Watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. com mobile phone reading watch the fastest hand-issued website WWW. t/angkx. com mobile phone reading and these people don't know if it is really stupid or has ulterior motives.

At this point, there are still many people who are hooking up with other alien races, and some even directly take refuge in alien races. For example, many people in the demon way have taken refuge in the demon clan, and now they have become the demon clan. Minions and party feathers do harm to the world.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfan had only boundless killing intent in his heart, and not killing such a person would not be enough for civilians to be angry.

"If everyone can do their job well, how could the world become like this!" Ren Wang said with emotion.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, just say you, now you are regarded as the Lord of the Country, and the title of the title has surpassed your Situ Xuan who is willing!"

Chu Yunfan nodded, not only a knighthood, but even his strength far surpassed Situ Xuan.

It's just that he wasn't very interested in taking charge of the sect, so he gave it to Situ Xuan.

"This time I recruited you, except because your strength has improved, and your record has improved very quickly, so I will call you the Duke of the Country!" The King of People said. "The other thing is that I want you to be a role model for the people of the world. You must not rely on the demons or foreign races, otherwise, in the future, they must die without a place to bury them!"

"Your Majesty doesn't need to say more, these are what the ministers want to do!" Chu Yunfan said.

"Very well, Taiwei recommended you to me before, but now it seems that Taiwei's vision is as vicious as before, without any problems!" The King of People said with satisfaction. "I won't keep you any more. I still have a lot of things to deal with. You also have to rectify your Zhenyuan army. I will still have a lot of use in the future!"


Chu Yunfan nodded, and soon bowed farewell to the King of Humanity.

However, Chu Yunfan had just left the hall where the King of People was, but was stopped by a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man wears a purple robe, looks expensive, and on top of a handsome face, there is an extra eye in his forehead.

Just standing in front of Chu Yunfan simply gave Chu Yunfan the feeling of facing an ancient sacred mountain.

No, Chu Yunfan was facing an ancient sacred mountain.

That horrible feeling almost made him stand upside down in an instant.

"Wang Realm, this is definitely King Realm!"

Chu Yunfan immediately reacted in his heart.

Nowadays, if there is someone who can make him feel the creeps in the world, it must be the king state.

Ordinary people have no such strength at all, even those who have cultivated 8,000 Dao, 9,000 Dao, or even close to 10,000 Dao can not give him such a feeling.

It's just that he didn't know many king realm masters, and he didn't know who the person in front of him was.

However, in the next instant, Chu Yunfan had already figured out the identity of the visitor.

There is no doubt that the person in front of him is not someone else, but should be the sovereign of the Destiny Sect.

There was an almost undisguised terrorist killing intent on his body.

Ordinary people will be frightened and go crazy even if they feel this killing intent, and all their mental defenses will collapse, and no one can resist his existence.

"Old Sect Master of the Tianming Sect?" Chu Yunfan asked tentatively, because he knew that other people would not target him like that, whether it was Taiwei Daxia, the King of Humans, or the old leader of the Great Yi Shenjiao. There were also the old dean of Haoran Academy and others, he had met more or less, and even if he had not met, Chu Yunfan did not offend them.

The only thing he really offended was the old Sect Master of the Destiny Sect.

This was a near invincible existence that had led the Destiny Sect to sweep all directions in the previous generation.

Now after the retreat, the cultivation base is even more terrifying, and it is said that he is already a master at the king level.

"Not bad!"

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "It's the old man!"

His voice was hoarse, a bit ugly, like a night owl in the sky.

But at this time, in his words, he held the meaning of killing.

Chu Yunfan didn't have the slightest worry, because he knew what place it was, and it was not far from the main hall of the King of People.

Unless the old master of the Destiny Sect is crazy, he will be disadvantaged here.

"Unexpectedly, you still recognize the old man. It seems that you have collected a lot of information!" The old master of the Heavenly Fate Sect nodded, as if he knew a lot about Chu Yunfan.

"But it's useless, you will definitely die. If you want to deal with our Destiny Sect, don't daydream!" The old Sect Master of Destiny Sect said slowly.

"Don't your Excellency want to do something here? I think you should become a public enemy in the world!" Chu Yunfan said coldly.

"Hehe, I'm not the only one who wants to kill you, so why should I do it myself!" The Destiny Sect Old Sect Master spoke slowly, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Boy, you cherish this last time!"

After the old sect master of Tianmingzong finished speaking, the whole person disappeared in the air.

"It's an incarnation, not a deity!"

Chu Yunfan immediately judged that even if the old Sect Master of the Destiny Sect was an incarnation, it was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Even Chu Yunfan didn't see through it. If he were in his real I'm afraid that a single look would be enough to make a half-step King Realm mentally collapse, and even doubt his own way.

That is the most terrifying.

This kind of king realm master is the most terrifying, and it is impossible to imagine how strong they are.

However, while Chu Yunfan was still reporting his duties in the imperial capital, another great event happened in the world.

That is, I don't know when, a terrifying beast appeared in the depths of the grassland, and this beast swept across the border army.

This fierce beast ran rampant, and the army of the Great Xia Dynasty could not stop him at all.

And this fierce beast broke through the barriers of the frontier army, and immediately slaughtered in the north of the Great Xia Dynasty.

In just a few days, more than a billion people have died tragically at the hands of this beast.

For a time, the whole world was shocked, especially the human race, it was even more angry.

For many years, no one has dared to be presumptuous to the Daxia Dynasty, let alone kill directly in the hinterland of the Daxia Dynasty, killing more than a billion people.

But soon everyone understood why this fierce beast was so powerful.

This is actually a fierce beast at the king level.

Such a king-level fierce beast swept all the way, and there was no expert in the hinterland of the human race that could stop him.

Even the king realm master of the human race was restrained, and there was no way to stop this king realm level fierce beast.

Such a king-level fierce beast swept all the way, and there was no expert in the hinterland of the human race that could stop him.

Even the king realm master of the human race was restrained, and there was no way to stop this king realm level fierce beast.

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