Huo Lingzi was immediately furious, and the five-bird real fire fan in his hand was fanned, and the endless flames actually began to turn into a giant flame bird.

The flame giant opened its mouth wide, and actually swallowed Chu Yunfan.

"Hahahaha, die!"

Huo Lingzi showed a ferocious smile on his face.

Suddenly, in the next instant, everyone only saw that two hands were directly protruding from the body of this giant flame bird.

Immediately after that, the two hands flashed with the light of thunder, so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.


The flame giant was actually caught by these two big hands, and the volley was torn in half.

The endless flame turned into a sky full of sparks and fell from the sky.

"Small bugs dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

Chu Yunfan sneered.

And Huo Lingzi's expression finally became solemn, because he found that the Chu Yunfan in front of him was not as easy as he had originally guessed.

Originally, he thought that even though Chu Yunfan was recognized as the supreme juvenile, what about it, just the cultivation base of the peak of the middle heaven, not enough to compete with him.

Although every one of this young supreme is very difficult to deal with, as long as he is willing to make up his mind and spend a huge price, he still has a good chance to be killed.

After all, beheading is not defeating. If he wants to defeat a young supreme, he is 100% sure, but if he wants to kill a young supreme, the difficulty is completely different.

After all, every Juvenile Supreme is the pride of heaven and earth, and it is very normal that a Juvenile Supreme cannot be produced for several years. If he is in the same realm, he can easily be beaten to death by the Juvenile Supreme.

Even if the cultivation base is higher than a big realm, it cannot be underestimated.

But now everything is completely different from what he initially expected.

Chu Yunfan's strength was far above what he estimated, and he could actually rival him.

Is he a monster?

"What if it's a monster, so what if it's a young supreme!"

Huo Lingzi roared in a low voice, like a wounded beast. The five-bird real fire fan in his hand was constantly fanning, sweeping out a terrifying flame and fierce bird.

The fierce and fierce birds that the sky full of flames condensed into are the source of the raw materials made by the five-bird real fire fan.




Chu Yunfan didn't have any fear at all, and kept making moves directly.

With one punch, one kick, one sword, one shot, all kinds of martial arts tricks were unfolded in Chu Yunfan's hands. There were no restrictions at all. The various martial arts seemed to be perfectly integrated in his body.

The tricks Chu Yunfan blasted casually all had great power. It seemed that they were just simple shots, but this was what really turned corruption into a miracle.

The people in the city were fascinated, Chu Yunfan's moves were simple, but they all contained great principles, but they couldn't help but wonder how Chu Yunfan did it.

You know, a person's time is limited, even the Junior Supreme cannot have more time than others.

Juvenile supreme talent, by analogy, can be said to learn what to learn, what to learn.

But that also has to be divided into levels, it is impossible to learn all kinds of martial arts and supernatural powers in one go.

The martial arts and supernatural powers displayed by Chu Yunfan are only the tip of the iceberg and can be used casually, but it can be clearly seen that they are all martial arts and supernatural powers of very high grade.

Chu Yunfan could easily not only learn these martial arts and supernatural powers, but also completely integrate them.

One of these tricks can be used at will. This is not something that can be done in an ordinary situation. It must be possible for this kind of martial arts to have a complete integration.

The Flame Swallowing Sparrow on Chu Yunfan’s shoulders only discovered the real horror of Chu Yunfan at this time. Before killing the young supreme and forcing him to surrender, he did not use his full strength at all, only relying on his own tyrannical Skills and astonishing physical cultivation are enough to sling them, the supreme juveniles.

I can't talk about the exquisite martial arts used, nor can he rely on any magic weapon.

This makes him as proud as him, and he can't help feeling a little depressed, it is a monster among monsters!

Even these young supreme lords will be willing to bow down to the wind, sighing for nothing.

When everyone was shocked, Huo Lingzi, who was opposite Chu Yunfan, felt terrifying pressure on his face. No matter how many times he fanned the five-bird real fire fan, no matter how terrifying the fierce bird evolved, he faced the other side. Chu Yunfan was of no use at all, and he fisted and killed them all.

And he could even feel that Chu Yunfan's aura was actually growing continuously.

"how can that be!"

Huo Lingzi is unbelievable, and Chu Yunfan's aura is still growing.

"He just broke through?" Huo Lingzi couldn't believe it, but he had to be sure that Chu Yunfan was obviously just breaking through.

And just after breaking through, he was able to compete with himself.

This made him suddenly unable to believe that Chu Yunfan could actually do such a thing.

"How can you be so powerful? It's just a breakthrough. You've just entered this realm for the first time. Why can you be so powerful? Is it because you are the young supreme? The emperor's physique is so powerful!" Huo Lingzi roared angrily. With a sound, the anger that had been suppressed in my heart for a long time finally broke out.

Although the Vulcan body was good, it was only the constitution of the king, and every time he participated in the Tianjiao battlefield, he would be suppressed by the young supreme of the constitution of the king, and the anger in his heart finally broke out completely.

"Vulcan clone!"

Huo Lingzi roared, and his figure turned into ten figures in an Each figure possessed the same strength as his deity.

This is his real trump card, rather than relying on the five-bird real fire fan.

It is equivalent to facing ten masters of the same great celestial realm at the same time, plus his deity, there are a total of eleven masters of great celestial realm.

"A strong supernatural power, although it is certainly impossible to last for a long time, but with just this hand, you can easily defeat the existence of the same realm!"

"It's equivalent to a tenfold increase in combat power at once, can the Vulcan body still burst out such combat power?"

"Is this the strength of a master of the Great Heaven Rank? It is really too tyrannical compared to the Middle Heaven Realm!"

Everyone in the city seemed to be blown up in an instant, shocked by the power of the Vulcan clone.

"Vulcan clone? So what? You are not my opponent, so it's the same if you divide ten more!"

Chu Yunfan looked level, completely fearless.

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