I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2141: Your legend today is over

Everyone was stunned, and no one thought that the two followers of the Junior Supreme had already decided the winner at such a fast time.

The difference is so far that even people who are blind can see the difference.

There are many followers of Qing Tao, but his debating power cannot be compared with the followers of Chu Yunfan.

Between each other, it is like the difference between clouds and mud.

Qing Tao's followers are just ordinary followers, but Chu Yunfan's followers are different, each of them is shocking, and even watching Qing Tao's eyelids jumps.

The fighting power of the dragon head fierce crocodile and others is shocking, and they can even fight with him without breaking out.

These people can even be called the supreme pseudo-juvenile.

Although it is not in the middle, it is not far away!

This made him feel extremely shocked. If it was just one of them, then it can be said that this person is a talented person, although different levels of physique determine the upper limit of the cultivation level.

However, there are always a few freaks who can break through the limits of their own bloodlines, but there are not many such characters, and now Chu Yunfan's ten followers actually all exist in this way.

It was an amazing thing to be able to play against the Junior Supreme for a short time, and it was even more astonishing than the emergence of a Junior Supreme under Chu Yunfan.

He didn't know how Chu Yunfan trained. In fact, it is difficult for them, the young supreme followers, to train these followers further.

Especially the existence of the Tianjiao level among these followers, these people, whether it is their own inheritance, various resources, or their own talents, are basically the top level.

Although his strength is far better than these followers, his realm and his perception of Dao are not really much stronger.

At most he can give these followers some adventures, and more depends on the development of these followers.

It is impossible for these people to break through their own limits. The height he stands at makes it impossible to do such a thing.

So he couldn't figure out how Chu Yunfan managed to achieve such an astonishing level.

And if Chu Yunfan did not have the memory of Emperor Dan and the assistance of his godhead, it would be impossible to achieve such an astonishing level.

Not only did they excite their blood to the extreme, it also lifted their blood to another level so that they could fight against Qingtao.


Qing Tao was taken aback, his whole body burst out with bursts of water-blue light, and his whole body resembled an ancient water **** resurrecting, and there was an aura of swallowing mountains and rivers in his body.

But when he was about to save his followers, he was blocked by Chu Yunfan.

Qing Tao was stopped by Chu Yunfan and immediately understood that if there was no way to defeat Chu Yunfan first, then it would be impossible for him to save people.

"You, come and die!" Qing Tao said quietly.

Chu Yunfan didn't move, but just watched coldly, waiting for the Dragon Head Fierce Crocodile and others to kill Qing Tao's followers.

The strength of these Qing Tao's followers is of course not bad, otherwise Qing Tao can't be regarded as followers, and they have the potential to become kings in the future.

But compared with the dragon head fierce crocodile and others, there is a huge gap. This gap makes the battle between the two sides almost a one-sided trend.


Qing Tao knew that Chu Yunfan wanted to delay time, and immediately took the lead. After a violent shout, he rushed towards Chu Yunfan.

The whole sky shook with his movements, and almost instantly, it rushed in front of Chu Yunfan.

"Dragon Claw!"

Qing Tao shot in an instant, erupting a azure blue fairy light, blood swept across all directions, at this time, many masters in the city truly realized the terrible Qing Tao.

Although Qing Tao had made a shot just now, it was actually just a small fight.

Not worth mentioning at all.

At this time, he was the real shot, completely surpassing the peak of the ordinary mid-level position, almost approaching the power of the big-level position.

This is the strength of Juvenile Supreme.

With this blow, he turned into a terrifying giant claw, like a blue dragon probing claws, almost forever to catch a huge crack in the whole world.


This shot fell on Chu Yunfan. Chu Yunfan did not evade at all. The sparks that were caught on his body were splashing all over. Chu Yunfan seemed to be enveloped by a terrifying attack for an instant, and he suffered Extremely terrifying attack.

The sky will explode in an instant.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked, shocked by Qing Tao's shocking blow, and at the same time shocked by Chu Yunfan's terrifying body.

Qing Tao's face changed slightly. This was also the first time he encountered such a powerful opponent. His attack fell on Chu Yunfan's body, but Chu Yunfan's body was unexpectedly sparked.

This is the most terrible!

This shows that Chu Yunfan's physical body has become unbelievably powerful. With his blow, even a very high-quality magic weapon will be directly torn apart, and Chu Yunfan's physical body strength is still above the magic weapon.

He is a humanoid magic weapon!

But Chu Yunfan was full of black hair at this time, his eyes were sharp, and his fighting spirit was high. There was no trace of fear. On the contrary, only the astonishing fighting spirit was boiling in his eyes.

He had originally scheduled Qing Tao as the last battle for his breakthrough.

The same was true for Qing Tao. He regarded Chu Yunfan as the target of his challenge, and of course he wanted to kill Chu Yunfan to improve himself and complete the final breakthrough.

This is far more tyrannical than an ordinary breakthrough. ..

"Qing Tao, today you and I fight, you die and you live, today your legend ends here!"

Chu Yunfan said loudly ~www.ltnovel.com~ At this moment, he finally moved, almost shouting violently. In an instant, golden light appeared all over his body. These golden lights burned like golden flames.

His big hand grabbed towards the void, and the endless thunder energy converged into a thunder spear, and the starry sky shattered at the point of the spear.

What an amazing scene!

And Qing Tao also had an extra trident in his hand at this time, and the red-gold trident set off him more like a **** at this time.

An endless wave stepped on Qing Tao's feet, and on the other side, Chu Yunfan's feet were filled with the power of thunder, like a huge wave, the two sides rushed towards each other.


The speed of the two sides was too fast, as fast as lightning, and they passed by in an instant, and they had already played a hundred moves.

Everyone in the city couldn't see what was going on at all, they only saw blood all over the sky.

"Whose is it? Qing Tao? Or Jian Wuchen?"

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