I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2083: The black-scaled unicorn eagle breaks to the mid-heaven position

It's just a simple trick!

This top master, who had reached the pinnacle of Xiaotian, was actually torn to pieces by the volley!

"Even the defense can't be broken!"

The black-scaled unicorn eagle looked at this scene, and its huge eyes, as large as grinding discs, shrank slightly, as if it had seen a monster.

Chu Yunfan's defenses were too amazing. He was very thankful that he didn't make a move at the time. Otherwise, even Chu Yunfan's defenses would not be broken at all. Instead, Chu Yunfan would be slapped to death by Chu Yunfan.

When the middle-aged man saw this scene, he was simply heartbroken. His cultivation base was the same as this old man, and he was a figure of the pinnacle level of Xiaotian.

Among the natives on the Tianjiao battlefield, he was originally regarded as a local hegemon, but he was later given to subdue by Tianweihoujun and became his subordinate.

With the strength gifted by the king, it is enough to make the two of them surrender!

Originally, I just wanted to help Jun Tianci catch a black-scaled unicorn eagle. Who would have thought that he had encountered such a ruthless stubble directly.

Immediately fled towards the distance!

However, Chu Yunfan was willing to bypass him, and immediately grabbed it with one hand. A huge spiritual energy came out of nowhere, and suddenly he grabbed the middle-aged man in his hand.

In the next moment, the middle-aged man who had just escaped for hundreds of miles was caught directly back.

"Go ahead, where is Jun Tianci now!"

Chu Yunfan said lightly.

Suddenly, in the next instant, a terrifying force gushing out of the middle-aged man's mind, and the next second, the middle-aged man's head exploded in an instant.

Chu Yunfan's eyes fell cold, and the middle-aged man's head was clearly sealed, and once Jun Tianci was involved, it would automatically explode.

And the person who can put this seal is undoubtedly a gift from God.

From this, it can be seen that Jun Tian gave this person to do everything without leakage, even more cruel and cruel than Li Qianyuan, and did not give others a chance to catch him.

Chu Yunfan contained the corpses of these two people and watered them on the sacred tree of Brahma. After more than ten years of growth, the tree of Brahma has doubled its size as compared with a decade ago. The transformation ability has also changed drastically.

Even the essence and blood of the corpse of a master of the Celestial Realm level can quickly absorb and transform it, but in a moment, on the Brahma Divine Tree, two delicate and dazzling Brahma Divine Fruits were born.

Also consumed a lot of spirit stones.

Chu Yunfan frowned. He had spent the entire time in retreat to recover from his injuries over the years. He was in the stage of Phoenix Nirvana, and his wealth was only inaccessible. By now, he had already bottomed out.

Must find a way to gain some wealth!

In his hands, there are two Qiankun bags, which are the ones carried by these two top masters.

In the past, he had no choice about this kind of universe bag. Unless the deity opened it himself, it would be difficult for outsiders to open it even if it was obtained.

Unless you have reached the heavenly realm, you can only have this ability!

Because after reaching the heavenly realm, one's own strength is not only skyrocketing, but also a certain degree of understanding of the laws of space, so that he can open the bag with his own strength.

Chu Yunfan opened the two Universe Bags in a few moments according to the methods recorded in the Emperor's War Code, and the primordial spirits attached to them were not able to withstand a single blow.

However, after inspecting the Qiankun Bag, Chu Yunfan couldn't help being very disappointed. There was almost no wealth in the Qiankun Bag. When the wealth of the two combined, there was only a mere 100,000 high-grade spirit stones.

"How come there are so few?" Chu Yunfan couldn't help but said depressed.

"Return to the master, I think that the wealth of these two people should have been taken away by Jun Tian!" The black-scaled unicorn eagle glanced at Chu Yunfan, and then said.

Obviously he knew this situation a long time ago. These people become followers of Jun Tianci, of course, it is impossible to become Jun Tianci's subordinates voluntarily. It must have gone through a great battle.

As the defeated, wherever they have the qualifications and ability to preserve their wealth, no matter how much wealth they have, they will become the trophy of the victor.

For example, Chu Yunfan came up and rewarded an extremely important practice method, which was almost rare.

"That's it!"

Chu Yunfan couldn't help but said depressed.

But having one hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones is better than nothing!

Chu Yunfan picked one of the two Brahma divine fruits and handed it to the black-scaled unicorn eagle. He said, "Swallow it, and cooperate with the Heavenly Demon Dafa. You can try to break through to the middle of the sky. The realm of position!"

The black-scaled unicorn eagle was overjoyed immediately, and even in his huge eyes, there was a bit of rare touch. He thought that following Chu Yunfan, he must be a cow and a horse, and there will be no way to get out of trouble for life.

But now that he hasn't done anything for Chu Yunfan, he has already reaped so many benefits one after another.

"Master's gift, the subordinate Black Eagle is grateful, and will surely go up and down the fire for the owner in the future~www.ltnovel.com~!" This black-scaled unicorn eagle directly transformed into a human form.

It was a man who was about 30 years old, and this man with a face full of excitement took the Brahma divine fruit from Chu Yunfan's hand.

Chu Yunfan nodded. For him, this black-scaled unicorn eagle is his confidant. The stronger he is now, the more he can help him.

In any case, this black-scaled one-horned eagle could not surpass his control.

The black-scaled unicorn eagle looked straight at this Brahma divine fruit. There was a faint fluctuation on the Brahma divine fruit. This kind of fluctuation had a fatal attraction to him, and even he didn't understand why.

However, he immediately swallowed this Brahma divine fruit, and suddenly, some changes began to occur in his body, and a huge amount of demon power was released from his body.

He quickly started practicing according to the method recorded in the Heavenly Demon Dafa, turning this powerful energy into his own use.

Chu Yunfan watched from the side, but he was not idle either. He swallowed another divine Brahma fruit and started to digest this divine Brahma fruit.

The huge medicinal power ran around in his body, and was quickly absorbed into his body. Almost every cell was cheering and absorbing this huge energy.

After a long time, Black Hawk finally recovered from the state of cultivation, and at this time, his cultivation base had already undergone an earth-shaking change compared to the original one.

Directly from the peak of the original small heaven, broke through to the early days of the middle heaven in one breath!

This change is reflected in the combat effectiveness, that is, one's own combat effectiveness has been directly doubled!

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Chapter 2083: Black-scaled unicorn eagle breaks to the mid-heaven position (page 1/1)

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