I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2082: You should have this disaster

The most famous of these is the carp leaping over the dragon gate, leaping over the legendary dragon gate, transforming its own blood, and becoming a real dragon.

But that kind of thing is still just a legend among many monster races!

The Dragon Gate is just a legendary fetish. Since the time immemorial, I have never heard of such a thing.

The Sky Demon Dafa is different. This is an absolutely superb technique that can surpass one's own blood.

Among the emperors back then, there was a great power called the Sky Demon Emperor. The blood of the Sky Demon Emperor was very poor. Under normal circumstances, it was almost impossible to achieve greater success.

However, the Heavenly Demon Emperor relied on his supreme aptitude and determination to continuously break through the limitations of his own bloodline and become the supreme emperor. The method he practiced was also famous.

It is this "Sky Demon Dafa".

The black-scaled horned eagle is now completely under his control. The stronger the strength, the more benefits he will of course. Anyway, he can't break away from his control, no matter how strong it is, it can only be used by him.

Of course, the "Sky Demon Dafa" he gave now is only the previous part of the practice method, and the method that really points directly to the great road is still in the hands of Chu Yunfan.

However, even only a part of the practice method was enough to make this black-scaled one-horned eagle feel ecstatic, and the depression of being forcibly surrendered by Chu Yunfan was wiped out.

Moreover, he faintly felt a faint suppression from the blood in Chu Yunfan's body, as if he was a born monarch.

It is not ashamed to surrender to such an existence.

He didn’t know that it was because the bloodline of the Primordial Phoenix in Chu Yunfan’s body was suppressing his bloodline. The Phoenix is ​​the king of birds. Almost all birds are ruled by the Phoenix family. This kind of bloodline suppression, from It has been formed during the Taikoo years.

"Thank you, Master!"

This black-scaled one-horned eagle quickly took its head and bowed, and its huge body kept bowing down.

Suddenly, at this moment, a pleasantly surprised and joking voice came from a distance, saying: "Hahaha, it's really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to be found!"

Chu Yunfan looked up, only to see that two men descended from the sky and appeared in front of him as they walked away.

Of the two men, one looked about 30 years old, and the other looked like an elderly man in his sixties or seventies.

The two of them had just seen this black-scaled unicorn eagle, and there was a greedy look in their eyes.

"Sure enough, it is the black-scaled unicorn eagle that the young master is looking for!" the middle-aged man said in surprise, "I heard that there are black-scale unicorn eagles nearby here, but I didn't expect to encounter it directly. It's great. !"

"It's so lucky!" The old man also laughed.

"Who are you?" Chu Yunfan looked at the old man and the middle-aged man, but said coldly.

The two talked to themselves, and didn't put him in their eyes at all, as if they had regarded this black-scaled one-horned eagle as something in the bag.

On the side, the face of the black-scaled unicorn eagle also flashed a fierce look, and the huge eagle's head showed an extremely hideous look.

Don't look at him in front of Chu Yunfan, he looked like a puppy, but in fact this was a fierce bird with a prominent reputation.

It can be said that if it weren't for Chu Yunfan's hard stubble, ordinary human experts would not take it seriously. If they appeared on the battlefield of shemales, they could defeat an elite army with their own strength and bring the entire army to the ground. It's all swallowed.

"Boy, it looks like you should have come in from outside, I tell you, this black-scaled unicorn eagle has been confiscated by the weather, it is your honor!" The old man looked at Chu Yunfan with a face. There was a look of aloofness on the top.

"Weather?" Chu Yunfan's expression suddenly became extremely cold.

Because he is too familiar with this Tianweihou, isn't Tianweihou the title given by Jun Tian?

As the No. 1 ranking of Tianjiao in the previous session, Jun Tianci had already been entrusted in the Great Xia Dynasty, and even Chu Yunfan would suffer more than Li Qianyuan.

And his title is Tianweihou.

It can even be said that in the Great Xia Dynasty, this is also the top marquis!

Unlike Chu Yunfan's kind of Zhenyuan Hou, Tianwei Hou has the word "天" in it, and he is the top marquis!

And the grievances between Chu Yunfan and Jun Tianci didn't need to be said, it can be said that they have long been dissatisfied.

He hadn't gone to trouble with Jun Tianci, so he ran into two of Jun Tianci's men directly.

Although looking at the appearance of these two people, it is obviously not the Tianjiao who came in from outside, but it should also be the natives in this Tianjiao battlefield.

In the Tianjiao battlefield, the laws are more active and more obvious, coupled with the richness of the aura, can be compared with the outside world, so it can be said that there are many masters.

"If it's someone else, maybe you two don't have to die yet, but since you are a gift from the Lord, you should have this catastrophe!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly~www.ltnovel.com~ looking for death! "

The expressions of the two became fierce and fierce in an instant. The two were not stupid. Of course they understood that after reporting the title of Jun Tianci, not only was Chu Yunfan not afraid, on the contrary, he showed murderous intent.

Obviously it should be Jun Tianci's opponent outside.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. Since I dare to fight against Master Hou, I will capture you first, and then see Master Hou!" At this time, the old man showed a fierce look on his face.


The old man made a move in an instant, and on the Tianjiao battlefield, countless heaven and earth auras directly condensed into his hands, and in his hands, he actually directly condensed a golden long sword.

Chu Yunfan's eyes lit up, the old man's technique was somewhat interesting.

There are a lot of impurity in the aura between heaven and earth, and the aura is divided into many different attributes.

Being able to condense the golden aura into a sword at once, this old man's cultivation and realm are quite good.

In an instant, the sword light turned into a golden streamer, sweeping across the sky, tore everything directly, and pierced Chu Yunfan's head.




The speed of this sword was so fast that even Chu Yunfan didn't even react. This old man's sword directly pierced Chu Yunfan's head, but he didn't wait for the old man to show joy.

However, seeing that the golden long sword in his hand was cracking open inch by inch, it couldn't hurt Chu Yunfan.

"not good!"

The old man was suddenly shocked and backed away again and again.

However, there was no time at this time, but Chu Yunfan directly stretched out his hands and tore it abruptly. In an instant, the volley was torn apart by a terrifying force and turned into a rain of blood.

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