I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2302: The ancient battlefield of blasting the pot

?The ancient battlefield of blasting the pot

Chu Yunfan thought of Gongsun Hong's face, with a sneer on his face. He had too many enemies, and he didn't even know how many enemies he had.

Maybe you can forge a certain enemy with just one sentence.

However, among his many enemies, there are not many who want him to die so desperately, and at the same time have this strength and influence.

Among them, the Destiny Sect ranks first.

So when he heard that the disciples of the Destiny Sect had planned everything secretly, Chu Yunfan was not surprised, and even felt that it was a matter of course.

"It turned out to be that guy!" Chu Yunfan said with a sneer, "Go!"

"What are you going to do?" Sea Dragon Beast said in a puzzled way.

"Kill the Tianmingzong resident, ask them to give me an explanation!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"But I have no evidence!" Sea Dragon Beast said hesitantly.

Although he is a fierce beast in the sea, he also knows how powerful and terrifying the Destiny Sect is today, and he will offend such a terrifying existence when he has just recognized a master.

Thinking about it, the sea dragon beast felt that it was about to faint.

"Evidence? Is it necessary?" Chu Yunfan said with a cold smile. When the Heavenly Fate Sect doubted him, did he need evidence?

Of course not, because the power of the Heavenly Fate Sect allows him to act according to his own guesses.

Before, Chu Yunfan was only in the Divine Hidden Realm, and he still needs to pay attention, but now he has entered the Realm Realm, and his strength has changed drastically. In this ancient battlefield, even if he is not invincible, it is almost the same. .

Even if there is an existence that is stronger than him, it can't kill him!

This is his biggest hole card.

"What if they don't hand it over?" Sea Dragon Beast asked.

"Then call them until they hand over a satisfactory answer, count me? I want to see how many heads they have!"

Chu Yunfan grinned and said, even if his opponent was a powerful Destiny Sect, Chu Yunfan was not at all decadent.

Anyway, he has completely torn his face with the Destiny Sect, and when he uses the Disaster Star Eye, the Destiny Sect's original suspicion of him should be basically determined.

If this is the case, then make him turn upside down!

What can the Destiny Sect do for himself?

Chu Yunfan discovered that since he stepped into the realm, his state of mind had undergone a completely reborn change. Things that originally needed to be cautious, now he doesn't need to care at all.

Those rules and regulations can't restrain him at all, he can do whatever he wants to do as he pleases.

Strong strength is the root of all self-confidence.

With his strength, it can also be called the existence of a giant in the outside world, even if it is a self-supporting mountain gate, it can also pull out a first-class sect in a short time.

No matter where you go, you will be treated courteously!

In addition to the legendary masters of the Conferred King Realm who still don't know whether there are still masters, these realm masters dominate almost everything in the world, big and small.

You know, Fei Xianzong's suzerain is nothing more than a realm realm cultivation base.

In a sense, Chu Yunfan at this time could be regarded as a giant on the same level as the Sect Master of Fei Xianzong.

The Sea Dragon Beast almost didn't start to stagger when he heard this. Even if he was as arrogant as him, he also knew the terrible Destiny Sect, and generally would not single-handedly provoke such a terrifying behemoth. It was looking for death.

Unless he succeeded in divine power, as his ancestors did, and succeeded in being crowned emperor, at that time, he might be qualified not to put the Destiny Sect in his eyes.

Otherwise, even a strong king would not be qualified to disregard the Destiny Sect, but Chu Yunfan did just that.

"What? He is going to hit the door? Is he crazy!"

"Is the resident of the Destiny Sect so easy to fight?"

"It's crazy, but I like it. I'll go right away and take a good position!"

"Oh my God, is this going to fight head-on? Chu Yunfan and Tianmingzong?"

Many people just think they are completely crazy, especially Chu Yunfan actually wants to go to war with the Destiny Sect.

If it is from the outside world, such a challenge will undoubtedly fail, and no one knows how many backgrounds and how terrifying there is in the Destiny Sect.

Among them, who knows how many old monsters are hidden, and their strength is earth-shattering.

But if it is in the ancient battlefield, then everything is different. In the ancient battlefield, although the Destiny Sect is strong, it is only one of many forces and does not have the ability to cover the sky with one hand.

In other words, many people have realized that Chu Yunfan is actually possible to pick up and overthrow the behemoth of Heavenly Fate Sect.

This made them all boil all at once.

Seeing that Chu Yunfan stepped on the back of the sea dragon beast, he turned into a light and disappeared in place.

Everyone seemed to explode the pot, almost instantly, everyone made a decision, and they all followed out, and they all flew towards the Tianmingzong's resident in the ancient battlefield.

And this news was also passed on by the people present at the fastest speed~www.ltnovel.com~ With the speed of these masters passing the news, it was almost only a moment, except for those who were in retreat in the entire ancient battlefield. Besides, almost everyone knows the whole story.

"What, Chu Yunfan even killed the young supreme who had cultivated a thousand laws?"

"Chu Yunfan actually cultivated two thousand laws, how did he cultivate? Is he a devil?"

"What, domain realm, Chu Yunfan broke through to the realm realm during the battle? How could it be possible, how could someone do it?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Not everyone followed to join in the excitement. Many people have only realized until now that Chu Yunfan actually killed two Junior Supremes who had cultivated a thousand laws and conquered one at the same time. Juvenile Supreme.

Moreover, he succeeded in breaking through to the realm realm in the later battles with the realm realm master.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

When many Junior Supremes were thinking hard and wanting to make a breakthrough, Chu Yunfan actually completed the breakthrough under the eyes of everyone, and flew them out of Eight Streets again.

Many top Tianjiao felt desperate. The Shilihe progress shown by Chu Yunfan was too fast. Even if they hurried to the end, they still couldn't keep up.

When they didn't even know how to condense a thousand laws, Chu Yunfan had already condensed two thousand laws and successfully broke through to the realm.

For them, this is simply bad news.

They didn't believe it at first, but what followed were the pictures and graphics recorded by many people. They saw the power of Chu Yunfan to destroy the world, even if they didn't believe it, they had to believe it.

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