I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2341: Kill another half step of the king's realm

In the demon army, a terrifying breath rushed out from the army.

A demons with a height of tens of meters rushed out. This was the troll family of the demons. The figure was much taller than the ordinary demons, and the aura on the body was even more terrifying, far beyond the realm of the demons.

Compared to the Devil Dragon King, it was not bad at all, even more terrifying.

His body rushed out, rippling the heavens and the earth continuously.

It almost shattered the space.

A big terrifying hand broke through the void and patted it directly in the direction of Chu Yunfan.

The super master of the half-step king state.

This time the demon army that besieged Feixianzong was also under his command.

It is also the terrifying existence of this troll clan that makes the masters of Fei Xianzong quite a headache.

Even if there are Huangfu Longhao and other top young supreme in the Fei Xianzong, they still can't open the situation.

The terrifying existence of this half-step king realm almost suppressed the masters of Fei Xianzong with its own power.

"No, it's that troll king again!" Many people suddenly frowned.

In the eyes of everyone, the strength of this troll king is simply terrifying, unless it is a master of the king realm, it is impossible to exist at this level.

There are terrifying demon energy boiling everywhere, and countless demon laws are condensing, turning into terrible big hands to crush everything and crush everything.

However, Chu Yunfan didn't have the slightest fear. He let out a long scream, and in an instant, the surrounding laws boiled out and turned into a huge domain. When that big hand blasted into Chu Yunfan's domain, it was hit by the domain. It is directly crushed into powder.

"Small bugs, if there is only this level, then you can die with peace of mind!"

Chu Yunfan laughed loudly, and a pair of thunder wings suddenly stretched out behind him.

In an instant, he rushed to the front of this troll king.

"Eight Shaking Fists!"

Chu Yunfan squeezed his fist with his five fingers, and the horrible fist strength boiled between his fingers, and then blasted out in an instant.

The phantoms of the eight gods turned out around Chu Yunfan, and then suddenly suppressed the troll king.


The troll king kept roaring, and his body exuded infinite devilish energy. The body grew bigger and bigger, swelling against the wind, and in an instant, it was as huge as a mountain.

The troll king kept blasting terrifying magical powers, turning them into torrents, trying to drown Chu Yunfan.


The collision between the two sides made almost the entire world tremble. Far away, the demon armies did not dare to approach at all, and even many armies were swept into ashes by the aftermath of the two sides before they could escape.

Even Fei Xianzong's mountain gate array was swiftly operating, resisting the terrible aftermath of this wave.

The entire mountain gate array was shaking violently.


A series of terrifying collisions, just as everyone widened their eyes to see what happened, they saw that the body of the troll king was directly blown out.

"Roar!" Although the troll king was blasted out, the devilish energy in his entire body burned even more into a devil flame.

His eyes were even more red, and he hadn't encountered such an opponent for a long, long time.

The troll clan is also one of the best in the demon clan, and the power is even greater, and the troll king is also a leader in the troll clan.

Now he was blown out by Chu Yunfan with a punch, and he was completely defeated in strength.

The troll king roared, struggling to get up, his whole body, countless laws of strength condensed into a huge field, protecting him into it.

But Chu Yunfan didn't stop at all, and he blasted out with a punch.


The Troll King let out a scream, and when he confronted Chu Yunfan, his entire arm was shattered.

The flesh fell apart.

"Want to kill me? With such strength, I am afraid it is not enough!"

Chu Yunfan just smiled coldly, and the Thunder Wings behind his back instantly flapped, and his whole body flew to the top of the Troll King, trampled down with one foot.

"Huangquan Nine Steps!"

Chu Yunfan shouted loudly and trampled down with a big foot like a mountain.


The Troll King was directly stepped on, the power field around him was directly smashed, and then his chest was directly stepped on.

The troll king screamed, his body torn apart.

Finally, he reorganized his body in the distance, breathing heavily.

It was just a simple attack, and the crushing force alone was enough to inflict him severely.

This time, he was directly injured, and the devilish energy on his body was suddenly dimmed, which was less than half of the heyday.

"How can human beings be so strong!"

The troll king couldn't believe that he was already in the half-step king state, unless he met a king state master, how could it be so miserable.

Even if you really met a master of the king realm, that's probably it.

There is such a terrifying existence among human beings, not just those masters of the king realm who were paid attention to by their demons at the beginning.

During this period of time, he was besieging Feixianzong without any opponents. Even the master of Feixianzong was not his opponent. He could only be trapped in Feixianzong, based on the background of the master of the king realm contained in Feixianzong. Come to encircle and suppress the demon army.

I don't even know that there is such a horror.

If you know it, I'm afraid you will just turn around and run on the spot. Although this is not the King Realm, it is different from the King Realm.

However, if it were not for personal experience today, I am afraid that even if someone else told him, he would never believe it~www.ltnovel.com~ However, before he could react, Chu Yunfan appeared in front of him with a flash. The fist pierced the sky, and the terrifying Changhong shattered everything, pierced his realm in an instant, and smashed his body into pieces.

This time he wanted to struggle to reassemble his physical body, but where would Chu Yunfan give him such a chance, he would be trampled by one foot.

This is the horror and dominance of 10,000 laws of cultivation.

Even if it is an ordinary young supreme, it is only five thousand laws to practice to the limit in the domain realm, and the average half-step king realm master is only five thousand, and the young supreme reaches the half-step king realm, which is seven or eight thousand. The law is already the limit.

This still has some amazing understanding of the king realm, but it is not enough for the transitional stage after being promoted to the king realm.

Once a breakthrough is made, there are ten thousand rules!

And Chu Yunfan now has ten thousand laws, and the number of laws is no longer inferior to the masters of the king realm. Of course, in the real fight, Chu Yunfan may not be the opponent of the king realm, but at least he has the power to protect himself. Then there is no way to fight back.

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