I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2024: 1 punch to kill the sky-swallowing rat

Just as everyone was shocked, a figure slowly walked out of Zhenyuanhou's Mansion. Everyone in the city looked intently, but who was this person not Chu Yunfan.

"Chu Yunfan, you are finally willing to come out. Don't you want to be a turtle?" Zhang Shushu showed a cruel smile on his face. He wanted to swallow the whole city in one bite to force Chu Yunfan out. .

Now as he wished, Chu Yunfan was forced out by him!

With Chu Yunfan’s strength, although they don’t take it seriously, they have to admit that Chu Yunfan still has the ability to protect himself. If Chu Yunfan wants to escape, they want to catch Chu Yunfan. It's not that easy.

What's the point of slaughtering all the people in the city at that time.

In their eyes, a million lives in the city are not as valuable as one life in Chu Yunfan.

There was a somewhat mocking smile on his face, and it was also Chu Yunfan's pedantic, because if it were him, it would be impossible to choose to stand up.

Chu Yunfan raised his head and looked at the two people in front of him, as well as Lu Ziyu, who had been fighting with Zhenyuan's army soul in the distance and had no time to do so, with a somewhat indifferent smile on his face.

"I wanted to play with you, but since you are in a hurry to die, then I will send you on the road!"

Chu Yunfan said indifferently.

"Okay, okay, okay, hahaha, for this reason, you can still say something like this, Chu Yunfan, they all say you are amazing, and there are even rumors that you have the emperor physique, I don't believe it, I'll end you today! "

Zhang Shushu sneered. This time he took this reward and wanted to kill Chu Yunfan. In addition to the temptation of the millions of high-grade spirit stones, it was really amazing. More importantly, he was also not convinced. Chu Yunfan was here. Among the rankings of this year's arrogance, it is too dazzling.

Some people even compare their last Tianjiao rankings, thinking that no one can compare with them in the previous Tianjiao rankings.

Such a person, whether true or false, is enough to trigger a lot of people's killing intent. If it is false, then use his head to wash away the misunderstanding by others. If it is true, it will be even more difficult to keep, like that. Characters are also an extreme threat to them.

The list of Tianjiao contains many races and many sects of Tianjiao. There are many people whose central technique is not correct. It is quite normal to suppress the younger generations and strangle the future Tianjiao of the Daxia Dynasty that is hostile to them.

"Kill me? You can't do it?" Chu Yunfan showed a somewhat indifferent smile on his face.

The look on Zhang Shushu's face was even more indifferent, and the look on Chu Yunfan's face made him feel extremely annoying.

"Without further ado!"

With a violent shout, Zhang Shushu burst into a terrible demon-like spirit, which was pervasive and overwhelming. His whole body instantly turned into a giant bronze rat, like a beast of Gaidai that came out of the wilderness. general.

Zhang Shushu opened the mouth of the blood basin and grew bigger and bigger, almost swallowing the entire city in an instant, truly showing the terrifying strength of the Sky-Swallowing Rat race.

"It's just a mouse, dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

It's too late, it's fast, Chu Yunfan dashed right in front of this huge fierce rat in an instant, and a black sword appeared in his hand, like a giant ruler.

Immediately afterwards, a horrible sword light with a length of hundreds of feet tore apart everything in an instant, almost tearing apart the sky.

In an instant, Zhang Shushu's magical power that had swallowed everything was broken, and the feeling of everyone in the city as if they were about to be swallowed finally disappeared.

After Zhang Shushu's Heaven-swallowing supernatural power was broken, Zhang Shushu suddenly realized that it was not good, Chu Yunfan's sword was too fast, and its power was too amazing.

He has practiced so far and has never encountered anyone who can easily break his magical powers with a single sword.

You know, his Heaven-swallowing supernatural power, no matter what kind of martial arts skills or supernatural powers the other party has, he swallowed them all at once, and no accident has happened.

However, this time, Chu Yunfan smashed his Heaven-Swallowing Divine Ability with just one sword, which made him suddenly feel like he had encountered something extremely terrifying.

The hair of his whole body couldn't help but stand upside down, as if he had encountered an instinctive natural enemy in his life. He didn't know why. In the past, only when he encountered the super demon king whose life level was still above him, he would have such horror. a feeling of.

Different from human beings, the bloodlines of the monk eye and the bloodlines of different levels in the monster race almost determine the limit of the monster's achievements.

In terms of the life essence of the Sky-Swallowing Rats, it is comparable to the royal family, and there are not many that can be compared with it among the monsters, let alone a human being actually gave him a huge sense of oppression that the monster royal can give him. .

He didn't know that it was because in Chu Yunfan's body, the blood of the Primordial Dark Phoenix was contained in it, but that was a terrifying monster beast that was already one of the ten evils in the world during the Primordial Age.

The Sky-Swallowing Rat is already in the bloodline of the top royal family among the Monster Race, but it is still far behind compared with the Primordial Ming Phoenix, one of the Ten Fierce Primordial Fiends.

That's why he instinctively felt a feeling of inhaling air-conditioning.

That is a suppression of the origin of life!

"Sky-swallowing supernatural power, but so!" Chu Yunfan said coldly. "Zhang Shushu, you killed countless Daxia soldiers on the battlefield of the monsters. Today, I will take your head to pay tribute to Daxia's dead soldiers!"


Suddenly, Zhang Shushu yelled and opened his blood basin, a mouthful that almost instantly swallowed the whole world.

"Eight Shaking Fists!"

Chu Yunfan squeezed his fist with his five fingers and blasted his fist. The power of his fist evolved into eight huge deities. The deities broke through everything in an instant, tearing open the big mouth of the blood basin.

Afterwards, his fist strength continued unabated. After tearing open the blood basin, UU read www.uukanshu.com almost instantly and directly blasted towards Zhang Shushu.


The entire sky trembles, and the eight supreme gods suddenly burst into Zhang Shushu's body.

In an instant, the layers of barriers in front of Zhang Shushu were all shattered.

Fist strength went unabated, and blasted into Zhang Shushu's body on the spot.


Zhang Shushu spouted a mouthful of blood, and Chu Yunfan punched through his body. The huge chest of the huge body like a mountain was directly blasted out of a huge hole, which penetrated back and forth.

"How can it be!"

Zhang Shushu couldn't believe it at all. He actually pierced through with one punch. With just one punch, all the vitality in his body was destroyed.

When the huge body was about to fall, Chu Yunfan was taken into the space of the mountain and river map by a big gasification hand.

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