I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2148: Get out of power, kill the young supreme with one punch

After someone called out the identity of the person, everyone suddenly became a commotion, especially the face of many Tianjiao from the ancient times changed drastically, and they obviously had a good understanding of this way of killing gods.

"I didn't expect it to be the God Killer of Killing God!"

There was a Tianjiao with a shocked face, even a bit pale.

"Is this way of killing gods very powerful? It's better than the blood-clothed building?" Someone obviously didn't quite understand what kind of inheritance this way of killing gods is. It can only be seen that it should be the inheritance of the way of assassination.

It's just this kind of inheritance, and existence like the Bloody Clothes Building is not absent today, but it's not like the face of those Tianjiao in recent years when they mentioned the way of killing gods.

Of course, they are a bit afraid of the **** robe and other killing gestures, but they can't talk about the change in color.

There was a Tianjiao who sighed and said: "You don’t know what a terrifying force this killing **** was. There was a very glorious time when the entire Middle-earth Shenzhou was shrouded in killing for nearly a thousand years. Under the deterrence of Shinto!"

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a breath of air, and it was so horrible that the entire Middle-earth Divine State could be enveloped in the deterrence of Divine Slaying Dao.

I am afraid that the only thing that can be done now is the Daxia Dynasty.

Of course, the force of killing gestures to deter the world and the deterrence of the Great Xia Dynasty are two concepts, which should not be enough to compare with the Great Xia Dynasty.

But even if it was just a kind of exaggeration, it was scary enough, because a force like the Blood Robe Tower could never be described as shrouding the entire world in the terror it created.

"The killing of gods in that era can be said to be rampant and unimaginable. It even established its own headquarters in an open manner. It is not afraid of encirclement and suppression. It not only trains killers, but also has its own army to fight the world. It can be said that in that era, Killing God said that he is the number one inheritance in the world, and no one will refute it!"

Someone said with lingering fears.

Although these things looked like many years ago for the whole world, but for the self-proclaimed them, it may have happened more than ten years ago, or even decades ago, which is not far away at all.

"Later, the unbridled killing of the God-Silling Dao finally aroused the anger of all the sects at that time. Later, it was jointly encircled and suppressed by the major forces. Almost overnight, the God-Silling Dao was destroyed, and the remnants of it were also affected by the mainland The forces teamed up to chase and intercept, I guess there should still be the rest, but it should only be regarded as some remnants!"

"Among the assassins of the god-killing way in the past, only the most outstanding of them can be called the son of god-killers, and this son of god-killers is the best among them. It can be called a generation of legends. You may not Knowing that he would kill all the people on the Tianjiao list except him. If the Tianjiao list was replaced by a group of people, he would kill a group of people. In the end, no one dared to make the list. In his time, He is the only one on the list!"

When everyone heard this record of killing the **** child, they couldn't help but take a breath. It's no wonder that they can become the juvenile supreme, except for the juvenile supreme, who can do this.

Even the top Tianjiao, for example, the former Li Qianyuan could not be stronger than the remaining masters on the Tianjiao list combined.

What a monster this is!

One blow was blocked, and there was no emotional fluctuation in the Divine Killer. He seemed to have become a cold robot. In the eyes of Chu Yunfan, only the eyes were cold to the extreme, not like a living person.

He also didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would actually be able to free his hands to resist his attack when he was enlightened.


Killing the **** child secretly thought, in an instant, killing the **** child already had an idea, and wanted to flee thousands of miles away.

One blow failed to kill Chu Yunfan, and the best opportunity had already been lost. The only way to go was to go away first and wait for the good opportunity.

But what he never expected was that Chu Yunfan moved suddenly and shouted, "Kill!"

But seeing that, Chu Yunfan suddenly closed his fist to his abdomen, and then blasted out with a punch.

There is nothing fancy about this punch, only a dignified punch.

But just this punch made God Killer lose his mind in an instant, as if it could smash the entire sky at once.

What a punch this is, it's too horrible!


God Killer flees into the void almost instantaneously.

Seeing that the figure of the God of Slaughter disappeared without a trace, but Chu Yunfan's fist seemed to grow eyes, but the fist smashed the void, and the figure of the God of Slaughter reappeared.

Killing the Godzi didn't expect that his concealment method would have no effect in front of Chu Yunfan, and he could only turn over and point out.

This instruction brought out a monstrous sea of ​​blood, and the wailing of countless souls in the sea of ​​blood shook the entire city.

Everyone can see that the unjust soul in this sea of ​​blood is not evolved from the martial art mood, but the real unjust soul. In my heart, how many people did this **** killer kill before he can condense the unjust soul for so many years. .

In the sea of ​​blood, countless souls roared and floated out, in groups, and flew towards Chu Yunfan.

These unjust souls were enemies or opponents of the slaying gods before their deaths, and many of them were on the list of Tianjiao who once dominated.

But how sad it is to be driven by his own enemy after death.


Chu Yunfan swept out with this fist, evaporating these grievances in an instant, and then his fist strength swept out with lightning speed, no one could resist.

This fist hit the god-killing son directly!


The defensive inner armor worn by the god-killer was shattered by Chu Yunfan with a punch ~www.ltnovel.com~ The whole body was pierced in an instant.

God Killer's body was struggling frantically, and his eyes flashed with a completely incredible expression. He has been horizontally for several times and crushed the God Killer of Tianjiao for several times. He actually died here before he had never heard In the hands of people who have passed.

"I'm not reconciled!"

The God of Killer roared, his body gradually stiffened, and the vitality in his body passed wildly.

A moment later, he died tragically, his body fell from the midair, and a large hand that was transformed by Chu Yunfan into the space of the mountain and river map.

All this is long to say, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye, and the two sides have already decided the victory or defeat.

"How could this happen? The strength of Killing God Child is definitely not under Qing Tao. Chu Yunfan also spent a lot of hands and feet in defeating Qing Tao. How can he kill God Child with only one move?" Looking at this scene in front of me.

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