I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2303: Hit the door

For a time, the entire ancient battlefield exploded.

Chu Yunfan's astonishing strength and the speed at which everyone was one step ahead of his cultivation had completely shaken off everyone, so everyone had to look at him.

And many Junior Supremes who heard this news were even more gloomy, because only they really understood how big the gap was between the realm framed by one thousand laws and the realm framed by two thousand laws.

This is why, after reaching the original limit of five hundred laws, these young supreme will find ways to break through to 1,000 laws.

Because there is a huge difference between entering the realm realm with the five hundred laws of breaking through and entering the realm realm with a thousand rules.

But when they tried their best to break through the limit and thought they could catch up with Chu Yunfan, they didn't expect that Chu Yunfan would break through again.

It was a breakthrough that made them desperate! ..

They can hardly imagine how to break through from one thousand laws to two thousand laws.

Since they have cultivated a thousand laws, even if they add one more, it is impossible for them to do.

Not to mention that many of them are still lingering about eight hundred and nine hundred rules, and even a thousand rules have not been reached.

And Chu Yunfan had already broken through the limit they had never reached, reaching a level they didn't dare to think about.

For these young supreme, it is also a huge setback.

But soon, everyone's eyes focused on the location of the Destiny Sect.

Powerful beings rushed from their retreat to the residence of the Destiny Sect.

In the Tianmingzong resident, in front of a broken ancient city, a ray of light came from the sky, only to see that a figure was stepping on a giant beast, and it was encroaching on the whole city.

It was Chu Yunfan and Sea Dragon Beast.


Chu Yunfan had just arrived in front of this ancient city, and before he could observe the situation of this ancient city, he burst into an angry shout in the city.

"Gongsunhong get out!"

Chu Yunfan shouted loudly, and the whole city shook.

On the huge ancient wall, scattered fragments continued to fall, and the seals in the city were shaken.


Dozens of figures flew out of the city at once.

Most of them are the many top talents of the Tianmingzong who came to the ancient battlefield this time, and even one of them is the young supreme.

It has to be said that the Destiny Sect's background is indeed profound and terrifying, even if Chu Yunfan beheaded two, there are still several.

So no matter how the forces behind catch up over the years, the Destiny Sect is the first of the ten sects, and it has never changed.

Over the years, I have enjoyed the best resources, and no one knows how much he has accumulated.

Even though this is only a small part of the strength, it is much more powerful than the forces behind the top ten sects like Fei Xianzong.

No wonder that when Chu Yunfan was killed by Jun Tianci before, facing the thunderous Flying Immortal Sect, the Heavenly Fate Sect didn't pay attention to it at all.

With such a background, the strength is probably far above the Flying Immortal Sect.

And that Juvenile Supreme was Gongsun Hong, who Chu Yunfan had once met before.

"Chu Yunfan, what on earth do you want to do?"

Gongsunhong's expression was also a bit stunned. He didn't expect to see Chu Yunfan here.

There was even a bit of shock. According to his estimation, Chu Yunfan should have been besieged to death at this time. Now that Chu Yunfan is not dead, he has directly killed the door.

Looking at the Sea Dragon Beast next to him, isn't it the same knife he used to deal with Chu Yunfan?

Now instead of dealing with Chu Yunfan, he is still standing with Chu Yunfan.

This has exceeded his expectations.

"I'll kill someone!" Chu Yunfan said coldly. "What gives you the courage to even dare to calculate secretly to kill me?"

Gongsunhong's expression changed slightly, and at this time he finally understood why Chu Yunfan had come to the door so aggressively.

It is precisely because of his previous calculations that have been exposed.

"Damn human being, you dare to calculate me, I want to swallow you in one bite!"

Before Chu Yunfan spoke, the sea dragon beast beside him couldn't help but roared.

If it weren't for Gongsun Hong, he wouldn't have been subdued by Chu Yunfan. What made him even more uncomfortable was that the other party played him like a fool from beginning to end.

He is a juvenile supreme, enough to suppress all existence in any era, and now he is reduced to a ridiculous chess piece, being used by others.

Many top Tianjiao behind Gongsun also changed their colors at this time, and they could feel the terrifying breath of the sea dragon beast.

Just like the original Chu Yunfan, he has cultivated thousands of laws, and for the other top tianjiao who only have a few hundred laws, it is simply enough to crush them.

Although when facing Chu Yunfan, the Sea Dragon Beast was not an opponent at all and was suppressed by one hand, but it was not that he was too weak, but that Chu Yunfan was too strong.

Now facing these ordinary Tianjiao and top Tianjiao ~www.ltnovel.com~ the terrible fierce power of the sea dragon beast is vividly reflected.

Almost all the others except Gongsun Hong were suppressed by his own efforts.

Gongsun Hong snorted coldly, and the aura of his whole body was released, directly breaking the terrifying aura emanating from the sea dragon beast.

Contend with the sea dragon beast!

At this time, the other Tianjiao members of the Destiny Sect knew that there was actually such a reason behind this.

However, they could also understand why Gongsun Hong calculated so many Young Supreme and Chu Yunfan behind him.

Whether it was Chu Yunfan, or a young supreme such as the Sea Dragon Beast, they were their future enemies of life and death.

If possible, one less is better than one more.

It's best to fight both losers, in that case, it is the most beneficial for them!

But now it is obviously impossible to calculate. Instead of eradicating Chu Yunfan, Chu Yunfan and Sea Dragon Beast fight together.

"Chu Yunfan, you said I calculated you, do you have evidence?" Gongsunhong's eyes flashed with a little jealousy. If he is absolutely sure that he can fight Chu Yunfan, he doesn't need to calculate behind his back. Chu Yunfan is now.

"Evidence, do you need it? You want to kill me, I will kill you, fair and honest!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"Want to kill me? Just rely on you?" Gongsun Hong said coldly.

Chu Yunfan came too fast, Gongsun Hong had not received the news yet, and he didn't know that Chu Yunfan had entered the realm, otherwise, he would not say that.

Although Gongsunhong was afraid of Chu Yunfan, he was not afraid of him. After all, Chu Yunfan had cultivated a thousand laws at the beginning, which he needed to look up to.

But now he has also cultivated a thousand laws, and both sides are enough to sit on an equal footing, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of anymore.

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