I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2116: Hunyuan Zhuxian Array, the heroes gather

Before he entered the middle of the Tianjiao battlefield, he killed them on the spot once.

The middle part of the Tianjiao battlefield is the real Tianjiao battlefield. The environment is worse than the outside. I don’t know how bad the environment is. On the periphery of the Tianjiao battlefield, there are a large number of cities where indigenous people gather. Naturally, there is no so-called battlefield anymore.

Because there are battlefields everywhere!

No master at the ordinary small heaven level will enter it, because that is seeking a dead end!

It was a world of complete controversy!

Hunyuan Zhuxian Great Array!

Such a term flashed in Chu Yunfan's mind, and now, I am afraid that not many people have ever heard of this formation.

However, in the ancient years, this formation used to be thunderous, because this Hunyuan Zhuxian Great Formation was once a peerless great formation that swept the world by the Emperor Formation.

From the memory of Emperor Dan, Chu Yunfan knew that this peerless great formation once killed more than ten emperors in one go. It was a brilliant record and was known as one of the three fierce formations in the ancient years.

The formation emperor relied on this formation to become famous overnight, let everyone know his fierce and powerful, before that, the formation emperor was almost the same as the pill emperor, and they all relied on the auxiliary road to prove the way.

In the eyes of many people, even though the understanding of various avenues will be improved simultaneously after preaching the Dao, there is still a gap in the battle.

But this battle also made everyone realize that even though the emperor's combat power can only be regarded as the bottom in the front, it is still extremely terrifying once it is played properly.

The battle that killed ten emperors in World War I was extremely shocking.

Later, this formation diagram was transferred to the hands of Emperor Peerless, and it was recorded into the Emperor's Battle.

Of course, with Chu Yunfan's understanding of the formation method, it is impossible to set up a complete Hunyuan Zhuxian Great Formation, and it is even more wishful thinking to slay ten emperors.

After Chu Yunfan's knowledge of the formation was compared with that of the formation emperor, there was a difference of tens of thousands of miles. What's more, such formations could of course not grow naturally in the heavens and the earth.

It needs to be put out at a great price. The various heavenly materials and the treasures used in it, the complete Hunyuan Zhuxian Great Formation, are just enough to ruin Chu Yunfan's family.

However, even if it is a weakened, simplified version, if you want to kill so many masters, the resources required are still astronomical.

Fortunately, Chu Yunfan recently ransacked the four alliance sites. Among them, the spirit stones have been consumed by Chu Yunfan, but all the treasures of heaven, material and earth were eaten as food by Chu Yunfan. All of them are left well.

It was enough for Chu Yunfan to arrange a Hunyuan Zhuxian Great Formation that was weakened many times.

After making the decision, Chu Yunfan immediately began to look for places to arrange formations. Not all places can be deployed. Formidable formations can be deployed at will. Chu Yunfan has not yet reached such a realm. Not to mention the complexity of the Hunyuan Zhuxian Array, it is almost impossible to arrange it in an instant.

Only with the help of geographical advantages can the power of this formation be fully displayed.

And as Chu Yunfan began not to conceal the appearance of his actions, everyone on the Tianjiao battlefield knew that Chu Yunfan, who disappeared half a year ago, had reappeared.

The four major forces that had been looking for him, especially the Jun League, the Heavenly Fate League, the Blood-clothed Tower, and the Evil Dao Alliance, were crazy and began to frantically pursue the whereabouts of Chu Yunfan.

And Chu Yunfan appeared from time to time, but soon disappeared again, directly restraining the masters of the major forces and running away.

But even so, the major forces under the anger did not let Chu Yunfan go. On the contrary, they mobilized more masters to station on the outskirts of the Tianjiao battlefield.

It is not the first time that these forces have entered the Tianjiao battlefield, and none of the major Tianjiao has entered the Tianjiao battlefield for the first time, and they have laid a lot of foreshadowing among the natives of the Tianjiao battlefield.

Many aborigines in the Tianjiao battlefield are obeyed by these Tianjiao, and some are even the descendants of these Tianjiao. It is only because these Tianjiao have been proclaimed for many years that they will be with their descendants countless years later.

These forces are hidden on weekdays and will not be mobilized until the time comes. However, at this critical time, no one has any more scruples, and all the hidden lines are used.

Many people are amazed at the depth of hiding of these big forces. Usually it seems that the alliance members of these big forces are actually not too many. After all, the members who can join these alliances are not the once famous tianjiao, or among the indigenous masters. Of course, there are not too many outstanding people like Po Xingzi~www.ltnovel.com~, but when these alliances are really launched, their power is so amazing.

As these alliances made their best efforts, more and more masters appeared, and more and more natives joined the ranks of searching for Chu Yunfan.

Not to mention that several major alliances jointly offered a high price of 5 million high-grade spirit stones in order to find the whereabouts of Chu Yunfan.

It is conceivable how crazy everyone on the entire Tianjiao battlefield is.

"The Junmeng is a big deal this time. It is said that the five million high-grade spirit stones offered by the Junmeng family have undertaken 3 million high-grade spirit stones!"

"No, this Jian Wuchen can be considered a hornet's nest, and I don't know what he thinks. He is alone and widowed, and he dares to offend so many powerful alliances!"

"Someone saw the Evil Prince of the Evil Dao Alliance on the outer battlefield. That figure is said to be a character on the central battlefield. Now he has returned to the outer battlefield in person. Such a handwriting is not uncommon. !"

"Prince Tianxie, I have heard of him, he is a great master of the great heavenly position, he is famous on the battlefield in the middle part, and many princes are hung under his feet and become his followers!"

"I saw with my own eyes that outside the Destiny Alliance’s station yesterday, someone rode a Pegasus into the Destiny Alliance’s station. According to rumors, it was not someone else. It was the supreme arrogant goddess in the Destiny Alliance who was once in force ten thousand years ago. , The Tianmahou who made great fame for the Great Xia Dynasty, did not expect even him to be alarmed this time!"

"The Blood-Clothed House still doesn't know what kind of characters it has sent. The Blood-Clothed House has always been low-key. Apart from themselves, who can know what kind of characters they have sent this time, but they certainly won't be idlers!"

"This time, the sword is dust-free!"

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