Youchao's layout has been completed and will no longer target the Queen Mother of the West. The existence of the Queen Mother of the West is still very important to this place. If the Queen Mother of the West is lost in the world, the law of punishment from heaven will fade away.

In addition, a corner of destiny and luck will be missing, causing creatures that should be in decline to still have good luck.

The Queen Mother of the West, who is in charge of the sky, is the spirit of creation in terms of existence, and is one of the cornerstones of the world. The original title of the Queen Mother of the West is also the first ray of lunar essence opposite to the first ray of fire essence in Zhuyin heaven and earth.

However, no one dared to speak in front of Queen Mother Xi with a face filled with gossip and ask her why she had not been promoted to the Creation Spirit until now.

The existence of the Queen Mother of the West is, in a sense, a very terrifying existence.


"Who is peeing in my fairyland?"

Queen Mother Xi was in a very happy mood after returning to Kunlun Lingshan Mountain. She led everyone to visit the beautiful scenery of Kunlun, as if they were on an outing. However, when they came to the Yaochi at the foot of Kunlun Lingshan Mountain, there were some subtle changes in Queen Mother Xi's face. .

The spring of Yaochi has a clear blue sky, and the irregular round terraces at the bottom of the lake are like stalactites. At a glance, it is as beautiful as the sky. This place is where the Queen Mother of the West used to hold a swimsuit banquet.

But the spring water that should have been clear blue has now turned dark brown and exuded bursts of odor.

This is a pool of evil water filled with intense hatred. Although the spring water is not urine, the water in Yaochi at this moment is not even as clean as the urine that was just peeed!

Queen Mother Xi couldn't help but shook her head and said: "The difficulty of finding a clear spring in the immortal world that has lost the Eye of Ten Thousand Waters has been visibly increased!"

The function of the Eye of Ten Thousand Waters in Dragon Paradise is to purify the thoughts of Ten Thousand Waters in the Immortal World, so that the water flowing out of the Eye of Ten Thousand Waters is as clean as a clear spring.

The wonders of the original fairyland each had different functions and abilities. Although the sky area now gathers all the wonders in the original fairyland, these wonders are independent and not connected in series, and some even just dig up the appearance.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother of the West also lost interest in strolling by the pool. After planning to browse other areas, she ordered Chongming to arrange a cleanup of the entire Kunlun Mountain.

The Queen Mother of the West will be very busy next. Naturally, the return of the Queen Mother of the West is not just a word. After she clears out the rebellious ministers and traitors, Taoist friends from all walks of life will come to visit her, and even some survivors will return to Kunlun Lingshan.

Such a filthy Kunlun Mountain is not suitable for any form of hospitality.


The Queen Mother of the West continued to walk forward, then looked down at the little fox lying on her arm, her waist pressed by her chest, and said:

"I almost forgot the most important thing. Little Fox may not be able to come back in the past tens of thousands of years. Now, I officially accept you, Little Fox, as the gatekeeper of Kunlun Mountain."


Su Yan, who was admiring the various wonders, suddenly turned his head to look at the Queen Mother of the West and raised a question mark.

The gatekeeper of Kunlun Mountain? Madam, do you want to see what you are talking about? Let me, a little fox who has not even reached the tribulation stage, guard the mountain gate. Do you think I look like someone who can control an immortal?

"You misunderstood what I mean"

Seeing that Su Yan was dumbfounded, Chongming on the side smiled and explained: "The goalkeeper does not mean to let you manage the Kunlun Mountain. Because there is a queen who is in charge of the Kunlun Mountain, the Kunlun Mountain does not even have any prohibitive formations. It needs to be arranged, and the presence of the empress is the most powerful restriction. "

"The so-called gatekeeper is a good job. The old fox was the gatekeeper in the past. What you need to do is very simple. Just look at the face of the person who comes!"

"Use yourself as the standard. Anyone who is not handsome or beautiful will not be allowed to go up the mountain. Of course, it does not mean that they must be prettier than you. Just use your own aesthetics to judge and let them go."

