I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2332: 1 sword smashes the demon camp

The 2332nd chapter smashes the demon camp with one sword (page 1/1)

This huge treasure house was blasted open, and neatly arranged magic crystals could be seen everywhere, piled up everywhere like a hill.

These magic crystals are just a kind of natural treasures unique to the devil world, and they are similar in nature to the spirit stones in the Middle-earth China.

It's just that the spirit stone is formed by absorbing the aura between heaven and earth, while the magic crystal is a treasure formed by absorbing the magic crystal in the demon world.

The same contains huge energy, but the energy inside is completely different.

If it is someone else, even if they see the magic crystal, they will not be interested, because the magic crystal has no way for them to use it.

This is the same as the demon race of the demon world cannot directly use the aura between the heaven and the earth, and transform the heaven and the earth into an environment suitable for the generation of demon aura.

Even if the masters of Middle-earth China get the magic crystal, they can't use it. If it is absorbed into the body, it may even conflict with the mana in the body and explode.

But Chu Yunfan was different. He swallowed the sky and the earth. Even the magic crystal could be swallowed and used by him.

Chu Yunfan grabbed his thugs, and endless magic crystals formed a long river and poured into his picture of mountains and rivers.

In the picture of mountains and rivers, Tang Siyu saw so many magic crystals pouring in, and immediately sat down cross-legged and began to absorb the energy in these magic crystals. She was also taught by Chu Yunfan to swallow the sky and devour the earth, and she could also use it. These magic crystals.

After absorbing the magic energy in these magic crystals into mana, Tang Siyu's originally thin body became plump with naked eyes.

And outside, while Chu Yunfan collected countless magic crystals into the space of the mountain and river map, he was also madly absorbing the magic energy in these magic crystals.

Compared with the speed at which Chu Yunfan can absorb, the speed at which Tang Siyu absorbs the energy in these magic crystals is simply insignificant.

Chu Yunfan could swallow a magic crystal piled up like a hill in one bite.

These magic crystals volleyed into dust and disappeared in the air, and the magic energy in them had been completely absorbed by Chu Yunfan.

As for Chu Yunfan, there was a burst of black and a burst of gold. It was a process in which the magic energy absorbed by Chu Yunfan was continuously transformed into his mana.

But in a moment, Chu Yunfan originally appeared yellowish and thin because of the overdraft of his vitality, and his skinny figure gradually returned to his original plump and jade appearance, becoming more and more extraordinary.

The clothes on the body are no longer the original look like cloth strips hung on the body.

In addition to countless magic crystals, there are also many heavenly materials and earth treasures that are only produced in the demon world. This treasure house was originally intended to be used by the 100,000 elite demon soldiers in this camp to practice.

But now they were all taken away by Chu Yunfan, plundering them into his own wealth.

Originally, Chu Yunfan's wealth had been consumed almost after a series of consumption, but now he became rich again.

Those magic crystals alone are equivalent to tens of billions of high-grade spirit stones, not to mention those heaven, material, and earth treasures that add up to at least 20 billion high-grade spirit stones.

Although many heaven, material and earth treasures are contaminated with devilish energy, they cannot be used by ordinary masters of Middle-earth China, but there are many masters who practice the magic way in Middle-earth China.

They are very eager for these heavenly materials and earth treasures that are tainted with devilish energy, and even some demon masters even sneak into the demon world to find them in order to obtain such heavenly materials and earth treasures.

Although they are cultivating an improved magic way, but in the final analysis it is also a magic way, and they will naturally need these treasures of the devil world.

In just a moment, this treasure of heaven and earth was already plundered by Chu Yunfan.

"We have done our best to eliminate evil, just to uproot this demon barracks!"

Chu Yunfan said coldly.

Now most of the demon masters in the treasury have been beheaded by him, and less than half of the remaining demon masters are not enough to pose a threat to him.

In the next moment, an earth-shattering sword aura rushed into the sky with the light of thunder. It was a terrifying sword light of at least tens of thousands of feet, and it swept up from the demon's promise in such a straightforward manner.


The tens of thousands of feet of sword light fell in the air, and it directly split this huge demon barracks in half in the air.

For a time, the entire Demon Clan camp was in turmoil. With this sword alone, there were tens of thousands of Demon Clan soldiers who had no time to dodge and were split in half with one sword.

Countless demon soldiers were screaming, and tens of thousands were seriously injured by the aftermath of the terrifying thunder.

This sword has already severely damaged this elite demon army.

Countless soldiers of the Demon Race flew up one after another, among them many masters of the Demon Race, the masters of the Divine Hidden Realm, and even the Realm Realm all flew.

Everyone has a dumb expression. This is already the rear of the Demon Race. In the starry sky of the universe, there is no possibility of being invaded by foreign enemies.

So even the most vigilant people did not expect that the attack would come from within, and it would be so terrifying.

Even dealing with the masters of the various ethnic groups in the Middle-earth China in the ancient battlefield, that was already three years ago.

In the past three years, even if there are still some remnants, it should be hiding in Tibet and dare not show up at all.


A terrifying breath rose from the demon camp, and a terrifying existence with a human head but a demon body flew out, heading straight towards the direction the sword light swept over.

This is a demon master in a realm, and one of the most outstanding existences in this demon camp.

However, before he could react, a sword light penetrated his chest directly.

The demon masters in this realm had no time to react at all, and he couldn't even say a word, his body exploded immediately, and he was crushed and killed by the sword qi.

Before he died, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he was so vulnerable.

"The enemy attack~www.ltnovel.com~ the whole team!"

Countless demon army officers were yelling, and the entire camp was panicked. Many troops tried to gather. After all, this was an elite force, not a mob.

But at this moment, another thunder sword light was condensed and formed in midair.

At this moment, the people finally saw clearly what it was. A human being raised one hand high, with a cold expression, and the horrible sword light of ten thousand feet was formed in his hand.

Then as he fell suddenly, this sword light slashed directly onto the barracks.


The entire barracks was trembling, countless enchantments were cut to pieces with a single sword, and tens of thousands of demons were directly beheaded and turned into a cloud of blood.

More Demon soldiers were swept out by the aftermath, and were severely injured one after another.

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