I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2090: 2 tigers fight, there must be 1 injury

"That's true, another Gushe princess is also a powerful character!"

Among the people's discussion, Chu Yunfan realized that there was not only one Gushe County Lord. In the ancient times before the establishment of the Daxia Dynasty, there were people who were named Gushe County Lord in a dynasty.

In that era, the Gushe princess also suppressed an era, which can be said to be a genius who has surprised an era.

Even the origin of the title of Tang Siyu's Gushe princess is related to this!

There should have been countless eras between the two, and it should have been impossible to have a chance to meet, but now with the opening of the Tianjiao battlefield, the two who should have been impossible to meet have met in this era.

Two tigers fight, there must be one injury!

What's more, these arrogant Tianjiao, the two share the same title, and naturally must decide a victory or defeat. Only the winner is eligible to continue to use the title of Gushe County Lord.

And the other person will inevitably have to leave and give up this title.

Through these people's discussions, Chu Yunfan finally got a clear picture of the situation on the Tianjiao battlefield.

Although these arrogances are all the arrogant children of all ages, they are also among the top ten and the top twenty among the younger generation in that era at the time.

It can be said that it is good, it can almost be said that the essence of each era is gathered in this era.

However, there are also differences among the proud of these heavens. I don't know when they started to form alliances. Different sects, different eras, and different races have divided alliances.

And the rest of the people who are not enough to create alliances on their own have joined these alliances.

Some of these alliances of scale and great momentum can even affect the situation on the entire Tianjiao battlefield.

Jun Tianci's original alliance was the Destiny Sect Alliance, and the few people who took the lead in the Destiny Sect Alliance were all the peerless Tianjiao who had amazing the age of the Destiny Sect through the ages.

Relying on self-appointed means, survived to this world, headed by them, coupled with the alliance formed by the peerless Tianjiao among the affiliated sects of the Tianming Sect, is now a behemoth that is numbered on the entire Tianjiao battlefield.

But Jun Tianci seemed to have left this alliance a while ago and created an alliance and became the leader of the alliance.

It is conceivable that Jun Tianci's ambition is not just to follow the ancient Tianjiao of the Tianming Sect and become an echo bug of them.

But to make a statement in the contemporary era.

Chu Yunfan can naturally understand Jun Tianci's thoughts, even if these are ancient Tianjiao who are countless years older than them, many people live in an age that is much longer than the time when the Great Xia Dynasty was established.

However, as far as the years of practice are concerned, although there is a gap between them, they can be regarded as equal. Why these ancient tianjiaos can surpass their modern tianjiao.

What Jun Tianci said is the truth in ancient times!

Although the ancients have created an extremely splendid civilization, it does not mean that modern people are necessarily inferior to ancient masters. The Great Xia Dynasty has established a country for countless years, and martial arts have multiplied an extremely splendid civilization, which is no less than ancient civilization.

However, these alliances on the Tianjiao battlefield are basically in the core area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield, and some are in the central area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield.

Only a few members walk in the outer area!

Soon, Chu Yunfan had made up his mind. Now he is in the dark, and Jun Tianci is in the light. Jun Tianci still doesn’t know what Chu Yunfan has recovered. Even in Jun Tianci’s eyes, it’s probably more than ten years. The former Chu Yunfan was already dead.

And this is his biggest advantage!

Nowadays, with Chu Yunfan's strength, it is still difficult to compare with Jun Tianci. Based on the content that everyone has just discussed, Chu Yunfan can even calculate some, I am afraid Jun Tianci is already a master of the great heaven rank.

This is not surprising to Chu Yunfan. Ten years ago, Jun Tianci’s cultivation base had already entered the middle of heaven, let alone now, he has been on the battlefield of Tianjiao for several years. It's a matter of course to make an earth-shaking change.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan had to start with the alliance against Jun Tianci. Jun Tianci created an alliance called Junmeng, which means the alliance of the king over the world, and his ambition can be seen from this.

If you want to deal with Jun Tianci, you must first dismantle the alliance that made Jun Tianci his arm.

Just when Chu Yunfan was thinking about how to deal with this Jun League to make Jun Tianci hurt his muscles and bones.

An invitation was handed to Chu Yunfan, who was in the inn, who was planning how to deal with the Jun League.

"An ordinary party?" Chu Yunfan looked at the hot gold text on the invitation.

This gathering was initiated by Yang Dengxian~www.ltnovel.com~Meng Potian, Meng Tianren, Hu Qingxuan, Zibuyu and others, aiming to give Tianjiao of the same generation a chance to communicate.

But of course Chu Yunfan would not believe it. This is just a gathering to find the usual. Whether Yang Dengxian, or Meng Potian, Meng Tianren, Hu Qingxuan, or Zibuyu, etc., although the cultivation level is not high, but Undoubtedly, they are the treasures of the major forces. It can be said that this era will depend on their peerless talents to support them.

"No matter what, you'll know if you go to see it!" Chu Yunfan followed what was said in this post and came to a huge mountain peak near the city wall to the south of the city.

Inside the mountain peaks, strange stones are spread out, although not too high, but there is a feeling of immortality enveloping.

On this mountain peak, a small manor appeared in front of Chu Yunfan. The whole manor looked quiet, but it was full of vitality, which can be said to be a model of restrained luxury.

When Chu Yunfan came to this manor, someone soon came out to greet him, but who was it if he was not Yang Dengxian.

Compared with the previous embarrassment, Yang Dengxian at this time seemed to be truly energetic. He saw Chu Yunfan and suddenly smiled on his face, saying: "It's really Brother Jian. Brilliant!"

Yang Dengxian smiled genially, and he seemed to have the feeling of a sunny boy, and he felt like a spring breeze in dealing with others.

This is naturally the result of his training for many years as a candidate for the head.

"Brother Yang is polite!" Chu Yunfan said with a smile.

"Brother Jian, please come with me, this is not a place to talk!"

Yang Dengxian led Chu Yunfan into the villa, when Chu Yunfan saw many familiar figures. Find this site to search for \"CM\" or enter the URL:.

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