I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2357: Cthulhu in the depths of the grassland

Watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. com mobile phone reading watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. com mobile phone reading Chu Yunfan became famous!

Especially when the news that Chu Yunfan forcefully killed the old Khan King and eliminated the evil god's will came out, it even stunned the world's heroes.

If it is said that although many of those people killed by Chu Yunfan were originally on the King Realm alternate list, they were all ranked relatively low.

But King Khan is different, his cultivation is unfathomable, although he is old, he is not weak to be deceived.

I am afraid that his strength ranks very high in the king's alternate list, and the first few are possible.

However, such a powerful man fell under the feet of Chu Yunfan.

Was beheaded with absolute strength.

This news is tantamount to a bolt from the blue for many people.

"God, it's going to change!"

Many people feel that a super horrible supernova is on the rise.

Chu Yunfan's rise was so fast that he not only defeated all the masters of his generation, but also surpassed the ancient Tianjiao who had gathered the essence of countless years and became the first person of the younger generation.

It even seemed to some people that Chu Yunfan was basically the first person under the king's realm.

Except for the king's realm, there is no opponent in the world.

Especially Fei Xianzong is boiling, the stronger Chu Yunfan's strength is, the happier they will be.

In this troubled world, there are no king-level masters sitting in town, and their usual pride of Fei Xianzong is only enough to make them precarious.

It may become nothingness in the turmoil of the world at any time.

Usually they haven't felt that big before, but in the real troubled times, they really understand how big the gap between the masters of the king realm and the masters of the king realm is.

A few inheritances with masters of the king realm are still as stable as Mount Tai in such troubled times. The siege of the demons was quickly broken up, and even the demons did not dare to besiege excessively.

And now, their Flying Immortal Sect is about to have a king state. Chu Yunfan is still so young that he can sit in their Flying Immortal Sect for many years, and protect the Flying Immortal Sect for at least thousands of years in the future.

Even if Chu Yunfan had not broken through to the king realm, he was already destined to become the king realm in the eyes of Fei Xianzong.

Chu Yunfan placed Zhenyuan Army down, and let You Chuyun and others take care of those passionate young men who had defected to him, and eliminated those who might be problematic among them, and put the rest into Zhenyuan Army.

Although the strength of the Zhenyuan Army has undergone earth-shaking changes during this period and has become much stronger, their own foundation is too poor. Compared with the elite disciples of the major sects, there is not only a gap in strength, but in the future. The prospects are even more different.

With the participation of these enthusiastic youths, the gap in the rank of officers of the Shangzhen Yuan Army can be greatly bridged.

Immediately, Chu Yunfan returned to the Fei Xianzong and saw Situ Xuan.

"You can be described as a man of the wind during this period of time, hahahaha, you have done a great thing!"

Situ Xuan looked at Chu Yunfan with emotion.

He still remembered the scene when Chu Yunfan first started, and it didn't seem to be long ago.

In fact, it was not long ago.

Chu Yunfan rose at the speed of a comet, completely surpassed him, and became the number one master of Fei Xianzong today.

In fact, Chu Yunfan himself was not interested, otherwise, with his cultivation base, it would be easy to become the Sect Master of Fei Xianzong.

However, this does not prevent the Fei Xianzong from treating Chu Yunfan as a spiritual leader, especially in the hearts of many younger disciples, who worship Chu Yunfan fanatically, and treat him as a **** in the world. Over.

"It's just smoothing out some bugs!" Chu Yunfan smiled faintly. "I hope that one day in the future I can level the grassland and uproot the so-called evil gods!"

It was also the first time that Situ Xuan knew what was in Chu Yunfan's heart, and was shocked.

In fact, no one has thought about it for a long time.

The Hu nationality itself split from the human race. In the early years, it was a human race that was looted, was brainwashed to believe in evil gods, and then evolved into the current Hu nationality.

In fact, even now, there are still many people looted by the Hu nationality every year, and brainwashed to become the Hu nationality.

Therefore, it can be said that, compared with the Yaozu and the Hu, the Hu and the Barbarian are the real confidants of the Human.

When the Great Xia Dynasty was just established, Great Xia Taizu and the founder of the top ten forces once rushed into the grassland with great enthusiasm, but they failed miserably, and encountered the evil **** in the grassland legend in the depths of the grassland.

Even with the national power of the Great Xia Dynasty, he couldn't defeat the Cthulhu, but was chased and killed by the Cthulhu.

It wasn't until the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty that the Jinlong suppressed the evil gods by virtue of the dynasty's luck.

With the passage of time, coupled with the conscious erasure of the royal family and the ten major forces, not many people knew about it, but as the Sect Master of the Flying Immortal Sect, he still knew about it.

At the same time, he also knew how terrifying those evil gods were.

At that time, more than ten kings of the Great Xia Dynasty teamed up and finally only obliterated one evil god~www.ltnovel.com~, on the contrary, he was hit hard.

Including Fei Xianzong's Founder, God Puppet Sect, God Rune Sect, and other founding masters were all seriously injured in that battle. After returning, they died only a few hundred years after they returned.

It was too late to pass down some of the cultivation methods of the king realm and passed away.

This is also why Feixianzong and other sects have never been masters of the king realm since then, but forces such as the Heavenly Fate Sect have masters of the king realm from generation to generation.

Gradually, the ten major forces with a small difference in strength have all separated into different levels.

It can almost be said that those few evil gods single-handedly contributed to the current situation of the top ten forces of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Even Situ Xuan knew more. Originally, there were not only the top ten powers in the Great Xia Dynasty, but there were more powers with the king state, but they were even more miserable. Their ancestor died in the grassland.

Afterwards, the sects they created gradually declined, and many have even disappeared in the long river of history.

Because of this, he was shocked by Chu Yunfan's ambition.

"You must not act too hastily, the strength of those evil gods is very terrifying, I am afraid that even the king is not an opponent!"

Situ Xuan quickly persuaded.

With the strength shown by Chu Yunfan, there may be a chance to beat the evil **** in the future, but that is definitely not the present.

Now there is no chance of winning even if it is going to the king's realm.

"I understand, I won't be rushing!" Chu Yunfan nodded, he hasn't been dazzled by the victory, otherwise he would not withdraw the army in a good situation.

However, one day in the future, he will enter the grassland and uproot the evil gods. To watch the first new chapters, please go to Tangkexing Novel Network---Mobile Address: To watch the first new chapters, please go to Tangkexing Novel Network---mobile address:

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