The Queen Mother of the West's criteria for selecting her subordinates are very simple. Whether they are cultivated or not is secondary. The first thing is to meet the standards of handsome men and beautiful women. Beautiful things can keep the Queen Mother of the West in a good mood.

The nine-tailed foxes are all responsible for their appearance, and the Queen Mother of the West has always been very at ease with their aesthetics. As long as the nine-tailed foxes think it looks good, the Queen Mother of the West will also find it beautiful when they look at it.

In the past, the gatekeeper's duties were always performed by the ancestor of the nine-tailed fox god. Now that the ancestor is gone, the Queen Mother of the West naturally selects the gatekeeper from the nine-tailed fox clan.

As a major contributor in the Su Xing incident, Su Yan was naturally the first choice for the Queen Mother of the West.

This is a beautiful job, and the people Su Yan wants to guard are naturally not the empress's Taoist friends, but the creatures who want to join the power of the Queen Mother of the West.

There are some creatures who may not look the same but have outstanding abilities. As long as Su Yan is willing to earn some money for them, Su Yan can still let them go up the mountain.

Chongming made it very clear that whether the visitor can go up the mountain depends entirely on Su Yan's aesthetic taste.

In the past, Laohu would sit in front of the door, rub his little hands and cross his legs, and then start counting money. Moreover, you didn't have to do it if you wanted to, and it was up to him whether he wanted to go to work or not.

As the closest clans to the Queen Mother of the West, the benefits they can obtain are astronomical.

Especially in such a disorderly world, the name of the Queen Mother of the West is a steady stream of wealth. Creatures who want to seek refuge with the Queen Mother of the West can circle the Kunlun Lingshan Mountain dozens of times.

"Little fox, you must work hard to select some beautiful creatures for me. Even if they are ugly, they must have unique characteristics." Queen Mother of the West said with a smile on her face.

Chapter 625: Forced to destroy the world

Walking on Kunlun Lingshan, the scenery inside Kunlun Lingshan is no different from before. The mountain is still the same mountain, and the water is still the same pool of water, but some things have changed with the times.

The former ancestor of all mountains and the gorgeous fairyland still looks beautiful on the outside, but the low-lying areas in the valleys and forests are already filled with poisonous miasma, and mountains of cooked bones are piled up in the valleys in the mountains. Resentment permeates the entire Kunlun Lingshan.

Because of the division of the original fairyland, many wonders with self-purification ability have lost their effects. The air is filled with hatred, the land contains jealousy, and the water hides sadness.

The creatures living on such soil will be subtly influenced by the environment, and their personalities will become irritable and even completely crazy without knowing it.

"Such a beautiful scenery has been made unrecognizable by those beasts."

When they came to the top of Kunlun Lingshan Mountain, the land here had been widened. A white jade platform stood on the top of Lingshan Mountain. A large area of ​​jade-like bricks and stones covered the entire ground, and there was no vegetation around.

On the top of Lingshan Mountain, the only green plants were six large trees evenly distributed in a circle on the edge of the white jade platform.

The Queen Mother of the West raised her foot and stepped on the ground, shaking up the bones that were originally piled on the ground at random. She waved her hand and threw out a trickle, grinding the bones into powder, letting them float to the mountains and forests as fertilizer, and indirectly burying them in peace.

A breeze blew across the white jade platform, taking away the filth and uncleanness left on it.

Queen Mother of the West put Su Yan on the ground and walked straight to the white jade platform.

Su Yan showed the appearance of a young man and went to the white jade platform with other seniors.

"That platform is a good thing." Chongming, who returned home, was in a very good mood. As the host, he introduced the scenery on the top of the mountain to others and said:

"It can capture the spirit of immortals for liquefaction and self-crystallization. After regaining Lingshan, we no longer need to worry about immortal crystals."

"Well, all the heroes in the cultivation world can also move their base camp to Lingshan. As long as it is here, it is absolutely impossible for the enemy to steal the house."

