I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 2358: Promoted to Zhenyuan Gong

Watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. The com mobile phone reads how strong the evil gods in the grassland are. I don’t know if they have reached the realm of the emperors, but at least they are far superior to the ordinary kings.

If there is no wrong record in the classics of Fei Xianzong, these evil gods may have survived from the end of ancient times to the present.

At least in the memory of the Pill Emperor Chu Yunfan possessed, he hadn't seen these so-called evil gods, and if he wanted to come to the era when the emperors were all over the world, these evil gods were still not worth mentioning.

This is also, if there were emperors alive, how could these evil gods have the opportunity to develop a race like the Hu nationality.

Any emperor can kill these evil gods thousands of times.

Any one is a powerful existence that was once invincible in the world.

I don't know how many kings have died of old age, but these evil gods have survived through various secret methods.

Among them, using creatures to make blood sacrifices to enhance the vitality of the evil gods. These are secrets among ordinary people in the world, but to masters at the level of Chu Yunfan, they are not secrets.

This method is too evil. Every year, I don't know how many souls need blood sacrifices to survive.

Therefore, the war between the Hu nationality and the human race has never stopped, because the Hu nationality needs to plunder enough people from the Daxia Dynasty to carry out the blood sacrifice.

It's much more than a lack of food and wealth.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Hu nationality and the human race slowly developed into a mortal enemy, and the Great Xia Dynasty wanted to uproot the Hu nationality.

The Hu also wanted to turn the Daxia Dynasty and the entire human race into captive beasts to provide the life they needed for their blood sacrifices.

Even if the Great Xia Dynasty is more than a king, there is currently no way to challenge the evil god.

Therefore, even though Chu Yunfan had such great ambitions, he did not dare to entrust them. Even if he once achieved the king realm, he would be stronger than the average king realm, but it would not be enough to defeat the evil **** and reverse this trend.

And he knew that in addition to the Hu Cthulhu in the depths of the grassland, the southern barbarians, and in the depths of the 100,000 Great Mountains, also dormant extremely terrifying barbarians.

Similar to the Hu in the grassland, the barbarian gods also looted the human race to brainwash, and then formed the barbarian race, a behemoth that can confront the human race.

The barbarians also pay homage to the barbaric gods through blood sacrifices. Compared with the evil gods of the northern Hu people, there is no difference.

These are the malignant tumors of the entire world. Those savage gods and evil gods have survived through evil methods and have become the greatest threat in the world.

"It's good if you have a sense of measure!"

Situ Xuan nodded slowly. Knowing that Chu Yunfan was not a reckless person, he nodded in satisfaction.

"But what do you plan to do next, now the Destiny Sect will definitely find a way to deal with you, but unfortunately, we have no way to counter the Destiny Sect!"

Situ Xuan said with some worry, if it was a time when the world was peaceful, then there was nothing to be afraid of at all.

Because the order is still there, it is impossible for the Heavenly Fate Sect to do whatever it wants, after all, there is still a royal family suppressing it.

However, now that the royal family wants to fight the overwhelming demons, there is no time to manage the grievances between the Tianming Sect and the Flying Immortal Sect.

Once the old Sect Master of the Heavenly Fate Sect personally takes action, I am afraid that the entire Fei Xian Sect will be overthrown.

After all, the founding master of Fei Xianzong was only the King Realm, and the many remaining methods were still able to deal with the masters under the King Realm. There was no chance of winning at all against the real King Realm.

"It's okay, they can't help me!"

Chu Yunfan said with a cold smile.

"Even if they want to target me, they have to see if they have this ability!"

Seeing that Chu Yunfan was so emboldened, Situ Xuan didn't say much immediately.

Soon, all kinds of things about Chu Yunfan were circulating in the world, and when he was called the number one master under the king realm.

The imperial decree came from the imperial capital, and the king summoned Chu Yunfan, and this time Chu Yunfan swept the depths of the grassland and made great contributions.

Chu Yunfan was promoted to become Lord Zhenyuan because of his merits!

From the original Marquis to the title of Duke all at once.

This is already the highest entitlement that a normal person can get.

After all, even the emperor of the Great Xia Empire is just the title of the King of Humans.

Under the urging of the Taiwei's Mansion, Chu Yunfan quickly set foot on the teleportation formation to the imperial capital.

It didn't take long for Chu Yunfan's figure to appear in the imperial capital.

Although the demons outside tried their best to seal off the space of the imperial capital, there was still a way in the imperial capital to use teleportation arrays to send people in and out.

It's just that this price is 10 times higher than when the demons had not yet invaded.

However, Chu Yunfan went to the imperial capital by the order of the king, so he didn't have to worry about the transmission cost.

And soon, the news of Chu Yunfan's appearance in the imperial capital soon became known to everyone.

In the imperial capital, countless consciousnesses are communicating ~www.ltnovel.com~ Some of them are friendly to Chu Yunfan's appearance, some are extremely malicious, and even Chu Yunfan can feel it, There are many consciousnesses that have Chi Guoguo's killing intent towards him.

His existence has really offended too many people, and those who want to kill him don't know where they are.

After waiting for three days in the Imperial Capital, Chu Yunfan finally saw the master of the Daxia Dynasty, the King of Humanity.

Compared with the time when he first met the King of People, the expression of King of People is much more vicissitudes of life. Obviously, this series of things is exhausted even with the talent of the King of People.

"You are fine!"

As soon as the King of People saw Chu Yunfan, he spoke directly.

"For this period of time, what I have heard has always been bad news, but you are the only one who keeps bringing me good news!"

Ren Wang looked at Chu Yunfan with satisfaction.

"Your Majesty praised, these are all the ministers should do, the ministers are also part of the human race! They are all duties!" Lu Xuan looked at the king of humanity, said neither humble nor arrogant.

"Okay, what a duty!" Ren Wang laughed and said. "It's ridiculous that some people don't understand it, and they are dazzling with other races such as the Demon, Hu, Sea, Barbarian, and Demon.

These people are already frantic for profit. They don't know that if there is no blessing from the human race, they are afraid that they might die early, how can they cultivate to this state! "

Hearing what the King of People said, Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed with a terrifying killing intent, "They all deserve to die!"

Chu Yunfan hated such traitors the most in his life, and at the same time felt that they were too stupid. The Human Race was everyone's umbrella. Once the Human Race fell apart, everyone, regardless of their strength, would be greatly threatened.

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