"Senior Chongming."

Su Yan, who was lying on the shoulder of the Su family ancestor, shook his fox tail and looked at the senior and called out.

"Got it! I'll talk to you later."

Chongming responded, but he didn't stop. He set up several layers of innate magical power formations in a row, then turned around and looked at Su Yan and the others and said:

"Although the Queen Mother of the West is kind and friendly now, the power she controls is called Si Tian Zhi Xing, which simply means three widows and five disabled!"

To put it simply, the Queen Mother of the West is in charge of fate and heaven's punishment.

When a cultivator is promoted to the fusion stage, his body is no longer just flesh and blood. If a cultivator in the fusion stage bleeds, you can see that the color of the blood is related to the nature of his cultivation.

When a cultivator reaches the heavenly level, the immortal spirit fills his body to achieve an immortal body, and until he reaches the realm of the god, the cultivator's life span is truly the same as the sky, and he is invulnerable to all kinds of methods.

It can be said that even a holy spirit needs to work hard to completely kill a god-man.

But the Si Tian Xing of the Queen Mother of the West can completely ignore the power of these things. As long as they are touched by the black and red bubble monster, whether they are holy spirits or gods, they will be deprived of the characteristics of being invulnerable to all laws from the level of the rules of heaven, and then deprived of the ability to live as long as heaven and earth, and directly beaten back to the mortal body.

The bubbles that seem to be slow are one of the most terrifying things in this world.

Once they are touched, their fate will be cut off first, and then all kinds of disasters will come one after another, cutting off their eternal lifespan, until the holy spirit falls to the mortal world and is plagued by all kinds of diseases.

"This is the power of the queen. The Si Tian Xing holds all the disasters in the world. Once it is angry, it is like the heavenly way coming down [Heaven's Severity]!"

Chongming arranged layers of protection, and proudly explained to everyone the power of the Queen Mother of the West.

The holy spirits from the early chaos are not weaker than the spirits of creation in terms of power, but they are lacking in some aspects and cannot go through the reincarnation of the world like the spirits of creation.

There are only five holy spirits like the Queen Mother of the West in the original fairyland, called the Five Heavenly Emperors.

Therefore, Chongming has never understood why those flower slaves betrayed the Queen Mother of the West.

Even if they take advantage of the Queen Mother's absence to occupy the mountains and enslave the people like cattle and horses, with the Queen Mother's character, after returning, at most they will be weakened and invulnerable to all methods, so that they can experience pain and atonement, and everything can return to the reason.

Such a king with a full sense of security, not counting the spirits of creation who never take care of things, there are only five in the entire fairyland, and you actually chose to betray!

The Punisher of the Sky. Queen Mother of the West.

After learning that the Queen Mother of the West has power, Su Yan looked at the Queen Mother of the West with a shining look.

In the past, the books only described the Queen Mother of the West in a simple way, but did not go into detail. They were more about her life and reputation.

Regarding her rogue character and her love of holding banquets, it was Senior Chongming who said that. Otherwise, according to the records in the books, the Queen Mother of the West was as perfect as a saint, without a single flaw.

"Si Tian's punishment? Hiss."

After learning about the power of the Queen Mother of the West, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they saw her standing high in the sky with an indifferent face and long robes fluttering.

The power of the Queen Mother of the West is extremely terrifying to any cultivator. With a light move, she can cut off the immortals' proud characteristics of being invulnerable to all methods and having a long lifespan.

Two words, short eight characters, but these two phrases are what the cultivators exhaust everything, pursue madly, and are proud of. For the Queen Mother of the West, she can destroy things with just a wave of her arm.

Without the invulnerability and infinite lifespan, what is the difference between an immortal and true death?

Your power, your wealth, and your rights will all be lost in a short hundred years. During this period, diseases and disasters will come and accelerate the death of the immortal.

The spotless body will also become filthy, and will be troubled by hunger like a mortal. Eating is no longer for the sake of tasting delicious food, but for survival.

After experiencing the immortality of the immortals, who would be willing to return to the fragile mortal body.

Not to mention the holy spirits, they would never agree to let the ancestors shed their current immortal bodies and return to the spiritual body stage, let alone return to the mortal realm where being stabbed would cause death


"No, no! My queen, I was wrong. Everything was forced by the underworld Tu Bo. He said that if we screen the living beings, we will be rewarded."

A holy spirit with a human face and a sheep body, with some fiery red lines on his white wool, who was fleeing in the void, saw some black and red fangs and sharp teeth monsters appearing on the road in front of him to block his retreat. He immediately turned around and prepared to escape from other roads.

But when he looked up, there was no retreat in the void. There were these little monsters everywhere. The human face and sheep body monster suddenly widened his eyes, showed fear on his face, and showed a human form and knelt down to beg for mercy from the Queen Mother of the West.

"We didn't mean to dig up the Holy Mountain."

