I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2334: Both male and female

The farther behind, the escape rate will be at the end of the month.

Chu Yunfan, who looked at the many data, was shocking.

In particular, these young Tianjiao are rare **** bodies in the Middle-earth Divine State, the last time they are the constitution of the king, and even among them are the constitution of the king.

This kind of person is placed in the long river of history, and any era is the protagonist, the kind that can be written into a novel.

Each one is the protagonist beloved by heaven and earth.

The bodies of these people contain the mystery of heaven and earth, and the Demon Race can rush back the corpses of these people to study many secrets of the Middle-earth China.

So in this battle, even the demons lost a lot, but in general, the gain was far greater than the loss, and it was very cost-effective.

This first match ended with a complete victory for the Demon Race.

Now that the demons have invaded the Middle-earth Divine Land, countless creatures are disgraced. The demons do not even need to do anything. As long as the world is transformed into an environment like the Demon Realm, it is a disaster for the creatures of Middle-earth Divine State.

Practitioners can also contend with their own cultivation base and reduce the influence of devil energy to a minimum, but ordinary creatures do not have this ability.

Over time, no creatures in the entire Middle-earth China will survive, whether it is animals or plants, all will die.

"Judging from the documents we got, it's not that easy for us to return to China's Central Earth!"

Chu Yunfan said.

Tang Siyu nodded and said: "They arranged for powerful barracks to block nearby areas on their way back to the Middle-earth China.

Even the ordinary young Tianjiao has wings to fly over! "

Tang Siyu glanced at Chu Yunfan. In fact, if it weren't for Chu Yunfan's strength, he almost swept the entire barracks with his own power, even if their results were no different from those young Tianjiao.

It is also close to the Middle-earth China, and the more such barracks, the greater the possibility of their exposure.

"Then kill them one by one!" Chu Yunfan said lightly. "It just so happens that we are behind the Demon Race, and we have turned the Demon Race upside down!"

"I'm afraid that the Devil Dragon King will be provoked by that time!" Tang Siyu said with some worry, and she was still impressed by the terrible Devil Dragon King.

If it weren't for Chu Yunfan's life-saving hole cards, I'm afraid they would not be able to escape death at all, and they would not even be able to escape.

There is too much difference in the current strength of the two sides.

That is a master of the half-step king state who has surpassed the peak of the domain state.

Only one step is short of being able to cross into the king's realm, such a person can cause turbulent waves when they appear in the Middle-earth China.

"It's okay, in fact, I want to try his hand to see where my current cultivation level is!"

Chu Yunfan shook his head and said.

If he was originally afraid of the Demon Dragon King, then now, he doesn't care about the Demon Dragon King at all.

That Demon Dragon King is half-step king, but he is not bad either, and his cultivation is equally earth-shattering.

It has already surpassed the seven thousand laws of the ordinary Juvenile Supreme.

At least eight thousand or even nine thousand laws were condensed, and when the ordinary realm encountered this black dragon king, it was almost a dead place.

There is simply no possibility of contending.

But Chu Yunfan was different, he had already expanded the domain from the limit of 7,000 to 10,000.

He didn't fail to attack the king realm like the Demon Dragon King, and fell down, and then became such a half-step king realm appearance.

Even in the half-step king state, he didn't pay attention to it. If he only talked about combat power, he was not bad.

So not only was he not afraid, on the contrary, he was a little eager to try.

"With my current cultivation base, unless I suddenly meet a king-level master, no one can compare to me at all!"

Chu Yunfan said.

"I will pass on my breakthrough experience to you, and this is also an excellent opportunity for you. If you can break through to the seven thousand and one rule, the impact on your future will be subversive. Furthermore, there will be no one in the past, and no one in the future. Once you break through to the king realm, you will become stronger than before!"

After three years of practice, Tang Siyu's strength has naturally improved by leaps and bounds. Compared with the original writing, it is simply not the same.

The Seven Thousand Principles of Juvenile Supreme Peak had already been reached at this stage.

For the ordinary juvenile supreme, this is an unimaginable level, but this has the potential to continue to tap.

Tang Siyu can go further. Once he can break through to the seven thousand and one rule and break through his own shackles, then he will have an unprecedented opportunity to break through like Chu Yunfan three years ago.

"it is good!"

Tang Siyu looked at Chu Yunfan's profile, as if thinking of the mediocre and unremarkable person in the school classroom many years ago.

At that time, the person in the memory was too mediocre, and he didn't even dare to talk to him. However, on a certain day in the second year of high school, he suddenly became a super genius.

It's like getting some adventure overnight, and the relationship and status of the two sides have changed drastically.

Since then, he has become completely different. He was chasing after himself, but now he has to chase in his footsteps almost every day.

Even if he tried his best, even with his own talent and juvenile supreme physique, there was still no way to catch up with him.

Unconsciously, there was only one wish left in her heart, that is to catch up with him, stand side by side with him, and tell everyone that she is qualified to stand side by side with him.

However, Chu Yunfan and Tang Siyu decided to go to the Middle-earth China while destroying the barracks of the demons they saw along the way.

All of a sudden, the Mozu big camp along the way was suddenly unlucky.

Originally, this place was already regarded as the rear of the demon army ~ www.ltnovel.com~ except for the remnants of the remnants of the conquest from time to time, there are almost no enemies.

Who ever thought, suddenly this man and a woman appeared, with a sturdy style, no matter what level of supervisor, or whether it was an officer in charge or not.

There was no way to stop the speed of the two looting.

The barracks were attacked by Chu Yunfan, and they were almost penetrated at an alarming speed.

Even though these are the elites of the demons, there is a huge gap between elites and elites.

How can he withstand Chu Yunfan's attack in the runaway state.

The invasion of the demons will completely destroy the Middle-earth China, an enemy who has resisted itself for thousands of years, but they have been hunted down, barracks one after another are pulled out, and the treasure house is looted.

The closer you are to the Middle-earth China, the more demon barracks will be harmed.

For a time, the reputation of both males and females was extremely resounding among the demons.

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