With the return of Queen Mother of the West, Chongming's spine, which was originally bent due to the difficulty of life, straightened up again, and the smile on his cheeks never stopped.

And in his spare time, he began to give advice to the leaders of the cultivation world, and his intention to add fuel to the fire was obvious.

Although Chongming didn't know what Youchao said to Queen Mother Xi just now, which made Queen Mother Xi, who always never compromised, put aside the idea of ​​causing trouble for the Netherworld.

But Chongming felt that it was okay to give the leaders of the cultivation world a favor.

With the return of Queen Mother Xi, the things that were lost will come back at a very fast speed, and wealth, connections, and reputation will all come back in a short time.

"You are right!"

The Queen Mother of the West, who was walking in front, turned around and smiled and said, "Although Youchao succeeded in persuading me not to attack the Netherworld, it secretly attacked me when the Jedi Tiantong incident happened. The resentment in my heart still exists."

"How many tens of thousands of years does a holy spirit have? I wasted tens of thousands of years in vain."

As she said that, the Queen Mother of the West looked at Jiao Chong and said, "The Immortal Grass should have entered the mature stage now, right?"

The ancestor of Jiao Chong was stunned and nodded gently, saying, "After being watered day and night by the venom of my clan, the Immortal Grass has entered the mature stage a thousand years ago."

"Very good!"

The Queen Mother of the West sat on the throne of the white jade Qiongtai, raised her hand and patted the armrest of the throne. The Kunlun Lingshan in the sky area trembled violently, and the continent supported by the cosmic dust collapsed in an instant. The Kunlun Lingshan began to slowly fall to the west of the earth, ready to return to the starting point and continue to be neighbors with Zhu Yin.

"Since the immortal grass is mature, we can start refining the immortal medicine."

"Doesn't it hope that when the sentient beings in the cultivation world and the sleeping holy spirits inside return, the disordered order that has just been established will be broken again?"

"Then do as it wishes, give it a push!" Queen Mother of the West showed a sly smile on her face, as if she was talking about something trivial.

There is only one immortal grass in the world. Before the old immortal grass dies, the new one will not appear, and only Queen Mother of the West knows how to cultivate it.

The whole family of immortal grass has been circulating in Queen Mother of the West's garden over and over again. From nothing to something, it takes about 50,000 years to cultivate immortal grass.

One immortal grass can make about three or five pills and cast three to five immortal immortals.

The new batch of immortal medicine will all be given to the children in the cultivation world, so that they can bring their dissatisfaction to a big scene!

Although the immortality elixir is precious, a living being can only take one pill in a lifetime. Immortality elixir, before the Jedi Tiantong happened, the immortality elixir here at Queen Mother of the West was overflowing enough to be used for rewards.

Although the immortality elixir is powerful, not all living beings can be as fierce as the nine-tailed fox god-man ancestor. He is a special exception.

"Little fox"

Queen Mother of the West seemed to have noticed something, looked at Su Yan who was looking at her eagerly, smiled and said: "The immortality elixir is an extremely precious treasure. Using it as a reward should be considered my layout to support Youchao's throat and lungs."

"It's not impossible for you to want it, but I just want to see how good you are at drinking ecstasy soup, little fox. Maybe your empress will agree to your request if she's really drunk?"

Su Yan didn't know if his eyes were dazzled, but he seemed to see a tail sticking out from the empress's back. Although it was not as fluffy as his own, it was extremely flexible.

The tail flicked to the left and curled up, and then flicked to the right and curled up, just like a leopard hunting.


In the process of Kunlun Lingshan slowly returning to its place, something big or small happened on the side of Zhaoyao Mountain.


The God, who was sitting on the edge of the study room and happily looking through the account books to select the gifts, seemed to have noticed something. He looked up into the depths of the void with a slightly stunned expression on his face and said:

"Why are you in such a mess? Didn't you say that the Xuanmen Sect knows that Tianji can turn disaster into good fortune? What's the situation between you two now?"

