I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2343: Relieve Zhenyuan City

"It's okay, with the power of the Heavenly Mandate Sect, can you not know that I am back? So I am high-key or low-key, which is meaningless. The only way is to improve my strength as much as possible before they react. If he can break through to the king's realm, what can he do to me at that time?"

Chu Yunfan waved his hand, he didn't care about what was discovered by the Heavenly Fate Sect at all, and now he does have such confidence.

Even the waiting half-step King Realm is not his opponent at all.

Even if he encounters the king realm, he can escape, naturally there is no fear.

"What do you need us to help you?" Situ Xuan thought for a while. It seems that at this time, there is really no other way. The only way is to help Chu Yunfan break through to the king realm as soon as possible.

At that time, Fei Xianzong will also have a king state, and its status can be compared with Tianmingzong, Haoran Academy, and Da Yi Shenjiao.

Although they are both the top ten powers, he also knows very well that they are divided into three, six or nine levels, whether there is a king's realm in charge, in fact, it is divided into the upper circle and the lower circle of the ten major powers.

The upper circle is the truly unbreakable existence, while the lower circle seems to be a stable one, but it is of no use at all.

God Puppet Sect, God Rune Sect, Medicine King Valley, etc. were eliminated.

Their Fei Xian Sect just happened to have a Chu Yunfan, and with their own strength, they held the declining Fei Xian Sect, otherwise, the Fei Xian Sect would not be the slightest difference compared with the other forces.

"No need!" Chu Yunfan said directly, with his current cultivation base, Fei Xianzong can provide him with little help.

Even the founder of Flying Immortal Sect is only the cultivation base of the King Realm. Chu Yunfan is no stranger to the King Realm. He has the memory of Emperor Pill. Chu Yunfan's understanding of the King Realm may still be in the Flying Fairy Sect. Above the founders.

What he lacks now is enough accumulation to help him break through to the king realm in one fell swoop.

The normal method should be to accumulate slowly, then accumulate thinly, and break through to the king realm in one fell swoop, but obviously the current situation will definitely not give him so much time to accumulate thinly to make breakthroughs.

So he had only one way left, and that was to forcibly devour other people's heritage and strengthen his own strength.

That is to use the Sky Swallowing Art to swallow enough energy to enhance one's own cultivation in a very short time.

"In that case, then I won't say much, if you need my help, you can come to me!"

Situ Xuan said.

Fei Xianzong's actions to clean up the demons continued, but after the leader was gone, the siege of the demons was quickly repelled, and the army of the demons was constantly defeated.

For a time, shake the whole world.

With the demons aggressively invading the entire Middle-earth China and mainly attacking the human race, Fei Xianzong was the first force to repel the demons within his territory.

The entire human race was greatly encouraged!

At the same time, all kinds of messages for help were sent towards Fei Xianzong like a snow film version.

Even the imperial capital has issued a decree to let Feixianzong lead troops to sweep the nearby Demon Race army.

A question posed in front of Fei Xianzong. Even though Fei Xianzong had just gotten rid of its fate of destruction, there are still many forces under Fei Xianzong who are still being invaded by demons, and they urgently need to wait for them. Go to the rescue.

But once they leave, they are likely to be caught off guard by the demons.

At this time, Chu Yunfan stood up without hesitation.

The first thing Chu Yunfan did was to return to Zhenyuan City. This was his fief, and he also had his army here, Zhenyuan Army.

At this time, Zhenyuan City was also facing the harassment of the demons, and even because it was located at the junction of the demons, the Hu tribe, and the barbarians, there were still many demons, the barbarians, and the Hu tribe.

Even with the elite of Zhenyuan Army, there is no way to manage so many aspects at the same time.

It can only be guarded in Zhenyuan City, but even so, the huge Zhenyuan City is also surrounded by a large army of demons.

At this time, above Zhenyuan City, a faint figure stood in the air, looking at Zhenyuan City below, with a bit of coldness and indifference in his eyes.

"I am, the prince of the Dragon King of the Monster Race, Jiao Wuying, now I am here to rescue you. As long as you Zhenyuan City are willing to submit to this prince, this prince can save you from danger!"

"Now you Daxia Dynasty can't take care of yourself, how can you have time to take care of you, if you don't have the help of this prince, you will die!" Jiao Wuying said loudly, not even afraid of being heard by the demons below.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Even if the demon army knew it, what could it do?

"Jiao Wuying, don't think about it. If you have the ability, you will kill us. If you want us to surrender, it's impossible!"

At this time, a loud shout came from the city.


Jiao Wuying said coldly, an extremely cold expression flashing in his eyes.

Suddenly, at this moment, a big hand fell from the sky and directly caught the demon army.

Hundreds of thousands of demons who besieged Zhenyuan City were caught and turned into a cloud of blood.

"Who?" In the Demon Race, dozens of tyrannical auras flew out all of a sudden, all of them were above the Divine Hidden Realm. The big gasification hand just failed to catch them all and let them die. Escape.

But before they could react, dozens of terrifying sword lights swept across the sky in the void, piercing them one after another, and blasted them into fragments.

For a time, the devil energy above the entire sky disappeared without a trace.

Just now, the demon army that made Zhenyuan City helpless was just like that, it was bombarded and killed easily.

You can't even resist a little bit!

And Jiao Wuying, who was still very arrogant, was like seeing the scariest thing ~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly felt tight.

With a flower in front of his eyes, there was a figure who didn't know when, had already arrived in front of him.

But I saw that it was a young man in a black robe, standing with his back.

The whole person stands in the sky, as towering as the Optimus Pillar.

"It's Lord Hou!"

At this time, many people in Zhenyuan City suddenly yelled out. Many people were surprised to find that it was the Zhenyuanhou and Chu Yunfan they were thinking of saving Zhenyuan City from the crisis.

Especially among the crowd, You Chuyun couldn't help but rushed out almost immediately and came to Chu Yunfan's side.

"Master Hou, it's great for you to come back!"

You Chuyun said with surprise and joy.

Chu Yunfan looked at You Chuyun and smiled and said, "Very well, you are doing a good job, let's look at me next!"

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