short time.

The mana continuously emerging from Chu Yunfan's body can't keep up with the energy Chu Yunfan consumes at this time. It can be said that he has been in a state of making ends meet.

If we continue like this, I'm afraid it will soon be transformed into a human being.

This made Chu Yunfan think that in the history of cultivation, some people had an epiphany overnight, soared in the day, and disappeared directly into a rainbow light, but their flesh directly turned into a corpse, or even turned into a dust and disappeared in mid-air.

This is because the speed of enlightenment is too fast, and the physical body involuntarily jumps to a higher level, but there is not so much energy in the body to support this kind of transformation.

Chu Yunfan was shocked suddenly, he quickly displayed the Heaven-Swallowing Technique, and directly absorbed the spiritual energy in the surrounding endless wind into his body.

The spiritual energy in these gang winds was extremely violent, entered Chu Yunfan's body, and began to raging wildly, but it was quickly absorbed by Chu Yunfan.

It can be seen through the naked eye that the space around Chu Yunfan's body is almost like a large section of collapse, and countless spiritual energy is absorbed into it, and it can be said that the movement is extremely quiet.

In Chu Yunfan's mountain and river map, a large number of spiritual stones turned into powder, and countless spiritual energy poured into Chu Yunfan's body like a rushing river.

In addition, countless medicinal herbs that increased skill turned into a river, flooding into Chu Yunfan's body. Even so, it was just barely filling the energy demand of Chu Yunfan's body during this process.

It relieved the feeling of almost evacuating the body.

Chu Yunfan finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly disconnected from the Godhead. Otherwise, if he continues to enlighten like this, I am afraid that he hasn't ascended in daylight, and his whole person has disappeared between heaven and earth.

This made him more sure about one thing. The flesh is the foundation of all cultivation. Without a powerful flesh, any kind of cultivation is vain.

"You have to find a large amount of energy source to swallow it, otherwise, just having an enlightenment like this will be enough for me to be sucked up!"

Chu Yunfan couldn't help showing a bit of bitter smile on his face. It was the first time he encountered this situation. He had never encountered a situation where he might be sucked into someone because it took too long for an epiphany.

This is also unique in the history of practice throughout the ages, and even the emperor's memory has never heard of such a thing.

Because even if ordinary people show the Great Dao Chi Guoguo in front of them, they will be able to absorb different things because of their different levels.

When it reaches a certain level, it stops naturally, and it is impossible to have an endless epiphany.

However, Chu Yunfan had the moderator of the godhead, and the other abilities of the whole person reached an unimaginable level, and even endless. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This also forced Chu Yunfan to cut off the supply of spiritual energy to the Godhead, which stopped the operation of the Godhead.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that Chu Yunfan himself will be completely killed by this epiphany.

"No matter what, let's talk about the advanced Tianjiao battlefield!"

Chu Yunfan pinched a seal technique, forced a drop of blood out of his heart, and plunged directly into the gate of this closed city.

Immediately, the closing doors of the entire Tianjiao battlefield slowly opened with a huge opening sound.

It seems to be an ancient door leading to a world in a location, it is a huge and boundless world, boundless and boundless, the feeling of the boundless world rushes toward your face.

Chu Yunfan's figure flickered, and he had already submerged in this gate.

When he saw the affairs in front of him clearly again, he had already appeared among the mountains.

It was a boundless mountain range, and the peaks rushed straight into the sky like a sharp sword. The mountains in this area seemed not to be mountains, but a huge sword formation.

Even faintly, Chu Yunfan seemed to be able to perceive the sword aura erupting from the sword formation.

Boundless, boundless, and desolate!

This was the feeling that the entire Tianjiao battlefield gave Chu Yunfan. It was different from what he thought. The Tianjiao battlefield was vast and boundless. With his current cultivation level, he could not explore all the places with his spiritual thoughts, even with his Shennian is just going out for hundreds of miles, and there is no way to explore it no matter how far away.

It seems that between the heaven and the earth, there is a power in the world that limits the range that everyone's divine mind can explore.

And the aura on the Tianjiao battlefield can almost be said to be comparable to those extremely rare caves and blessings in the Middle-earth China. It is very rich, and there are very few impurities in the aura. Even with Chu Yunfan’s cultivation base, it can be directly absorbed. It can be used without going through refining.

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