I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2088: Every night, every day has something to gain

Chu Yunfan glanced at Hu Qingxuan and thought it was a bit interesting. He once heard that there is a special heavenly skill among the Tianhu clan. After successful cultivation, it will be completely different from the normal Tianhu clan Humei.

This is also the ultimate technique among the Tianhu clan, and only those with the purest bloodline are qualified to practice.

Obviously, Hu Qingxuan should have practiced this heavenly skill, so he was completely different from other masters of the Tianhu clan.

"Since we met, we are destined, and the left and the right are just playing the lead, not enough!" Chu Yunfan smiled slightly.

Everyone looked at Chu Yunfan, who was very relaxed, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

With Chu Yunfan's continuous shots, a safe zone was formed, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then they also began to take actions to kill the celestial heroic spirits that came continuously.

Chu Yunfan was surprised to find that it seemed that it wasn't just that he knew the secret that could absorb Yin Qi. Whether it was Yang Dengxian, Hu Qingxuan, or Meng Potian, Meng Tianren, Zibuyu and others, they all knew this secret.

After killing one of the heroic spirits, they began to absorb the remaining Yin Qi. The Yin Qi that condensed the heroic spirits was many times purer than ordinary Yin Qi, and the energy level was much higher.

Can save countless troubles!

Obviously they all knew this secret, but immediately Chu Yunfan was relieved. This secret should be said to be a secret only to Chu Yunfan. It is not the first time that the Tianjiao battlefield has been opened. In countless years of history, I don't know how many times it has been opened, and there are countless Tianjiao who have entered it. If no one has discovered this, it is a big joke.

Each of these people has extremely deep roots and feet. They entered the Tianjiao battlefield, even if they had already obtained the information accumulated in the sect in the past, it is much better than Chu Yunfan who doesn't know anything. .

Originally, Chu Yunfan should have been treated like this, but because of Jun Tianci, he didn't want to restore his identity for the time being, so he could only walk in another identity.

However, although Yang Dengxian and others knew the same, their absorption efficiency was far worse than that of Chu Yunfan.

These yin qi is pure and pure, and the same is also extremely cold. Even if a martial artist in the good fortune realm, inhale it in one breath, the whole body will be frozen, even if it is as strong as they have already entered the heaven realm, in The world can be regarded as a master.

However, it is still necessary to carefully absorb the mass of Yin Qi, and it takes only a quarter of an hour to absorb the mass of Yin Qi.

But Chu Yunfan is different. After dispersing those heroic spirits on the spot, he can immediately absorb them for his own use. In a short time, he can completely absorb and convert them for his own use. The efficiency of light is more than twenty times higher than that of them. .

Moreover, Chu Yunfan can also absorb several yin energy at the same time, and this efficiency is even more amazing.

The crowd did not speak with great tacit understanding, and began to work hand in hand to kill the endless and endless heroic spirits, while increasing their cultivation.

Time is like being pressed by the fast forward button, and everyone does not feel the passage of time. The night has disappeared, and the yin and heroic spirits that permeated the sky and the earth quietly receded.

Only a messy scene was left.

Except for Chu Yunfan, Yang Dengxian and others were somewhat embarrassed, no longer the kind of unrestrainedness when they were outside.

However, they didn't think there was anything. Compared to those who were chased and killed in the first half of the night, they were like a bereaved dog. In the second half of the night, they continued to kill the heroic spirits and absorbed the Yin Qi to enhance their own cultivation.

Everyone can feel that their own cultivation base has been greatly improved, which is almost the same as the effect of a month of hard cultivation in the outside world.

This was just one night, and there was such a great harvest, it is no wonder that countless seniors have to find ways to enter the battlefield of Tianjiao.

The gap between those who cannot enter the battlefield of Tianjiao and those who can enter the battlefield of Tianjiao will be widened by a geometric multiple.

Although this was because Chu Yunfan escorted them, they didn't have to think about being caught off guard by countless heroes, but such a great harvest still surprised them.

And in front of Chu Yunfan, the halberd-holding heroic spirit that was originally nailed to the ground was also dissipated as the night fell, and then turned into a cloud of black smoke and dissipated in front of everyone.

Chu Yunfan grabbed the pure Yin Qi that was about to dissipate, and swallowed the cloud of Yin Qi in one bite. After a while, the cloud of Yin Qi had been digested, and his own cultivation level had also improved. cut.

This halberd heroic spirit is obviously much higher than the ordinary heroic spirit without will, and the Yin Qi is more pure.

Yang Dengxian and the others were stunned. Although they knew it for a long time, they had to admit that Chu Yunfan easily absorbed the yin energy that he and the others might take more than an hour to absorb~www.ltnovel.com~. There are still abnormalities in the world.

"It's no wonder that I dare to challenge the monster like Jun Tianci, this is also a monster!" This thought came to everyone's mind.

"Thanks to Brother Dao's help last night, I am very ashamed. I haven't asked Brother Dao's name yet, and I will report it in the future!"

At this moment, Yang Dengxian stepped forward and said.

"Next, Jian Wuchen!" Chu Yunfan reported a name casually.

Everyone didn't know if the name was true or false, but they all remembered the name in their hearts. They had a hunch that the name would definitely be famous all over the world.

"I don't know if Brother Dao has a purpose, if not, you can go to the nearby city with me, don't know what you want?" Yang Dengxian said. "In this case, there will be a caregiver on the road!"

Chu Yunfan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Well, let's go to the nearby city together!"

Seeing that Chu Yunfan had already agreed, everyone immediately stopped hesitating and set up a fledgling light. After a while, there was no one in this messy place.

The sun rose in the east, and the sun shone on the entire city, and a city with about tens of thousands of people appeared in front of Chu Yunfan and the others.

After entering the city, Chu Yunfan separated from Yang Dengxian and the others. Instead of staying with them, he stayed at an inn with quaint decorations in the city.

The whole inn is decorated in a simple style, and I don't know when it was built. The style is very different from that of today's inn.

Nowadays, in this inn, there are already crowds of people, and they are all masters of one party, and the last ones are the existence of good luck realm level, and there are even masters of small heaven level among them.

It is a rare scene in the outside world, but here it is a harmonious scene. Find this site to search for \"CM\" or enter the URL:.

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