I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2142: Kill the young supreme

Many people were shocked. As soon as these two Junior Supremes broke out to fight with all their strength, someone was already injured. Is it Qing Tao? Or Chu Yunfan?

Or is it on both sides?

They have no way of judging, because the speed of the fight between the two sides just now was too fast. What is the meaning of martial arts in the world is fast and not broken.

When the speed of the fight between the two sides is fast to the extreme, the other people even have no possibility of keeping up.

Many people are terrified. If any one of these two wants to deal with them, the extreme speed alone is enough to make them all kneel.

There is no way to resist such extreme speed, unless you can have a body that is as hard as a magic weapon like Chu Yunfan, it is possible to resist such a speed.

As the long series of blood blossoms fell down, the two figures staggered, and their movements finally slowed down, breaking away from the speed of attack beyond the speed of sound.

Everyone saw that it was Qing Tao who was injured!

Chu Yunfan pierced Qing Tao's waist with a single shot, breaking a large piece of meat.

"I really can't imagine this battle, it was Qing Tao who fell in the wind?" Many people saw this scene, and only felt that they had seen a ghost. It was completely unbelievable. Chu Yunfan's attack was too terrifying.

Although both of them are young supreme, in many people's minds, of course, Qing Tao's strength should be stronger than Chu Yunfan.

After all, Qing Tao's reputation is even stronger. He has entered the Tianjiao battlefield many times. Compared with this, Chu Yunfan only entered the Tianjiao battlefield for the first time. They hadn't even heard of such a figure before.

However, under such circumstances, Chu Yunfan severely inflicted Qing Tao.

It can be said that, completely beyond everyone's expectations, the fight between the two sides ended with Qing Tao falling into the wind.

"Where is Jian Wuchen? Is he not injured?" Many people are concerned about this, but seeing Chu Yunfan's body, there is no trace of scars. It is obvious that he was intact in the collision just now.

Everyone took a deep breath, wondering if Qingtao could not hit him, or if it hit him but couldn't break the defense.

Either way, it represented that Chu Yunfan had at least reached the pinnacle on one of the roads of invincibility and fastness.

"Juvenile Supreme? But so!"

Chu Yunfan's mouth provoked an indifferent smile, just staring at Qing Tao coldly.

Qing Tao's expression was even more indifferent. He used his healing techniques to forcibly recover the wound that was blasted by Chu Yunfan.

His face is like frost. Since he debuted, he has never been injured. He has always swept against his peers, even if he faces people who are much older than himself.

He didn't even get injured. Of course, this has a lot to do with him not having fought against other truly powerful Junior Supremes.

His first target was Chu Yunfan, but Chu Yunfan was hit hard.

If the light was only severely injured, it wouldn't be a big deal. The point is that he didn't hurt Chu Yunfan, but was hurt by Chu Yunfan.

In the eyes of others, the judgement is settled.

"Are you irritating me?" Qing Tao said coldly. "But I am different from others. No matter how many times you provoke me, I only need you to die once, and die once!"

Qing Tao raised the scarlet-gold trident in his hand and pointed it in the direction of Chu Yunfan. The terrifying aura was released from the trident, killing infinite possibilities, and the entire sky was trembling violently.

Many people are in Jinghu, where is the combat power that Zhongtian should have.

Even the followers of the two sides who are fighting are intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the battlefield where the two sides are fighting, this is not a battlefield that they can participate in.

In an instant, the two sides disappeared in place and collided together again. At this time, what the two sides had learned completely collided together at this time.

It was only a moment. The two sides did not know how many times they collided. Everyone could not see the situation of the two sides. The brilliant light from the collision between the two sides almost instantly made the entire city dazzling, like a big day. general.

The breath of horror is permeating, forming a terrible tornado, covering everything.

Suddenly, a figure fell out in an instant, and everyone saw that a figure wrapped in blue light retreated out of the blue, and when they fixed their eyes, who was that person was not Qingtao.

This time, Qing Tao was much more embarrassed than he was just now. His body was cracking, blood was spraying out, and he suffered a great loss during the battle with Chu Yunfan.

And in the next instant, a figure directly rushed out of the waves of qi and wave, and drenched blood.

His body was full of blood, but everyone could see that the blood on his body was not his own, but Qing Tao's.

"How can the winner be decided so quickly?" Many people's expressions suddenly changed.

In their view, even if there is a gap between the Junior Supreme, it should be only a one-and-a-half move gap. Even if the gap is larger, it is very likely that it will take a day and a night to decide the outcome.

This is quite normal among those top masters.

However, the battle between Chu Yunfan and Qing Tao can even be described as rolling.

The horror of Qing Tao had already been seen by the masters of the whole city when he took the shot just now. Even Fei Xianzong's top tianjiao, the realm is connected with him, and shot together, they are not his opponents.

The name of Juvenile Supreme can be said to be worthy of its name, and it may be an emperor in the future.

But even in this situation, facing Chu Yunfan, he was not an opponent at all, and was crushed and beaten from beginning to end.

This does not explain Qing Tao's incompetence, but only shows that Chu Yunfan is more terrifying and stronger.


Qing Tao was forced to the extreme, his eyes revealed this kind of resentment, his body rose in waves, trying to heal his wounds.

While trying to dodge!

But he found ~www.ltnovel.com~ no matter how he moved, he couldn't avoid Chu Yunfan's kick.

Chu Yunfan dropped from the sky with one foot, and in an instant, he stepped on Qing Tao.


Qing Tao was kicked and flew out of the city, and fell severely on the ground outside the city, blasting the entire ground through a huge crack.


Qing Tao spurted out blood, and his defeat was already evident.

The followers of Qing Tao were very loyal to come up for rescue, but how to break through the obstacles of the Dragon Head Crocodile and others, instead, they were taken advantage of by the Dragon Head Crocodile and others to kill several.

Just when everyone was shocked, a terrifying spear light swept out, and in an instant, it blasted into Qing Tao's expression and killed him.

Qing Tao, die!


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