But the words of the human-faced goat-bodied god had no chance to reach the ears of the Queen Mother of the West. Those little monsters swarmed and pounced on the human-faced goat-bodied god.

The human-faced goat-bodied god was shocked and angry, and quickly fled to his own universe and roared to the void:

"You are a dishonest villain. You promised to cover up the secrets of heaven for me and give me the punishment of heaven, so I reluctantly agreed to help you!"

"Tu Bo! Hun Yi!"

The moment before the human-faced goat-body god fled, he was frightened and angry and directly sold out the mastermind behind the scenes, because they had promised themselves to help him master the punishment of heaven and shield the secrets of heaven but failed to do so.

He knew that he might not be able to escape, so he immediately started to drag others into the water with him.

The god with a human face and a goat body escaped into the universe. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw those black and red monsters turning into liquid and seeping in through the void. The small world with a human face and a goat body was slowly dying, and the space The boundaries gradually become blurred.

Gradually, the world of the universe connected with reality, and endless little black and red monsters forced the god with a human face and a goat body to the end of the universe.


Chapter 623: Complete liquidation from the Queen Mother of the West (Third update)


"Renlin's method of saving lives!"

Feeling that death was approaching, the god with a human face and a goat body went completely crazy. He let out a shrill scream and burst out with endless emerald green divine light. The divine light enveloped the entire world in an instant and wiped out tens of thousands of little monsters.

The little monsters killed by the infinite divine light had a layer of green light attached to their bodies. The green light was soft and light, and slowly resurrected the dead individuals, turning into their own soldiers and rushing towards the blood-red little monsters.

However, these were all in vain. The little monster driven by the God with a human face and a goat body died suddenly after coming into contact with the little monster released by the Queen Mother of the West. It turned into an eternal black and red mist that filled the world.

"The Queen Mother of the West, please spare my life——"

After a scream, the black-red mist became thicker and thicker, until the world of the human-faced goat-body god was completely filled with the black mist of all diseases. The human-faced goat-body god slowly fell into his own small world, and gradually the color of his forehead gradually faded. Sweat stains oozed out from his body, and even his clothes were wet.

Large red rashes began to appear quickly on the fair skin of the human-faced goat-body god. White spots appeared on each red rash, and then quickly turned into blisters.

An unbearable itching feeling came to his heart. The god with human face and goat body knew that he was suffering from the plague now. The blisters on his body were filled with poisonous water. If he stretched out his hands to scratch them, the poisonous water would spread wherever they spread. The rash continues to grow and worsens into herpes.

But he has never endured such a painful itch. After losing his invulnerability and longevity, his current physique is that of an ordinary mortal body. Unless he is infected with all kinds of diseases, he is not even as good as a newborn baby of the human race.

The human-faced goat-body god was curled up on the ground because of the pain, his eyes were red and bleeding. He stretched out his trembling hand and gently touched the blisters on his cheeks. Red and yellow pus and blood flowed out along the broken skin.

He scratched again and again, and pus and blood flowed out. The human-faced goat-body god knew in his heart that he should directly understand himself now. But he also knew that he had only lost his invulnerability to all means, and his longevity with heaven. It's just his power, his power is still there!

Under the torment of the epidemic, the god with a human face and a goat body was in agony and wanted to understand himself, but the power of the Holy Spirit still existed, hanging on him like hope, giving him a constant desire for survival in his heart.

"Yes, I can live. I can use elixirs to make up for the loss of life span. I can also rely on the method of body refining. No, even the method of corpse dismemberment can regain the invulnerability of all laws. As long as I can bear to wait until those ten thousand Just leave the source of the epidemic.”

The human-faced goat-body god lay curled up on the ground, his eyes wide open and muttering to himself. His arms scratched the painfully itchy sores on his body. As the pus and blood flowed out, there was a stinging pain that reached deep into his soul. , he even scratched his own flesh and blood and fell to the ground.

The source of all epidemics turned into a thick fog, deeply covering up things in the universe.

Those who fell into the situation of gods with human faces and goat bodies were also the two holy spirits who were testified by Chongming, six gods and men, and more than 30 true immortals.

Neither Tu Bo nor Hunyi, who had encouraged them to rebel, showed up at this moment.

Facing the Queen Mother of the West who was undergoing liquidation, no one dared to speak out and face the wrath of the Western Emperor.

If the Netherworld wanted to catch them, the forces of the Netherworld would have already taken action to pull them out of the vortex when the Queen Mother of the West announced her return.

But the Netherworld Underworld did not, and even blocked the route to the void of the Netherworld Underworld, blocking all living beings who wanted to take refuge in the Netherworld Underworld.

They are not worthy of the underworld's action. They are just pawns for sacrifice.

After they are sacrificed, they can bring higher value to the Netherworld than when they were alive.

Therefore, the ruler of the Netherworld has been watching everything that is happening now with a calm expression.


In front of Kunlun Lingshan Mountain.

