I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2089: Not in the past, the heroes shine

Because of the large number of masters, even the masters of the small heavenly ranks did not dare to be presumptuous, they were all condensing their breath.

Especially the natives on the battlefield of Tianjiao understand that in the years when the battlefield of Tianjiao was opened, these foreign masters were the most terrifying existence.

These foreign masters are not the top tianjiao in the world, or the top tianjiao in a certain era in history. Anyone who grows up can become a world-shattering big man.

Even if I haven't grown up now, I don't allow others to be humiliated.

"How many heroic spirits did you kill last night? I killed two, but unfortunately, only one of them was absorbed, and the remaining one was gone before it was absorbed!"

"I have absorbed two regiments, and the cultivation base has increased by at least 10%!"

"On yesterday's battlefield, the strongest ones are indeed the foreign arrogances. The secrets of all ages, races, and sects can be seen!"

In the lobby, many people talked about it, but basically they were discussing how many heroic spirits they had killed when night fell last night.

However, based on their cultivation base, the efficiency of killing heroic spirits is not as good as that of Yang Dengxian and others who were looked down upon by Chu Yunfan. The most powerful thing in the whole night was only to absorb three or five groups of yin energy. It took a whole night to absorb a cloud of yin.

However, the cultivation base of these people has also increased somewhat.

"At that time, 100,000 Tianjiao all entered the battlefield of Tianjiao. It has been several years now, and the winners and losses have been divided between each other. Some Tianjiao have come to the fore. It is a cruel fight. Almost every day, I will hear about it. The arrogance of an era has fallen!"

"No, here, even Tianjiao is just like grass and mustard, and ordinary people are even more like ants!"

"It was not speculated before that the Tianjiao battlefield is actually a battlefield for raising Gu. Only those who stand out from the cruelest fighting among them can embark on the final path to becoming a god!"

Chu Yunfan stopped and listened carefully. Although many of these people's guesses were made, it is undeniable that there are many truths hidden in these discussions.

What these people say is not unreasonable.

The setting of the entire Tianjiao battlefield is very strange. Only the masters who are not old and who are at the level of the battlefield of the king are allowed to go. Once they exceed this age, they will be driven out immediately.

"No, there are already many people in this world whose cultivation base has reached the peak, but they have stopped their cultivation, and they are unwilling to exceed the upper limit of the Tianjiao battlefield. These talents are the most terrifying. The most terrifying monsters in the world are also from the ancients. In the age, the cultivation of a body has become more amazing!"

Chu Yunfan heard another vital message. On the battlefield of Tianjiao, it seemed that it was not only the age, but also the restriction on the cultivation base. Once a certain cultivation base was exceeded, I am afraid that he would immediately be met by the Tianjiao battlefield. Of exclusion.

And many ancient Tianjiao, in order to obtain the qualifications to enter the Tianjiao battlefield, at the same time chose to limit their own cultivation base and stay in a state of absolute peak.

On the battlefield, there is almost invincible existence!

This group of people should be the real dominators and invincible existences on the entire Tianjiao battlefield.

It's just that they don't know how much their cultivation level is restricted, Chu Yunfan secretly thought!

This is the most beneficial information for Chu Yunfan, who is chasing latecomers, even though he has accumulated years of skill, in the same realm, he is almost invincible.

But Chu Yunfan was not afraid. These ancient arrogances were terrifying, but he was even more terrifying and fierce.

Give him enough time, even these ancient Tianjiao can be killed one by one to show you.

"But fortunately, these people are basically waiting for any opportunities in the most core area, and the idle situation will not appear easily, otherwise, the entire battlefield will be controlled by them, and we are not qualified to compete with these old monsters for resources!"

"Competing for resources? Haha, these are all good things to say, but in fact they don't bother to compete for these resources with us! What we are fighting for is just what they look down on and what is left!"

"You have always said that ancient Tianjiao was terrible. I can't see it. Our current Tianjiao also has an incredible existence. Do you remember Jun Tianci? When Jun Tianci entered the battlefield of Tianjiao a few years ago, it was amazing!"

Someone suddenly mentioned a name, which caused Chu Yunfan's spirit to be shocked instantly, and that person was naturally the Gods gift that Chu Yunfan would never forget.

"Of course I remember, too strong. When he entered the battlefield of Tianjiao, he was already able to compete with most ancient Tianjiao. Although he is not ancient Tianjiao, he is no better than those in terms of his cultivation age~www.ltnovel.com~ The ancient Tianjiao is worse, and I heard that his physique is also extraordinary, and he can compete with the ancient Tianjiao without losing the wind!"

"Contend against the ancient Tianjiao without letting the wind fall? It's far more than that. After he came in, how many people were killed by the ancient Tianjiao alone, and even said that the ancient Tianjiao should be better than the ancient Tianjiao. Do you remember this?"

Someone mentioned this matter, and it immediately resonated with many people, and they spoke out one after another.

"How could I forget that there was a sensation a few years ago, and it is said that it had caused dissatisfaction with some ancient top Tianjiao. If it weren't for their Tianming Sect in the Tianjiao battlefield, there were several ancient Tianjiao big figures who came out to cover him, I'm afraid A big battle is inevitable!"

"However, he still needed the protection of some seniors in the Destiny Sect back then. Now he is the leader of a party and has created an alliance. He does not even participate in the alliance established by the Destiny Sect Tianjiao. It is said that he has also caused many of those Destiny Sect Tianjiao. Dissatisfaction!"

Everyone talked about it, even if someone like Jun Tianci came to the battlefield of Tianjiao, he was the most memorable hero.

Just as Chu Yunfan was thinking about how to deal with Jun Tianci, suddenly, someone mentioned a name that made Chu Yunfan instantly shocked.

"Jun Tianci said that ancient times are not present. I think there is a bit of truth. Apart from him, the most powerful person in the world should be Tang Siyu, Gushe princess. Her age is much younger than Jun Tianci. , But they have been extremely strong in the past few years. It is said that she has a grudge with Jun Tianci and chased Jun Tianci all the way into the Tianjiao battlefield!"

"Speaking of Princess Gushe, have you forgotten? There is another Princess Gushe in the world, and that one is not something to provoke. Now that the titles of the two overlap, she has also let it go. There can only be one Gushe Princess!"

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