I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2084: Tianjiao battlefield after night

This huge improvement almost made him feel ecstatic!

If he wants to break through himself, he doesn't even know how much time it will take to achieve it!

It didn't take long for Chu Yunfan to do it now!

The complete surrender in the heart is not just because of being controlled by Chu Yunfan, with a stick in one hand and a carrot in one hand!

When he was ascending, Chu Yunfan was not idle either. The cultivation speed that he had suppressed, but within a short period of time, he had already been promoted to the peak of the initial stage of Xiaotian.

After reaching this level, Chu Yunfan once again cut off the supply of spiritual energy to the godhead, allowing his progress in enlightenment to be interrupted again.

Because the energy of the Brahma Divine Fruit has been completely absorbed, if he continues to enlighten him, his whole person will be absorbed into the adult.

And his combat power has also doubled on the original basis.

Although the strength of the black-scaled unicorn eagle has been improved a lot, it is also doubled, but the basic combat power itself is completely different, so although the realm of the black-scaled unicorn eagle has been upgraded to a whole new level, in fact, his combat power and The gap between Chu Yunfan was even bigger.

Chu Yunfan glanced at it, and suddenly, night had come quietly, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone from afar.

"There is a normal day and night reincarnation on the Tianjiao battlefield?" Chu Yunfan's eyes suddenly lit up. He knew that it was already very difficult to create a small world.

But in Fei Xianzong, there is such a small world, but the size is different, and the essence is the same.

However, in the small world of Fei Xianzong, there is always daylight, and the light will always cover the whole world.

In terms of the level of the entire world, of course, it is not comparable to a world that can simulate a normal day and night rotation. This is only the point, no matter how much Chu Yunfan overestimates the master behind creating this small world, it is not an exaggeration.

Speaking of this, the black-scaled one-horned eagle shuddered all of a sudden, and immediately said: "No, it's already dark, master, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We'd better find a city to settle down as soon as possible, otherwise we will Something unknown happened!"

"What is unknown, what is unknown?" Chu Yunfan frowned, but he did feel that the temperature of the world seemed to drop sharply as night fell.

Originally, with his cultivation base, even if the temperature difference changed by several thousand degrees, it would be difficult to hurt him, let alone make him feel it.

However, the sudden drop in temperature contained an extremely uncomfortable yin qi, which almost invaded Chu Yunfan's body through every pore of Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan immediately used Emperor Ji Gong to repel this yin energy.

But more and more Yin Qi surrounded him.

There were bursts of roars of fighting in the distance. It was not the sound of one or two masters fighting. On the contrary, it was clearly a huge battlefield.

Thousands of troops are fighting here!

With the energy in the sky, each and every figure appeared in front of Chu Yunfan as the night fell.

These figures were full of sullen air, with extremely terrifying hostility, and soon outflanked them.

"Tianjiao Battlefield..." Chu Yunfan seemed to understand why this world was called Tianjiao Battlefield.

The boundless dark night enveloped the entire world of Tianjiao battlefield. A few rays of light swept across the sky. It was just a moment’s effort that had already cut through the sky. However, black silhouettes appeared out of thin air and stopped them. Dao escapes in front of light.

The silhouettes in these rays of light shot again and again, and successively defeated the black silhouettes in front of them, but even so, they were still surrounded by countless black shadows, revealing the faces of these people.

If an outsider sees these people, he will react almost immediately. Isn't these the top players in the top rankings of the previous generation of Tianjiao?

Wearing a white robe, Yang Dengxian, the next generation of Sect Master of Feixian Sect with a cold face.

A beautiful woman with a red sleeve in one hand, sweeping sharply like a whip, isn't it the genius of the demon clan, who is Hu Qingxuan?

Even wearing a Confucian shirt, holding a spring and autumn pen, each stroke formed a huge and incomparable character, and a single word could crush a black shadow.

This is Meng Tianren, the contemporary heir of Haoran Academy, which is ranked second in the world.

On the other side, there was a young man in a purple robe, one of the most arrogant princes of the previous generation, Zi Buyu.

In addition, there is also a sturdy Southern Barbarian Huoyundong Shaodong Master, Meng Potian, who is covered in animal skins.

Each of these people is a peerless master who has set off a boundless frenzy in recent years. Back then, they were only those who were on the Tianjiao list. At this time, they were already powerful men who could influence the situation in the world.

However, these tycoons are distributed in different parties. They usually meet, and they are not in harmony. Even the masters of the human race and the foreign race have to fight for three hundred rounds ~ www.ltnovel.com~ In the outside world, they are not competitors, or different camps and races. However, at this moment, they all joined forces to form a small team to break through this Tianjiao battlefield.

"No, if we continue like this, there will be more and more resurrected heroic spirits, and we will be swallowed by these guys sooner or later!"

At this moment, Meng Potian smashed a black figure that flew over with a punch. There was no hint of pride on his face. On the contrary, he was full of worry.

These people are all powerful practitioners, their bodies are so powerful that they are like a guiding light on the Tianjiao battlefield after night falls, attracting countless Tianjiao heroes to pounce.

No matter how many they can kill with one punch, there will soon be more heroic spirits flying from all directions.

Even if they are as powerful as a group of people, facing so many powerful heroic spirits, they still feel very strenuous, even capable of exhaustion.

Once exhausted, the final result is probably to be swallowed up by these heroic spirits.

If these ghosts and heroic spirits can swallow their flesh and blood, they can naturally go further and reach an unprecedented level.

"We came in at the wrong time. I didn't expect it to be night!"

At this time, Hu Qingxuan's beautiful face also showed a somewhat anxious look.

Meng Tianren continued to point out the Chunqiu pen, and every word of punishment could punish the black heroic spirit. This is the so-called punishment of the spring and autumn. There are almost no evil spirits in the world who are not afraid of the punishment of the spring and autumn.

"In the past, I only heard that the Tianjiao battlefield after night was terrible, but I don't want to be ten times more difficult than the rumors!"

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Chapter 2084: The Battlefield of Tianjiao after Night (Page 1/1)

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