As the liquidation of the Queen Mother of the West begins, the five stars in the sky flash with black light. The five stars are named Wucan, symbolizing the five disasters and the five declines from heaven.

They belong exclusively to the horoscope of the Queen Mother of the West. When they flash, it means that the Queen Mother of the West is carrying out the punishment of Heaven on behalf of Heaven, completely announcing her return to the world.

"The Gatekeeper of the Netherworld and the Daosheng Family"

In just one cup of tea, the Queen Mother of the West had completely liquidated the rebellious ministers and traitors, and made them suffer to the extreme when they were infected with the source of all diseases. When she reported those behind the scenes to herself, they also fell into the abyss of all diseases.

The Queen Mother of the West did not kill those people, so how could mere death fill the anguish in her heart.

Death cannot make up for the lives of his people who died unjustly.

Only when they live in pain can they understand the pain of those powerless people. Letting them die with their pride is the greatest insult to those people who died unjustly!

Killing them is only a compromise.

After clearing out those executors, Queen Mother of the West turned her eyes to the netherworld. The five broken stars in the sky slowly turned black and red, as if accumulating power.

But at this moment, Queen Mother of the West, with her fluttering dress, seemed to have noticed something. She paused, frowned slightly, and scolded: "Youchao!"

"You should understand me. I never accept compromise! I didn't ask you to settle the account for the sneak attack on me before, but you came to me to persuade me to make peace."

A breeze blew out a human figure. The invisible and intangible human figure stood opposite Queen Mother of the West. The human-like thing slowly floated to the side of Queen Mother of the West. There seemed to be some movements on her face, and she seemed to say something.

Queen Mother of the West frowned even deeper and said:

"What do those things have to do with me? Don't mention those righteous things to pressure me. If I can't even protect my own people, what righteousness and justice can I talk about?"

The humanoid face moved again and opened and closed, and said something to Queen Mother of the West.

After that, the invisible and intangible humanoid turned into a breeze and left Queen Mother of the West.


Queen Mother of the West took a deep breath, bent down and picked up a stone on the ground, held it in her hand and weighed it, then propped open a door leading to the sky, and half of her body leaned inside as if to throw something.


A low muffled sound came from the side of the space door to Kunlun Mountain, accompanied by Queen Mother of the West's curse.

"Is your head filled with feces? Do you think I don't know where you live?"

After saying that, Queen Mother of the West slammed the space door shut with such force that the void was sunken and bounced back and forth like jelly. After a long time, the void returned to its normal form.

Queen Mother of the West adjusted her collar again, a smile reappeared on her cheeks, looked at her little cutie, raised her arms and said:

"Welcome back to your home. The mountains and cities in front of you are the homes built by the Queen Mother for you!"

"Of course, before that, we may need to clean it up a little. After all, the people who lived there before were all some annoying rebels, and the smell was too strong."

As a meritorious official, Su Yan was treated very specially as always. He was hugged by Queen Mother of the West and watched the Kunlun Sacred Mountain, which had been occupied by thieves for tens of thousands of years.

Su Yan asked with a little curiosity:

"My Queen. Was that Youchao just now? Is it okay for you to hit it on the head with a stone?"

"Yes, but it was not the head, but its egg sac."


By the way, I'm begging for votes

Chapter 624 Kunlun Lingshan Gatekeeper

"What did you hit?"

Su Yan turned back with a stunned face and looked at the Queen Mother of the West, who had a calm face, with an incredible look.

Just now, the Queen Mother of the West picked up a stone and hit Youchao directly in the outer world. Then, there was a low muffled sound. Su Yan thought at first that the Queen Mother of the West hit Youchao's back of the head. After all, there was hair on the back of the head to buffer it, and it was understandable that the sound of bricks and stones hitting it was relatively muffled.

However, Su Yan never expected that the stone thrown by the Queen Mother of the West actually hit Youchao's bell.

But. These words coming from the Queen Mother's mouth can be inexplicably convincing and acceptable.

"Youchao is difficult to explain. You can understand its existence as a kind of natural law that covers a wide range, not a creature in the ordinary sense."

The Queen Mother of the West thought that the little fox was worried about her, and humiliating Youchao in this way might lead to revenge, so the Queen Mother of the West smiled and explained to Su Yan.

Youchao is not any form of life. It is just a concrete form of natural laws, an existence that manages the laws and rules of the world. It is just a natural law with a form and knows how to protect itself.

Humiliating behavior in the eyes of living beings will only be interpreted as the living beings are dissatisfied with themselves in the eyes of Youchao. The Queen Mother of the West smashed her lower body with a stone, which was just a way for living beings to express emotions.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that Youchao will deliberately ambush herself.

The previous Jedi Tiantong incident scattered the Five Heavenly Emperors into the Lost World, just because Youchao felt that the Five Heavenly Emperors, who symbolized the old order, were not beneficial to the operation of the world, so he deliberately scattered them and let the world enter disorder again, and reconstructed a new order.

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