I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2079: 100,000 Tianjiao, Tianjiao is like cabbage

At this time, the body of this black-scaled one-horned eagle had already been covered with cracks, as dense as a spider web, all over the body.

Chu Yunfan's two slaps directly injured him seriously.

He suddenly became a little clouded. You know, he dared to come hunting alone, he naturally has his own capital. He is already at the pinnacle of Xiaotian with his cultivation base. The human novice who has just entered can not be his opponent. .

And that kind of look is the strong among the strong in the human race. He has always taken a detour. Although the black-scaled unicorn eagle is fierce, it is not stupid.

He wandered in this newbie area, succeeded many times, and finally encountered hard stubble.

This black-scaled unicorn eagle almost instinctively wanted to escape, but before he could escape, he saw a huge slap volley falling down, and directly shot this black-scale unicorn eagle into the mountain. in.

"What do I ask, what do you say, you can still save your life, otherwise, you will die!"

Chu Yunfan's voice floated from the sky.

This black-scaled one-horned eagle nodded quickly, and its huge head was nodded like a mouse, and its hideous face showed a somewhat humane pleasing look.

"Are you the demon's arrogant?" Chu Yunfan asked.

Chu Yunfan thought that this black-scaled one-horned eagle should be a predecessor of the demon clan. The situation in the demon clan is even more chaotic than the Great Xia Dynasty. Many races are mixed, and even the demon clan is not seen on the list. Must be able to snare all the Tianjiao, not to mention there are many senior Tianjiao who are too old.

What Chu Yunfan knew was just Tiger Treading Wind, Hu Qingxuan and a few other demon tianjiao.

Unexpectedly, this black-scaled one-horned eagle actually shook his head, he was not actually the arrogant among the monster race.

Chu Yunfan was also a little strange. You must know that there are many masters in the monster race. Although Xiaotianwei is rare, it can't be said to be unique. It's just that he is already very old for many years and will be blocked from the Tianjiao battlefield.

This Tianjiao battlefield not only tests the bloodline, but also has requirements for age. It is impossible to enter after a certain age.

This also made Chu Yunfan more sure that the Tianjiao battlefield was definitely not formed naturally, but was specially refined by someone.

I just don't know what purpose the person who refines this Tianjiao battlefield is holding.

Soon, Chu Yunfan learned from the mouth of this black-scaled unicorn eagle that this was not the black-scaled unicorn eagle of the demon clan outside, but a monster beast native to the Tianjiao battlefield.

The Tianjiao battlefield only appears once every hundreds of years, and each time it will be open for ten years, then it will disappear again. Before it disappears, the Tianjiao who enters it will leave.

However, there were also some Tianjiao who were too late to leave for various reasons, and then were trapped in the Tianjiao battlefield. Slowly, these Tianjiao and their descendants became the natives of the Tianjiao battlefield.

And this black-scaled one-horned eagle is an aboriginal in the Tianjiao battlefield.

His ancestor was a powerful black-scaled one-horned eagle. Later, because of other things, he was trapped in the battlefield of Tianjiao, and this vein stayed.

This was something that Chu Yunfan didn't expect. There were native indigenous people in the Tianjiao battlefield. After all, he didn't get much news from You Chuyun.

He didn't intend to reveal his identity at this stage, so he didn't return to the Flying Immortal Sect, only the information he got from You Chuyun was really limited.

You Chuyun's level is too low. Although he is a true disciple of Fei Xianzong, his level is only enough to hear some rumors on things like Tianjiao Battlefield, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to participate.

That's why Chu Yunfan didn't cut off this black-scaled unicorn eagle with a single sword, just wanted to get the information he wanted from this black-scaled unicorn eagle.

Through the narration of this black-scaled unicorn eagle, Chu Yunfan finally understood that the entire Tianjiao battlefield was much larger than he thought at the beginning.

The entire Tianjiao battlefield is divided into the outermost peripheral area, then the middle area, and the most core core area.

The place where the most benefits and the most inheritance can be obtained on the entire Tianjiao battlefield is undoubtedly the core area.

Followed by the central region, and then the outer regions.

Therefore, almost all of the top talents who entered the Tianjiao are almost in the core area.

In the outermost areas, there are basically some small-level masters, and even Tianjiao with superb good fortune. They dare not easily set foot in the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield, and can only find some adventures in the periphery.

Some masters above the lower ranks will choose to enter the central region, and only the most powerful masters will enter the core region, or in other words, dare to enter the core region and have the strength to protect themselves.

And what shocked Chu Yunfan even more was that the master who entered the Tianjiao battlefield this time didn't know what Chu Yunfan thought it was ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ hundreds of thousands of people had already ended.

But there are as many as tens of thousands of people, if you add the local indigenous people, it has already surpassed the number of 100,000 people.

"How come there are so many?" Chu Yunfan said with some shock. Tens of thousands of masters of the right age and king physique gathered together, plus the top masters among the native aboriginals, there were a total of 100,000.

When did these geniuses become so worthless, they are just like Chinese cabbage!

Among them, Chu Yunfan is the most clear. You must know that after it was determined that Hua Xianyuan was the constitution of the king, the entire Fei Xianzong all regarded him abnormally, almost as one of the next generation's successors. bring up.

If the physique of the king was so common, it wouldn't be enough for Fei Xianzong to value Hua Xianyuan's existence so much.

"These Tianjiao are not contemporary Tianjiao, or even the Tianjiao of previous generations, but Tianjiao accumulated over countless years in the long history of distant history!" The black-scaled unicorn eagle said hastily. The words are endless.

He had already seen how Chu Yunfan dared to play tricks, and the man in front of him could kill him with a slap.

In front of this man, his strength is not worth mentioning.

"How do these Tianjiao live to the present, and at their age, they should not be qualified to enter the Tianjiao battlefield!"

Chu Yunfan asked.

The black-scaled one-horned eagle said: "The adults don't know, these arrogances are all geniuses who are famous in a certain era, but after the contemporary flashes for a while, they choose to self-proclaim, and they will reopen when the tianjiao battlefield is born. They were born, so although they were Tianjiao many years ago, if they are concerned about their age, they also meet the conditions for entering the Tianjiao battlefield!"

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