A group of black shadows wandered in the void, jumping happily beside Wusheng Emperor and Tai Taoist.

Emperor Wu Sheng's body was stained with blood. He supported Tai Dao who fell into a coma, and walked towards Zhaoyao Mountain step by step with a look of exhaustion on his face.

"Are the enemies coming?"

The god put down the account book for the time being, got up and went into the void to pick up Emperor Wusheng and Tai Dao.

Wusheng Emperor and Taiyi each mastered very interesting and evil Taoist techniques. The gods were very precious to them, for fear that they would fall halfway.

"They have all been slaughtered. No one should dare to chase after them." Emperor Wu Sheng glanced at Paradise Immortal and said, "On the way back, I happened to encounter the returning Lost World."

"They chased us like crazy and bit us. The two of us killed them until we were weak."

"You fell down from exhaustion, right?" The God looked at Wusheng Emperor and Taiyi and couldn't help but complain.

You are really aggrieved. The immortals in the Xuanxian Realm can actually kill themselves until they are exhausted!

"There are too many enemies," Wusheng Emperor said, shaking his head.

That lost world should have returned to the fairy world earlier than my group. There were many immortals and demi-immortals. Emperor Wu Sheng, Tai Yi and the Paradise Immortal later called in, and it took them a full week to kill them all.

The remnants of the lost world on that side seem to be holding an evil sacrifice, and they need the mixture of sunflower water and heart blood of the noble virgin fairy as an introduction.

However, in the environment of the large area, it is difficult to tell whether the body is your own, and it is too difficult to find a virgin fairy.

Wusheng Emperor and Taiyi didn't want to cause trouble at first, so they just said no. After all, they were promoted to immortals. There was no such thing as sunflower water. They were all gone when they were promoted to earth immortals.

But that group of crazy demons refused to let them go, insisting that Wusheng Emperor and Taiyi squeeze out two or two. They had no choice but to take action.

After listening to Emperor Wusheng's story, the god showed an expression of admiration on his face.

Really, as long as you don't die, you can hear strange things every day, and you have no choice but to choose to kill everyone.

"It turns out that a world has returned! I thought you should be the first to arrive." God said.

"It should be now." Emperor Wusheng responded.

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Chapter 626 Banquet of Ten Thousand Immortals


Kunlun Lingshan, which rose to the sky area, returned to its original position under the control of the Queen Mother of the West. The weak water of the black abyss flowing on the earth also retreated back into the deep black abyss under the influence of that force, originally appearing gray-white. The saline-alkali land fades back to the color of normal land at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xitian. It should be back to normal."

Standing on the white jade platform, Su Yan witnessed with his own eyes the black abyss returning to silence and the salt-alkali land gradually disappearing, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although Su Yan, the Five Heavenly Emperors who symbolized the old order, did not know how they managed the original fairyland, no matter how bad their management was, it was definitely better than the areas controlled by the Netherworld Underworld.

No matter how bad the order is, it is better than no order at all.

A monk in the Void Refining Stage, looking at the entire fairy world, is indeed not a powerful monk, but he is ranked high in some small cities. But even so, Su Yan can't walk in a large and disorderly area. Be wary of any Nightmare Town thugs jumping out.

This is true for all the monks in the Void Refining Stage, let alone the ordinary creatures living in the fairy world. If they don't choose to join the Nightmare Town Sect, they won't even have the possibility of cultivating to the Void Refining Stage.

The large region has been in a vicious cycle. Now with the return of the Queen Mother of the West, the Immortal World cannot be said to have broken the vicious cycle indulged by the Chao family, but at least when the members of Nightmare Town were in the Xitian region, they would no longer act like that. Unscrupulous.

In the area ruled by the Queen Mother of the West, if you offend the Queen Mother of the West, the underworld will not come forward to protect you!

"Okay! Now is not the time to lament. The Queen Mother of the West has returned to her hometown. Next, guests should come to complain and talk in an endless stream." Chongming smiled and clapped his hands and said:

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