I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2114: Huangfu Longhao, the leader of Feixian League

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But the Jun League and the Heaven's Mandate League, who originally thought that Chu Yunfan had died, were furious. It can be said that this was a shame for them.

I thought that Chu Yunfan was already dead, so that's it. Who ever thought that Chu Yunfan was not dead.

For them, this was simply a slap in the face. Although they didn't know how Chu Yunfan survived, it was almost immediately, and the Jun League and the Heavenly Mandate League took action.

Searching around for Chu Yunfan's whereabouts, but in the past six months, Chu Yunfan has been cultivating hard in the picture of mountains and rivers, and has not appeared outside, so even if several alliances have turned the entire periphery of the Tianjiao battlefield upside down.

However, he did not find any whereabouts of Chu Yunfan.

In fact, it is far more than just the Jun League, the Destiny League, and the Evil Dao League that are looking for Chu Yunfan's whereabouts. In fact, there are many alliances that are interested in Chu Yunfan.

Some are greedy for rewards, while others want to win over Chu Yunfan. Many forces are interested in this strong man who has no clear affiliation.

However, after half a year of searching, none of them could find Chu Yunfan's whereabouts. So far, even the stupid person understood that Chu Yunfan must have special concealment skills.

There are even ways to isolate the calculations of other forces. Some forces are like Tianji Pavilion, but they actually have a strong ability to calculate. It is impossible for ordinary people to avoid the calculations of Tianji Pavilion without any means.

But this time, the Heavenly Fate League and the Jun League found the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, and there was no way to find Chu Yunfan’s whereabouts. It seemed that all the information about Chu Yunfan was covered by layers of mist. Impossible to be estimated by people.

Forced calculations can only be countered by heavenly secrets.

But even so, in the past six months, the Heavenly Mandate League and the Jun League have not given up searching for Chu Yunfan, and even mobilized many indigenous forces, and the forces originally hidden among the indigenous people have been passively used.

But even so, nothing is known.

The only Xue Wuji who knew Chu Yunfan's whereabouts did not spread the news for various reasons, and seemed to want to take Chu Yunfan's head alone in exchange for the reward.

Who would have thought that in just six months, Chu Yunfan's strength had undergone earth-shaking changes, not only surpassed him, but also possessed the ability to easily kill him, turning the situation around in one fell swoop.

However, Chu Yunfan also heard a very interesting thing. Just two months ago, the Star Breaker who was originally responsible for chasing and killing Chu Yunfan was severely injured.

To put it simply, he was killed by someone at the resident of Junmeng, and he was severely injured in one fell swoop. After the severe injury, he drifted away.

A person's name entered Chu Yunfan's ears, Huangfu Longhao!

The supreme arrogant arrogant of the Fei Xian Sect and the leader of the Fei Xian League, Huangfu Longhao!

With Huangfu Longhao's amazing shot this time, many news about Huangfu Longhao began to spread around the Tianjiao battlefield.

That was the peerless genius of Fei Xianzong thousands of years ago. When he was alive, several generations of Tianjiao couldn't breathe.

Since he was born, he has been different from ordinary people. The vision of the sky has alarmed a passing elder of the Flying Fairy Sect. Since that time, the Flying Fairy Sect has been shut down-->>

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