I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2115: Beheaded once

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Chapter 2115: Beheaded and Killed at One Time (Page 1/1)

"But Jun Tianci seems to know this too, so he has avoided Huangfu Longhao many times. He is obviously fighting for time to grow. After all, his practice years are much shorter than that of Huangfu Longhao, even if his talent is not lower. Yu Huangfu Longhao also needs time to grow up!"

"The battle between these big forces is really terrible. They are targeting each other's talented geniuses. Jun Tianci relied on his own practice years to surpass that of Chu Yunfan, so he attacked and killed Chu Yunfan. Now Huangfu Longhao It's also aimed at Jun Tianci several times!"

"The two sides still have control outside. On the Tianjiao battlefield, the grievances between the two sides have completely erupted, and no one can control them at all!"

"But I heard that Jun Tianci still didn't show up, even though Po Xingzi was severely injured, but according to Jun Tianci, he is in retreat. When he leaves the customs again, his supernatural power will be accomplished and he can compete against Huangfu Longhao!"

For a while, all kinds of information flooded into Chu Yunfan's ears.

Especially the affairs of Huangfu Longhao made Chu Yunfan's eyes brighter. He didn't expect that there was such a powerful Tianjiao in the Flying Immortal Sect, far better than Yang Dengxian and others.

He is a peerless figure who can compete with many Tianjiao on the battlefield of Tianjiao, almost invincible.

Even Chu Yunfan was a little fascinated, and wanted to meet such a character.

"But I’m afraid Huangfu Longhao doesn’t have much time to control the emperor’s destiny. After all, the Destiny League is not a dead person. Huangfu Longhao is so against the emperor’s destiny. Looking at it like this, according to the fact that the leader of the Destiny Alliance has set out to find Huangfu Longhao's troubles, I am afraid it will be another series of battles. I am afraid that the two giants of the Destiny Alliance and the Feixian Alliance will have to fight again!"

"But what is really interesting is the battle between the two Gushe princesses. In the past six months, the two Gushe princesses have fought three battles, one more fierce than one, and one more cruel than the other! "

"Yes, in the first game, I was there. I saw Gu Gushe princess seriously injured Tang Siyu and almost killed Tang Siyu!"

"The gap between the two parties is still obvious. After all, Tang Siyu's cultivation years are less than half that of the Gu Gushe princess. It is normal for the two sides to have such a big gap!"

"But by the time of the second game, Tang Siyu has the power to protect himself, and his strength can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Although he is still invincible, it is not as dangerous as the first time!"

"According to the third game is the most exciting. Princess Jin Gushe and his followers set up a game against Tang Siyu and introduced her into it, but she noticed that it was wrong, and after killing a master, she drove away. !"

And in it, the news about Tang Siyu was quickly collected by Chu Yunfan, let him know the situation of Tang Siyu in the past six months.

Tang Siyu entered the Tianjiao battlefield in order to avenge Chu Yunfan. The goal was to kill Jun Tianci. Who knew that he also encountered an unworldly enemy. For the title of Gushe County Lord, he fought three life and death battles.

From the first serious injury and dying, to finally able to easily break through the encirclement, it is obvious that Tang Siyu has used this battle in the past six months to complete a huge transformation, otherwise, it would not be so easy.

However, as time goes by, the battle between the two sides will only become more and more fierce. In the last half year, they have fought three times in just half a year. It is conceivable that Princess Gu She might have lost all patience and wants to get rid of it. Tang Siyu.


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