I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2025: Lightly Destroy the King's Blood Robe

Hit the sky-swallowing rat with one punch!

Chu Yunfan's terrifying cultivation is vividly manifested!

It is as powerful as a swallowing rat, even Chu Yunfan's punch can't stop it!

Even many people still haven't reacted yet, Chu Yunfan has already killed the Sky-Swallowing Rat!

At the side, the **** king of the Blood Demon Sect was completely stunned for an instant. Chu Yunfan's speed at killing the Sky-Swallowing Rat was too fast, almost for an instant.

"How is it possible?" Wang Xueyi said in disbelief. You must know that with the Sky-Swallowing Rat's cultivation base, it is at the pinnacle level of the Good Fortune Realm. With the blood of the Sky-Swallowing Rat, even the peak of the ordinary Good Fortune Realm. It is impossible to be his opponent at all, and there is no difficulty in playing a few one by one.

The ranking once on the Tianjiao list was much stronger than that of Li Weiyuan who was beheaded by Chu Yunfan.

This is also the reason why these people are not afraid of knowing that Chu Yunfan beheaded Li Weiyuan.

The cultivation base of Sky-Swallowing Rat, even if he was cultivating the supreme magic way, could not help him. However, Chu Yunfan killed him with just one punch. This is not like the rumored one that only relies on the pill. The medicinal power of the fierce man.

"not good!"

At this time, Wang Xueyi really realized that it was not good, but at this time, he had no retreat. He could not escape like this. More importantly, Lu Ziyu was dragged by the spirit of the Zhenyuan army and left him. Opportunities are running out.

"Even if you killed Zhang Shushu?" Wang Xueyi roared, a **** glow in his eyes skyrocketed, and his mouth showed white and hideous fangs. In an instant, he had already shot.

"Soul Spreading Blood Claws!"

His hands grew sharp claws directly, like the same prehistoric beast. In an instant, the air was torn open. Suddenly, the masters in the city felt that this claw could tear the flesh and the soul. broken.

Although Wang Xueyi felt that it was not good, it aroused the fierceness in his heart. He didn't retreat. Instead, he attacked Chu Yunfan instead of defending.


Chu Yunfan didn't even look at it, and squeezed a seal technique with his backhand. On the sky, a huge sacred mountain fell down.

This is the seal of Baoshan!

The Baoshan Seal fell, and suddenly fell onto this claw.


Everyone only heard a huge and incomparable roar, and then only heard Wang Xueyi's muffled hum, and the whole figure instantly withdrew from the sky hundreds of miles away.

Everyone swept the spirit out one after another, and only then saw that Wang Xueyi was breathing heavily, and a pair of scarlet eyes shone with terrifying light, like a bloodthirsty beast.

But at this time he looked so embarrassed, his entire arm dropped, and he was directly broken in the collision just now.

Obviously, he suffered a big loss in the collision just now!

Everyone had a horrified expression before they realized that Wang Xueyi was an unimaginable existence for them.

Only Wang Xueyi was enough to slaughter Zhenyuan City up and down, but to Chu Yunfan, it was nothing.

Don't forget, Chu Yunfan just killed Zhang Shushu, the same prestigious Sky Swallowing Rat.

Wang Xueyi spouted a mouthful of essence and blood, and his body burned with blood-colored mana. In the blink of an eye, his arm was restored to its original state.

It's just that he didn't dare to underestimate Chu Yunfan anymore. He had fallen into the wind from the collision just now, and he understood how terrifying Chu Yunfan was.

It's just that he didn't know how Chu Yunfan practiced. It was really scary. If Chu Yunfan killed Li Weiyuan before, he also tested the power of the pill.

So now, Chu Yunfan killed the Sky-Swallowing Rat and severely inflicted him on his original strength.

In the distance, Chu Yunfan stood with his back on his back, and he didn't seem to be afraid of him escaping. The feeling of Wang Xueyi was only unfathomable.

"Chu Yunfan, I looked down on you a little bit. I didn't expect that how long it took you to take another step!"

Wang Xueyi's whole body flashed with an extremely dangerous aura. He roared and said, "But that's it. You are the first to force me to this point today, but as long as you can kill you and absorb you With the essence and blood on my body, my blood demon skill will also continue to make further progress. At that time, it will be the game king to break through to the heavenly realm!"

"Absorb the essence and blood from my body?" Chu Yunfan showed a somewhat indifferent smile on his face. The cultivation base of this king's blood suit was indeed extremely terrifying, and was stronger than Li Weiyuan who was beheaded by Chu Yunfan.

Although they are all at the peak of the good fortune realm, the gap between them is also very wide.

After all, the limit of a water tank and the limit of a swimming pool are not the same thing. The limit of a big river and the limit of a sea are two completely different concepts.

Although they are all limits, they are different in reality.

However, no matter how strong Wang Xueyi was, he couldn't cross that boundary, and he couldn't break through the storm at all.

Wang Xueyi didn’t know that Chu Yunfan’s combat power had already crossed that line and reached the level he dreamed of. If he knew it, he wouldn’t dare to come and take Chu Yun if he could lend him ten courage. Fan's head goes to exchange money for rewards.

But at this moment, a terrifying **** light burst on Wang Xueyi's body, and the aura of Wang Xueyi, who was already extremely terrifying, was doubled, and it was already approaching that realm.

At the same time, Wang Xueyi's hair was directly white by a third, as if he had entered middle age in an instant.

"Chu Yunfan, this trick has burned one-third of my lifespan, but it's worth it when used to kill you!"

Wang Xueyi yelled, everyone only saw his figure sway, and in an instant, the entire sky was turned into a sea of ​​blood~www.ltnovel.com~the sea of ​​blood was destroyed! "

Wang Xueyi roared and displayed a magical power that should not have been able to display with his current cultivation base.

There was a sea of ​​blood all over the sky, and there was a tendency to overwhelm the sky, and even the sky was washed away wherever it went.

Everyone in Zhenyuan City suddenly became flustered, and they almost felt that the entire city couldn't resist even the impact of this sea of ​​blood.

But Chu Yunfan's expression was still indifferent, as if Wang Xueyi's blow was not enough to make him look at him a little.

In an instant, he moved, regardless of the overwhelming sea of ​​blood, his figure swayed, and between the rising and falling of the dragon, he had already arrived in front of Wang Xueyi, just an understatement of punch.


This punch directly blasted Wang Xueyi's body. All the defensive armor and barriers on Wang Xueyi's body collapsed at once.

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