I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2085: Old people in embarrassment

Meng Tianren clicked out the words one by one, while constantly running his skills, forming a great righteousness in his body, resisting the yin qi between the world and the earth.

Everyone was silent. They were all Tianjiao with a strong heritage. The Tianjiao battlefield was opened once in hundreds of years, and the major forces didn't understand the Tianjiao battlefield at all.

On the Tianjiao battlefield, in addition to the Tianjiao from different hostile forces and the local indigenous people, the most terrifying thing is the Tianjiao battlefield after the night.

After the night, the Tianjiao battlefield will be filled with a cloud of Yin Qi, Yin Qi is mixed in the spiritual energy, and this black shadow is nothing else, it is the heroic spirit of Tianjiao who died on the battlefield that year.

Although these dead arrogances have been dead for countless years, a touch of their gods has been engraved in this side of the world, and whenever night falls, they will be revived with the overwhelming atmosphere.

These heroic spirits were already extremely powerful and powerful before they were alive, and many people are not inferior to them. After these people die, even if they become heroic spirits, it is very difficult to deal with.

The most important thing is that a touch of their gods is imprinted in this side of the world, even if they are punched to death, they can be revived with the help of Yin Qi. It can be said that, to a certain extent, they are immortal bodies.

And if people like them can't escape the chasing of these heroic spirits and eventually die here, then their final result will be reduced to one of these heroic spirits, tirelessly chasing and killing those patriots who come in from the outside.

It doesn't even need to be driven, just the strong blood of these arrogants is already a gluttonous feast for these heroic spirits.

Some of these powerful heroes swallowed the blood of the later Tianjiao, and their strength suddenly changed, becoming stronger and stronger, and even able to get rid of the shackles of the night, appearing in the day, this is the most terrifying.

So no matter how they kill, they will feel that these heroic spirits are killing more and more, and even an endless feeling, they can't keep up with the speed at which these heroic spirits emerge.

This Tianjiao battlefield does not know how many young people have appeared, and how many Tianjiao died among them is not counted.

And these tianjiao all turned into heroic spirits, in the dark night, they began to reconsolidate the shape of the previous life, and began to treat the later tianjiao as the target of hunting.

"No, we must find a city to stay as soon as possible, otherwise, we will all die!"

Zi Buyu yelled, and his whole body turned into a sea of ​​purple thunder, and countless heroes approaching were bombarded and killed in the first place.

However, not long after being bombarded and killed, it was condensed again under the nourishment of Yin Qi.

It is almost endless, there is no way to kill it.

It's just that these people are trapped here at this time, and it is almost impossible for them to move. They can only make a way out among the more and more heroic spirits, but the speed of movement is too slow.

Even with the strength of the mana of these people, they could feel some signs of not supporting them. They claim that their mana is boundless, but after all, they are not boundless, but counted.

Even while taking the pills that restore mana, there is no way to keep up with this astonishing consumption.

Facing the heroic spirits of these predecessors Tianjiao, none of these people dared to relax at all, and one after another showed their trump cards at the bottom of the box.

Normally, ordinary people have no chance to see it at all, but they can see it at this time. It is conceivable that these arrogances have been driven to ruin.

In this long night, we must make a **** road for life and persist until dawn.

"Too many, we can't go at all!"

Hu Qingxuan said quickly, the red sleeves in her hands were already numb.

Suddenly, just when the few people were about to despair, they clearly saw the light shining in the sky in the distance.

"It's saved, let's move on there quickly!"

Meng Potian said quickly. Several people looked at it one after another. As expected, there was light in the distance. In the dark night where no fingers could be seen, it means that someone was there.

Without thinking about it, a few people crossed the sky, pierced through the Tianjiao heroic spirit who had directly chased them, and finally came to this place of light after almost the mana was consumed.

Then they saw something that almost surprised them.

It was in a desert. A pile of firewood was ignited in the cold wind. When the infinite cold wind blew through the pile of firewood, it turned into awe-inspiring, not only did it fail to burn the flames on the pile of firewood. Extinguished, it turned into awe-inspiring, and became a boost to the burning of this pile of firewood.

Beside this pile of firewood, a man in Tsing Yi sat cross-legged, surrounded by countless heroes, this man in Tsing Yi was actually sitting and practicing.

Everyone saw this scene, as if they had seen a ghost.

In the night under the dominion of this terrifying heroic spirit, almost everyone is struggling to survive ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Even these powerful arrogants who are calling for the wind and rain outside, are very embarrassed under the siege of these heroic spirits.

And not far from him, a black-scaled one-horned eagle about the size of a person was releasing a terrifying aura, like a sea of ​​blood, sweeping towards a figure in front of him.

In front of him, that was a man who looked like more than 30 years old, he was dressed in an extremely simple and elegant manner, with an ancient aura.

This man in his thirties holds a halberd and possesses great power in every move. This man is different from ordinary heroes.

Ordinary heroic spirits are illusory, and the aura on their bodies is also messy.

The face of this heroic spirit is sharp and angular, it can be seen that it is a human face, exactly what this heroic spirit looked like before his death.

A gray-white chain mail with the monstrous Yin Qi, and even if his strength is not as good as he was alive, it is not much worse.

This heroic spirit wearing chain mail carried a halberd, and constantly attacked the black-scaled unicorn eagle in front of him, trying to defeat this black-scaled unicorn eagle, and even kill the people behind the black-scale unicorn.

However, he couldn't help this black-scaled one-horned eagle.

This black-scaled one-horned eagle has a realm in the middle of the sky, and it constantly blocks his attacks. All of his attacks can't work, and even the flames on the pile of firewood can't be extinguished.

A look of greed flashed in his eyes, looking at the black-scaled unicorn eagle and the unknown man.

Instinct urged him to come here. He had swallowed the flesh and blood of some Tianjiao before, but he recovered some of his sanity and strength.

At this time, he had a hunch that as long as he could eat that man, his skills would be restored to the peak of his previous life.

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