I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2078: Monster in human skin

This is very rare. A top master like Chu Yunfan has a very high demand for aura. For a master like him, there are too many impurities in the ordinary aura, and there is almost no way to directly use it.

Otherwise, the spirit stone will not become the hard currency among practitioners. It is because if you use the spirit stone, you can save more than half of the time for refining the spiritual energy.

In addition to the incomparably rich spiritual energy, Chu Yunfan also keenly discovered that compared to the obscure Dao Laws in the Middle-earth Divine State, the Dao Laws on the Tianjiao battlefield were obviously more active.

This also means that practitioners need to have an epiphany here, to understand, and to practice is far more powerful than in the Middle-earth Divine State.

Although it is not as good as the way that Chu Yunfan felt in that plaque, which is almost the law of Chi Guoguo, it is also better than that in the Middle-earth China.

"It's no wonder that the Tianjiao who entered the Tianjiao battlefield can have a rapid development in their cultivation base in a very short time!" Chu Yunfan muttered to himself.

Chu Yunfan only knew now that even if there were no other benefits in this Tianjiao battlefield, only the abundance of spiritual energy and the more active laws of the Great Dao were worth his risk to come in.

It's like playing the game and getting used to the **** difficulty. Suddenly when you come to a simple difficulty, you will find that the game is so simple.

However, in comparison, the firmness of the laws in the earth is the most terrifying. In comparison, the Daxia Dynasty can only be regarded as a normal mode, and the firmness of the laws of the earth is the real **** mode.

The stronger the law, the less easy it is for people to catch it, the lower the probability of the emergence of a practitioner, and the lower the probability of the emergence of a powerful practitioner.

After all, as far as Tiandi is concerned, practitioners are equivalent to using the source code leaked by Tiandi to make plug-in bugs, but they are just picking up Tiandi's leaks.

The more active the laws of heaven and earth, the greater the probability that the strong will appear, but in the same way, the easier it is for heaven and earth to cause its own collapse.

Chu Yunfan didn't know who made this Tianjiao battlefield, but even he had to admit that the strength of this Tianjiao battlefield was able to force the law of heaven and earth to such a degree, which was convenient for people to understand.

With this alone, the people who made the Tianjiao battlefield have unlimited cultivation.

But soon, Chu Yunfan discovered that the entire Tianjiao battlefield was too big, it was so big that it was far from what was originally imagined, it was just a small battlefield.

"You must think of a way to find those arrogances who came in first!"

Chu Yunfan quickly made a decision that he was definitely not the one who entered the Tianjiao battlefield. The fastest way to figure out the situation on the Tianjiao battlefield is to find those Tianjiao battlefields.

Suddenly, at this moment, above the sky, it seemed as if a black cloud appeared from the distance of the sky, but in a moment, it had already arrived in front of Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan glanced intently, where was the black cloud, it was simply a huge bird.

This bird was completely black, with black scales, like an eagle, but with a golden unicorn on its head, it was extremely ferocious, and it exuded an extremely terrifying and fierce aura.

It seemed to be a fierce beast from the Primordial Wilderness.

"Black-scaled unicorn eagle!" Chu Yunfan immediately judged the type of this fierce beast, and it was a fierce bird with a prominent name among the monster race.

This kind of fierce bird is said to have the blood of a certain kind of fierce beast from the ancient times, and it is also famous among the monster races, and it can also be ranked among the many fierce birds of the monster race.

It can be said that every time this black-scaled one-horned eagle appears on the battlefield of the monsters, it will cause a huge panic.

It can be said that on the battlefield of the entire human race, there are lines of defense everywhere, and this black-scaled unicorn eagle is fast and powerful. Everywhere it goes, it will cause boundless killing. It can easily slaughter a city, and it can easily kill a city. The human beings in are swallowed up.

Among the masters of the human race, this is definitely a famous beast, and the two races have unshakable feuds.

This black-scaled one-horned eagle appeared in front of Chu Yunfan, and suddenly a pair of huge eyes burst into a terrifying fierce light, and even the head of an eagle showed a humane cruel expression.

In an instant, the black-scaled one-horned eagle directly opened its mouth in the blood basin, and slaughtered it towards Chu Yunfan, wanting to swallow Chu Yunfan in one bite.

"Good beast!"

Chu Yunfan sneered, and didn't even look at it~www.ltnovel.com~ directly slapped this black-scaled unicorn eagle with a slap.


This black-scaled one-horned eagle was shot and flew directly, and its huge body directly hit a mountain peak, smashing the entire mountain into fragments.

There was also an incredible expression on the eagle's head, just like a human expression, generally no different.

He seemed to be talking, what's the situation?

He was obviously here to hunt the human in front of him, so why was he slapped away by the human.

He would never perceive the aura of that human being wrong. Although it converged very well and only a little bit of aura leaked out, it was just the fluctuation of the laws of heaven and earth caused by the first entry into the small heaven.

But it was just another human arrogant who had just entered.

He thought he had picked up a big deal, but who knew he was slapped and flew out.

But then he became more fierce, and the fierce aura in his bloodline made him cry again in an instant. The huge black body was like a meteor, and it rushed directly to Chu Yunfan in an instant.




The speed of this black-scaled unicorn eagle was reaching the extreme, and the unicorn above its head was aimed at Chu Yunfan.


However, after a loud noise, the black-scaled one-horned eagle flew backwards at a faster speed, and its huge body slammed into the ground.

The whole earth was shaking violently.

This black-scaled one-horned eagle had been stunned, and was slapped by Chu Yunfan again.

Looking at Chu Yunfan's small figure that is almost invisible, he is a little confused. Who is the monster?

How do you feel that this human being is a monster in human skin?

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