I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2157: Battle of the Great Heavens

"The Vulcan body is actually another Vulcan body!"

Chu Yunfan looked at the Huo Lingzi in front of him. His kingship physique, Chu Yunfan, couldn't be more familiar. It was exactly the fire **** body possessed by Li Qianyuan, Chu Yunfan's life and death enemy.

It's just that compared with Huo Lingzi, Li Qianyuan's cultivation base was not at the same level. Now Huo Lingzi's idea can make Li Qianyuan die without a place to bury him.

Although they are both Vulcan bodies, the level of Huo Lingzi's development is dozens of times stronger than Li Qianyuan's unknown.

"You actually recognize the Vulcan body?" Huo Lingzi looked at Chu Yunfan, but then he frowned and said. "Have you killed the Vulcan body?"

With that, Huo Lingzi’s eyes flashed with a terrifying killing intent. Although he originally had a killing intent towards Chu Yunfan, he still didn’t put Chu Yunfan in his eyes, just to find him with his head. Jun Tianci exchanged what he wanted.

In essence, he was not particularly intent on killing Chu Yunfan, but since he had offended such a character, he simply cut the grass and rooted out.

But it was different now. There was a deep hatred in his eyes when he looked at Chu Yunfan.

Because Chu Yunfan killed the Vulcan body!

As soon as Chu Yunfan's thoughts turned, he understood Huo Lingzi's thoughts. This is also a common problem for many people with special physiques. They knew that they were completely different from a young age. They had a special king constitution, and they were supported by ordinary people since childhood. , Aloft.

Naturally, ordinary people will not be considered at all, let alone ordinary people as the same race. Those who can be regarded as the same race are only those who have the same physique, such as those who were beheaded by Chu Yunfan. Li Qianyuan with a Vulcan body.

Only this kind of physique can be recognized by them, and even on the Tianjiao battlefield, there is no lack of such same physique to come together to form a powerful alliance.

Although these physiques of the kings are not as precious as the physiques of the kings, there are generally no two physiques of the kings in the same era.

In leisure situations, even if they have the same physique, it is impossible to meet each other. This is the case when the king does not see the king.

But after countless Tianjiao proclaimed themselves, they had the possibility to meet after crossing the long river of time.

Among them, there are even alliances that are well-known throughout the Tianjiao battlefield. They are all of the same physique, sharing their practice experience, cultivation techniques, and so on.

Because they are all of the same physique, the communication between them is easier than ordinary people, and the practice methods that they exchange are also suitable for them to practice.

Therefore, forming such an alliance has become a choice of many people.

After all, one hundred thousand Tianjiao, all of them have the constitution of the king, and there are many people of the same physique that are normal, and the strength is high or low, but all of them are not idlers.

Thinking of Chu Yunfan killing a fire **** body, Huo Lingzi's eyes suddenly filled with killing intent, and he said in a cold voice: "You don't have to lie to me, because it's useless. You killed the fire **** body, naturally it will be on you. There is a flame halo on the body, but you can't see it, but we fire **** bodies can see, kill my people, today you can't escape death!"

"It's just a Vulcan body, what can I do if I cut another one?" Chu Yunfan said with a sneer.

Everyone was shocked. Now the battle situation had developed to such an astonishing level. Obviously Huo Lingzi would not let Chu Yunfan who had killed the Vulcan body, and judging from the situation shown by Chu Yunfan, it seemed that he didn't care at all.

"Let you die today!"

Huo Lingzi's hand grabbed towards the void, and grabbed a fiery red feather fan.

"That magic weapon is the five-bird real fire fan!"

Suddenly, the Sky Swallowing Sparrow on Chu Yunfan's shoulders screamed, with a bit of uncontrollable anger in his words.

"It turned out to be the five-fowl real fire fan!" Chu Yunfan instantly remembered the origin of this five-fowl real fire fan. This is not the unique name of a certain lupin, but the name of that series of lupins.

This five-bird real fire fan has a great reputation in ancient times. It is said to be made from the feathers of five kinds of fire-type sacred birds or fierce birds, and it is infinitely powerful.

Among them was the feathers of the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow. No wonder the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow's reaction was so big that it was unacceptable for him.

An emperor once burned another emperor to death with a five-bird real fire fan, which was a famous initiation in ancient times.

Of course, the Wuqin real fire fan in Huo Lingzi's hands is definitely no way to compare with the original version, but it is by no means idle.

"Good eyesight, it's an honor for you to die under my five-fowl real fire fan!" Huo Lingzi laughed loudly. This is the first time he has practiced the five-fowl real fire fan. Use it.

He looked at the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow with a bit of surprise in his eyes, and laughed loudly: "It's really no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find. I searched for the Flaming Sky-Swallowing Sparrow but couldn't find it. Unexpectedly, I saw it here, just beheading you, and re-training my five-fowl real fire fan with your feathers, by then, the power of my five-fowl real fire fan can be even higher!"

"You are looking for death!"

The Flame Swallowing Sparrow cried again and again, and almost turned into a terrifying beast. The unscrupulous fire spirit completely angered him. Although he surrendered to Chu Yunfan, it did not mean that he was a harmless little pet. .

He is still one of the most terrifying and fierce birds in the world, and the overlord of the sky.

Huo Lingzi laughed loudly, dancing the five-bird real fire fan in his hand, and in an instant, countless flames spewed out of it, forming a terrifying sea of ​​fire with a radius of hundreds of miles.

"If you want to take out other magic weapons, I may still be afraid of three points, but the five-bird real fire fan, I am really not afraid!"

Chu Yunfan sneered ~www.ltnovel.com~ and opened his mouth directly, and even absorbed this endless sea of ​​flames, and disappeared without a trace in an instant and the sea of ​​flames that had swept over him.

"It's the second time, what is this Jian Wuchen's physique?" Many people were shocked that Chu Yunfan could easily swallow the flames that could burn through the sky. What kind of physique he was, how could he be so terrifying.


Huo Lingzi didn't fully rely on the five-bird real fire fan, but directly tore the sky open with both hands, and the terrifying force of tearing would tear Chu Yunfan into pieces in an instant.

The Sky-Swallowing Flame on Chu Yunfan's shoulder immediately sensed the extreme danger. When he was about to breathe out flames to fight, he saw that Chu Yunfan didn't move. The tearing force disappeared without a trace.

"It's a pity that such a good baby has fallen into your hands!"

Chu Yunfan gave a long roar, his figure flickered, and he rushed to Huo Lingzi in an instant, completely out of sight.

The backhand was a punch, and the terrifying punch was swept away like a torrent of waves.

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