I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2147: The envy, jealousy and hatred of the followers of Chu Yunfan

The faces of everyone in the city became solemn, and continued like this. If another Junior Supreme came, the defense of Chu Yunfan's followers would be able to collapse immediately, and it was impossible to stop them. . Fastest update

But even so, if it continues, the defeat of Chu Yunfan's followers is only a matter of time.

After all, they are only pseudo-juvenile supreme, not real juvenile supreme, even if they occupy an absolute advantage in number, they are not opponents at all in the face of these juvenile supreme encirclement and suppression.

The defeat is only a matter of time. Even if they are now mad and fighting with their own blood, the gap between them cannot be made up in this way.

Many people face pale, because the aftermath of the terrifying collision keeps falling into the city. Although the barriers and formations in the city have blocked most of them, they canceled most of them, but only a little residual aftermath is enough to make They felt what kind of power to destroy the world.

And in the eyes of the three top celestial arrogances of Fei Xianzong, a look of envy flashed unexpectedly. You know, as far as they know, whether it is the dragon head fierce crocodile or other followers of Chu Yunfan should have been strong. They are almost the same, even if they are better than them, they are very limited.

All in all, it can be regarded as being at the same level.

However, now, they can swing their punches at the Junior Supreme. This is something they dare not even think about. It is not a question of how high their spirits are, but the gap between them and the Junior Supreme, even at the same level. It's a world of difference.

Any Juvenile Supreme can easily sling them, before Qing Tao slinged them so easily.

But the dragon head fierce crocodile can fight against these young supreme, even if the number mountain occupies an absolute advantage, but their transformation and strength growth can be seen with the naked eye.

Obviously, this kind of transformation and breakthrough is definitely not an ordinary situation, but after following Chu Yunfan, he can only be promoted to this point after receiving Chu Yunfan's guidance and experience.

Seeing these people's breakthroughs, even their hearts began to shake a little.

Originally with their pride, it was impossible for Huangfu Longhao of the same clan to conquer them. They could cooperate with Huangfu Longhao, and even look at his horse's head, but would not lower their noble head and surrender to Huangfu Longhao to become his. Followers.

Because they are the top talents, they will be able to be crowned kings in the future. Both inheritance and resources are the top ones. Even if they surrender to Huangfu Longhao, Huangfu Longhao cannot give them more, and it is impossible for them to break through their own. limit.

But now they saw another kind of hope that they could make a breakthrough with the power of Chu Yunfan.

Now the Dragon Head Fierce Crocodile and others have just followed Chu Yunfan in less than a year and have such an astonishing transformation. If they are allowed to follow Chu Yunfan for another ten years, even if these people can compete with Juvenile Supreme in the future, they will not It would be strange.

Even their minds couldn't help but come up with an idea. If they were changed to them, the future would definitely be limitless. Perhaps it would be a good idea to be a follower of Chu Yunfan.

On the other side, Chu Hong could not help but feel extremely anxious when he saw this scene in front of him, but his face was still calm.

This kind of battle is not something he can participate in at all, and the aftermath of any battle is enough to make him deadly.

Originally, he still had the pride in his heart that was brought about by being No. 1 on the Tianjiao list. Now these prides have been completely wiped out.

In the Tianjiao battlefield, the least valuable is Tianjiao. Just being the number one on the Tianjiao list in a certain era, I don't know how many people there are. People like him must be the Tianzong wizards that everyone particularly valued outside.

But here, it is no different from the Chinese cabbage on the side of the road.

Above those Tianjiao rankings, there is also Juvenile Supreme, no matter which one can suppress several eras, it is terrible.

And his elder brother, Chu Yunfan, was fighting these evildoers and monsters, which he couldn't even imagine.

In his heart there was both the excitement of meeting Chu Yunfan again, and the worry of Chu Yunfan being besieged.

When everyone was talking about it, the battle in the sky had entered a white-hot stage. These young supreme and Chu Yunfan followers divided the entire battlefield into different sections, and different battles were all set in. Among these blocks, there is no interference with each other.

But as time passed, this battlefield was gradually shrinking, which also meant that Chu Yunfan's followers were retreating steadily. Under the attack of the Junior Supremes, they coughed up blood while retreating.

Even if they keep inspiring the fighting spirit in their hearts time and time again, there is still no way to fight these terrifying monsters.

Suddenly, at this moment, just for an instant, a blood-colored figure appeared beside Chu Yunfan.

"No, there are assassins!"

At this moment, I don’t know who yelled out. Everyone looked up, but saw that in the place where Chu Yunfan was retreating, a blood-colored figure suddenly broke in, bringing a blood-colored light toward Chu. Yun Fan's head fell fiercely.

Everyone could vaguely see that it was a **** dagger.

That **** light fast, fast, fast!

It was too fast. In an instant, the sky was torn apart as easily as paper, and then it was directly pierced into the vision of Chu Yunfan's body.

In an instant ~www.ltnovel.com~ the visions of Chu Yunfan's whole body shattered, and the visions of the sacred tree, the visions of thunder in the sky, in front of this **** blow, it didn't count at all.

Just when everyone exclaimed, even when many people didn't have time to exclaim, they saw Chu Yunfan move suddenly, and his palm was shot out in an instant, directly on top of this **** light.


There was a terrible collision, and there was a sound of gold and iron humming, and everyone only saw the blood-colored light cracking inch by inch.

Then everyone saw who this blood-colored figure was, it was a young man in a blood-colored robe, this blood-colored youth had a handsome face, but his fair skin was a bit too much, it seemed that he hadn't seen the sun for a long, long time.

He carried an extremely terrifying murderous aura, as if it was the reincarnation of the legendary killing god.

"This is..." Many people squinted their eyes, thinking back crazily, and finally someone remembered.

"This is the supreme young man who kills the gods, kill the gods!"

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