I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2335: Battle of the Dragon King

Chu Yunfan uprooted the barracks of the Demon Race one by one, and finally the Demon Race army felt extremely painful.

Compared with the other ancient Tianjiao and even Juvenile Supreme, who were still stuck in the starry sky of the universe, Chu Yunfan was much more terrifying.

Ordinary ancient Tianjiao, even if it has become a master of the domain realm, and even reaches the peak of cultivation, he dare not easily attack a military camp.

Because these demons are very elite, they have formed the soul of the army.

Single-handedly, or even two or three breaking into the barracks together, that is a dead end, and the young supreme can only protect himself.

Personal strength is very strong, but in front of elite troops of this level, it seems not enough.

So they are often ambushing the demons who are acting outside.

Although it also caused some trouble to the Demon Race, they were basically small things, not enough to make the Demon Race's attention.

He even used the action characteristics of these ancient Tianjiao and Juvenile Supreme to set up ambushes and killed many ancient Tianjiao and Juvenile Supreme.

But Chu Yunfan was different. He made a tough shot, and even a master of the entire barracks couldn't stop him, and the army soul formed by the army was also defeated by his own power.

It has surpassed the extreme of the realm.

Reached the point of shocking the world, coupled with Tang Siyu's support, the two were soon able to tear down a demon's promise and robbed the wealth of it.

While Chu Yunfan plundered these wealth, he strengthened himself while trying to attack the king's realm.

He is now the pinnacle of the domain realm. Once he breaks through to the king realm, that will be the beginning of true invincibility.

The more Chu Yunfan slaughtered and the closer he approached the Middle-earth Divine State, the more demons he encountered.

Even though Chu Yunfan's killing speed was extremely fast, it was inevitable that he felt as if he had fallen into the mud, and his speed of action had been reduced to a very terrifying point.

Originally, Chu Yunfan could not meet a demon army in one day, but now, Chu Yunfan could encounter several demon elite troops that day.

Gradually, it seemed that a big net was slowly opening, coming towards Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan continued to kill as if he hadn't noticed, and he kept coming in the direction of Middle-earth China.

On this day, he finally came to the edge of the world of Middle-earth China, less than one hundred thousand miles away from the world of Middle-earth China. For the experts in the realm, this road can be said to come overnight.

But in front of him, there are already a group of people blocking him.

The headed dragon that covered the sky and covered the sun was the same Demon Dragon King who chased and killed Chu Yunfan.

And beside the Demon Dragon King, there were seven extremely indifferent masters standing, staring at Chu Yunfan and Tang Siyu, as if they were looking at the dead.

With such a lineup, anyone who watches it will take a breath of air, because apart from the Demon Dragon King who is already in the Half-Step King Realm, the remaining seven extremely indifferent Demon Masters, without exception, are all the highest in the Realm Realm. The presence.

Even if compared to the peak of Young Supreme's cultivation, it may not be much worse.

"Human, we have reduced it again!" The Demon Dragon King looked at Chu Yunfan with a grin, as if looking at a dead person.

"Indeed, I haven't seen you in a few years, I didn't expect you to be dead!"

Chu Yunfan looked at this Demon Dragon King, a smile flashed across his mouth, and there was something eager to try in his expression.

"Hahahaha, who can kill me in heaven and on earth!"

The Dragon King laughed loudly.

"It's you, not only did you escape from my hand and didn't die, but you also caused such a big incident that caused me to be punished by that adult!" The Demon Dragon King mentioned this and couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

Chu Yunfan escaped from his hands, and because of his pursuit of Chu Yunfan, many young supreme ancient Tianjiao from the Middle-earth China took the opportunity to expand.

A lot more people ran out than originally planned.

These people grow up to the peak at random, and it is enough to make the Demon a very headache, so many people ran out, and it is also very depressing for the Demon.

And all of this must be attributed to Chu Yunfan.

It also made the Demon Dragon King lose the adults in front of the other kings of all races.

One can imagine how much this Devil Dragon King hates Chu Yunfan.

"If I remember correctly, the Demon Dragon clan should have a reputation in the Demon Realm. Why do you still want to be a dog for others? If your ancestor dragon is still alive, will you be alive and angry with you!"

Chu Yunfan said with a grin.

"Shut up, I still have no turn to teach you!"

The Devil Dragon King was furious, and this was the deepest scar in his heart.

The current demon dragon clan seems to be majestic, but it is far from the time when the ancestor of the demon dragon was still alive.

"A beam jumping clown like you, if it is not lucky, how can I escape from my hand, just now I will kill you to make up for my previous mistakes!" The Demon Dragon King said coldly.

When it was said that it was too late, then a horrible aura directly enveloped him, and it was the Demon Dragon King who made the move.

That terrifying blow directly tore through the starry sky of the universe, and he caught Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan shouted: "It's just right, I'm still worried that after the breakthrough, I can't find a comparable opponent. Siyu, you stop them, give me some time, and I will kill this dragon!"

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Tang Siyu held a long sword and rushed directly towards the seven terrifying figures behind the Demon Dragon King without a word. On top of her head, the mountain and river Ding loomed and turned steadily.

Layers of light curtains continued to hang down to protect her.

The seven terrifying masters are also shooting at the same time, to kill him in the first time.

For a time ~www.ltnovel.com~ the entire battlefield has been divided into two parts. The battle between Chu Yunfan and the Demon Dragon King is the main battlefield that really decides everything.

Chu Yunfan let out a long roar, and from his body, countless thunders turned into a terrifying long sword, which fell on that huge devil's claw in an instant.


The devil's claw was crushed by life, but it was just a blink of an eye.

"Huh?" The Devil Dragon King was a little surprised, his attack was hit by Chu Yunfan all at once and collapsed. You must know that Chu Yunfan hadn't been able to resist his attack before.

It was just relying on Shanhe Ding's defense to forcibly escape.

Within a few years, the cultivation base was actually so powerful.

Thinking of this, in his huge eyes, the killing intent was even more harsh.

"Roar, now I'll send you on the road!" The Demon Dragon King roared, his huge body slammed into it like Mars hitting the earth.

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