I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2333: Changes in the outside world

?Chapter 2333: Changes in the outside world (page 1/1)

After the many officers of the Demon Race were beheaded one by one by Chu Yunfan, the remaining Demon Race army was already crushed, and how could it be able to withstand Chu Yunfan's pursuit.

In addition, Tang Siyu also came out and shot together afterwards, and it was another existence at the pinnacle of the realm.

The two joined hands, and the entire demon army barracks were upset.

After a while, the entire barracks had been slaughtered.

After slaughtering this military camp, Chu Yunfan finally knew what was happening outside.

There are records in the military documents in the barracks. Although they are written by the Demon Race of the Demon Realm, neither Chu Yunfan nor Tang Siyu lacks an understanding of the Demon Race's text.

Only then can I know what happened to the outside world.

It was the same as the worst situation Chu Yunfan initially guessed, that is, the demons invaded the Middle-earth China.

The demons besieged the ancient battlefield before, but it was only part of this battle.

The demons are deliberately planning to invade Middle-earth China, and these future young talents of Middle-earth China will undoubtedly become objects that must be eradicated in the hearts of the demons.

If this group of young Tianjiao grow up, the entire Middle-earth China will probably usher in an unprecedented golden age.

Not to mention all, even if only one-tenth of the young Tianjiao grows up, it will be said to be a terrifying prosperity.

After all, this is a genius accumulated in the Middle-earth China for countless years.

It was originally supposed to shine out of its own light in the long river of history, but now they are all growing up in the same era. What a horrible scene.

After the demons learned about this situation, they were already anxious.

It's just that the young Tianjiao had always been in Middle-earth China before, and even those demons didn't have a chance to do it.

But when most of the young Tianjiao came to the ancient battlefield, the Mozu felt that the long-awaited opportunity had finally arrived.

Finally, the soldiers were divided into two groups, one of which first blocked the ancient battlefield, and then mobilized the army to break out a battle against the reinforcements of the Middle-earth China.

When the young Tianjiao were trapped in the ancient battlefield, it was of course not unknown in the Middle-earth China.

Their response has not been so slow.

Not long after the incident happened, almost everyone reached a consensus. After confirming that it was not between them, a cross-racial reinforcement army had already formed an army and went to the starry sky to support these young Tianjiao.

It is rare for all races and forces to let go of their prejudices and hatreds and move forward with the same goal.

It's really because these young talents are so important.

Bear the future of their respective ethnic groups!

However, such a support army was blocked in the starry sky of the universe, and there was no way to support the ancient battlefield.

And just when the major forces wanted to mobilize the army to organize the second star expedition, the Demon Race’s Second Route Army appeared and directly invaded the Middle-earth China and directly surrounded the capitals of the major races. A game about the Demon World and the Middle-earth China. The war broke out in this way.

This is also the reason why the Demon Race has delayed for a full year to wipe out these young Tianjiao.

It was really because they were dragged down by the reinforcements of the Middle-earth China, and it was not until a year later that the demons invaded the Middle-earth China.

The persecuting forces returned to help. After no reinforcements, the demon army finally attacked the young Tianjiao in the ancient battlefield.

The blood of that battle flowed into rivers, and the heroic souls of various powerful geniuses reverberated in the universe. Before they could grow to their peak period in the future, they had already fallen into the stars of the universe.

And this is practice, and practice is cruel.

It's not that talent is tyrannical to get to the end, luck also determines everything to a large extent. This is the so-called luck is also part of strength.

According to the final statistics within the Demon Race, almost half of the young Tianjiao have stayed on the ancient battlefield forever, and the current masters who were active on the ancient battlefield are almost annihilated, and less than one-fifth of them can escape. One.

Because even if the realm is the same, the young Tianjiao's methods are much more than those of the masters of the world, and various life-saving methods are emerging one after another.

So on the contrary, these young Tianjiao have escaped halfway, while the other masters are almost annihilated.

This was originally a battlefield for them to watch, but now it has become a **** that kills them.

The collision between the two races has been very cruel, all kinds of talents are consumed on the battlefield like cannon fodder, and there is no one in a hundred who can grow up.

And the collision of the two worlds was a hundred times more cruel than this, and all kinds of geniuses died like meaningless weeds on the battlefield of the two worlds.

Up to now, in the starry sky of the universe, there are still some remaining young Tianjiao and current masters, not many, but they have caused a lot of trouble to the Demon Race.

Because these people are few in number, they are extremely difficult to find, but their strength is very high, and they are basically domains, which can cause them a lot of trouble.

Even if they frequently send masters and troops to wipe out these people, there is nothing to do.

Because these people were too cunning, they simply fought guerrilla warfare in outer space when the road to the Middle-earth China was blocked.

This is the role of this army guarding here, in order to suppress the young Tianjiao in the nearby area.

Who knew that Chu Yunfan was such a super killer, and instead of being able to wipe out the guerrillas, he was directly destroyed by Chu Yunfan.

"I didn't expect the Mozu's action this time to be so big!" At this time, Tang Siyu slowly said. "I don't know if they escaped!"

Of course, what Tang Siyu said was the Golden-winged Roc Bird, Huangfu Longhao, Chu Hongcai and others~www.ltnovel.com~ Even if they escaped from the ancient battlefield and escaped into outer space, they were still surrounded.

Chu Yunfan and Tang Siyu, who had a fatal injury rate of more than half, could say that their brows jumped.

I am afraid that they will also appear in the general death rate.

"There should be no problem. They were the first group to escape. At that time, the demon army hadn't reacted yet!"

Chu Yunfan said, he saw in the document that he was fleeing in front of him, and the possibility of encountering interception was lower. In addition, Chu Yunfan was used as an arrow to destroy all the way.

The army of the demons along the way was almost killed by him alone. There is no way to compare the strength and the peak.

The more you get to the back, the more tenacious the blockade formed by the demon army that reacts, and almost most of the young Tianjiao and the current masters are destroyed on the spot.

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