I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2342: Defeat the demons

Troll king, just died like this?

Fei Xianzong's upper and lower high-levels seemed to be a little unacceptable, and the Troll King who had caused them so much headache died so easily in Chu Yunfan's hands.

This gave them a sense of unreality, which simply subverted their three views.

Let them have a feeling that the troll king is nothing more than that.

Of course, they all know that this feeling is an illusion, if it is really just that, how could they suppress their Fei Xianzong and dare not attack everywhere with their own power.

There is only one possibility, and that is that Chu Yunfan is too strong, strong enough to sling and slay the Troll King easily, this is the only possible truth.

"Kill out and defeat the demons in one fell swoop!"

Situ Xuan immediately seized this opportunity. The Flying Immortal Sect's background should not be underestimated. If it weren't for the existence of the troll king, he would have organized a large army to kill him.

Now that the Troll King was beheaded by Chu Yunfan, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Soon, one by one Feixianzong's elite army was exhausted and began to attack the demon army.

After the realm-level powerhouses in the demon army were beheaded by Chu Yunfan one after another, the remaining demon army was completely vulnerable.

Huangfu Longhao, Situ Xuan and the others held back for a long time. At this point, they finally couldn't hold back, and they led the army.

The demon army collapsed at the touch of a touch. It was just an hour. The entire demon army had been repulsed and suffered heavy losses. It was chased by the Fei Xianzong's army, and the loss was heavy.

In addition to chasing and killing the army that besieged Feixianzong, the elite army of Feixianzong also went to various places to clean up the places that were invaded by the demon army.

At the same time, the elders one by one left the customs, holding magical instruments to go to various places to clean up the places contaminated by the demons.

The first thing after the invasion of the demons was to transform the world into a suitable environment for the demons to survive. A lot has been done in the past few years.

Now these Fei Xianzong's Supreme Elders are going to restore the places polluted by the devil qi.

For a time, the entire Feixianzong was mobilized to restore the place that had been polluted by the demons.

At the same time, Situ Xuan and the others were waiting for Chu Yunfan's return.

This time the crisis of Fei Xianzong was resolved, to a large extent, it relied on Chu Yunfan's strength.

Chu Yunfan's hand completely made everyone understand how important a top expert would be to a sect.

When Chu Yunfan was not there, the Troll King almost suppressed Fei Xianzong and couldn't move up and down with his own power, and he had to be cautious even if he sent troops to support everywhere.

The only way to watch the demons wreak havoc is to wait for Huangfu Longhao and others to go further and reach the half-step king state before they can completely drive the demons out.

But now that Chu Yunfan returned, it was almost easy to break their predicament.

When Chu Yunfan finished chasing the demon army and returned to Fei Xianzong, he found that Situ Xuan and others were waiting for him.

"I have seen the head!" Chu Yunfan said, arching his hands, beside him, Tang Siyu also met him.

"You don't need to be polite!" Situ Xuan said quickly. If he could have suppressed Chu Yunfan with his own cultivation base and status, then it would be completely impossible now.

"Junior Brother Chu, I didn't expect that in the past three years, not only have your strength increased greatly, even the half-step king realm troll king is not your opponent, and your strength has increased too fast!"

Huangfu Longhao said.

He is a little weak. In the past three years, he has the full support of Fei Xianzong's resources and background. His cultivation has increased by leaps and bounds, but he has only condensed five thousand rules and reached the peak of the domain.

This kind of cultivation is already fast enough. In order to support the rapid growth of these young supreme, the foundation of Fei Xianzong is being consumed at an astonishing rate.

This is the foundation that Fei Xianzong has accumulated for many years, and it will be exhausted in this life.

Even so, compared with Chu Yunfan's progress, it was still far behind.

Not to mention that compared with Chu Yunfan, even when compared with Tang Siyu, it seems to be far behind.

I don't know what kind of adventure Chu Yunfan got outside, it can be compared with the foundation accumulated by Fei Xianzong for so many years.

However, he didn't know. Chu Yunfan didn't know how many demon barracks had been overturned along the way, and he had not swept and plundered all the way. The foundation accumulated by the demon race over many years was naturally much larger than that of the Flying Immortal Sect.

"It's nothing, it's just a troll king. Just before, I just killed a dragon king, and it's a half-step king state!"

Chu Yunfan waved his hand and said calmly.

Everyone was shocked, as if in Chu Yunfan's mouth, the half-step king realm was like an ordinary realm realm, beheading if they wanted to kill.

Killing two is just because there are only two appearing in front of him. If there are more, you can kill a few more.

"Brother Fan, how did you get out?" Chu Hong couldn't help asking.

Only then did Chu Yunfan tell the events of the past few years one by one, except for some of the things that could not be said, most of them did not hide.

Everyone exclaimed. They didn't expect that Chu Yunfan and the others would have killed them all the way back. They didn't know how many demon barracks were overturned and the demon treasure vaults looted along the way. The Vietnam War became stronger along the way, and even shocked the demon. High-level.

In the end, even a top powerhouse like the Demon Dragon King was sent to stop him.

It's just that the senior demons probably didn't expect that Chu Yunfan's strength would grow so fast, and he had already surpassed the half-step king realm with lightning speed.

Unless the real king is dispatched ~www.ltnovel.com~, where is Chu Yunfan's opponent.

At this time, even if they dispatched the real king, it was too late. Chu Yunfan had already returned.

"Brother Fan, you are so amazing, hahahaha, the demons must be smoked by your madness!"

Chu Hong just danced and laughed.

"But you must have also entered the field of vision of the upper echelons of the Demon Race. Once you have the opportunity, I am afraid that there will be a king-level master to deal with you.

Situ Xuan said with some worry.

Now in this troubled world, all the original rules have been broken, and Chu Yunfan's performance is so strong, it is not necessarily a good thing.

Because such a person, I am afraid that many people will be jealous, even if the forces within the human race see it, they will be jealous.

Especially the Destiny Sect, who has a deep hatred with Chu Yunfan, will do what he will do after learning that Chu Yunfan is not dead yet, no one knows.

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