Su Yan imported the presets and called out the thirty-six ghosts and gods in the Tongyou Sword for help. Seeing this, the Will of Heaven also assisted Su Yan and imported some raw data into the universe space where he was deducing.

With the preset accurate model, the way of deduction directly draws energy from the Will of Heaven for deduction.

The world opens from the new world after the screening.

More than 99% of the creatures here died, and only a few strong ones who broke through the siege, and the tribes they led are still tenaciously alive, and the whole world has returned to the world of the chaotic era.

Although there are only some old and weak people left in the world, with the return of the Five Heavenly Emperors, the human race and the surviving monsters and beasts are all multiplying and thriving. The world has become a stage for the human race. The monsters and beasts have retired or attached themselves to the Five Heavenly Emperors to cultivate themselves.

Tens of thousands of years of the world passed in a flash, and it became easier for the creatures who came to the chaotic era to give birth to strong people.

Until, one after another, the Hongmeng Realm creatures were born. Just when they tried to challenge the Emperor of Heaven, the Will of Heaven took the initiative to open the prelude to the dimensional war, and the world will it chose was undoubtedly the will of flesh and blood.

The primitive world launched an invasion of the flesh and blood world.

At this time, the Will of Heaven in the universe slowly stood up from its seat.

It raised its arms, and the power it dispersed returned to its body. The primitive world, which should have relied on tentacles to attack like a sphere, gradually changed. A half-body that looked like a human slowly grew on the round sphere.

The Will of Heaven, which showed its complete form, slapped the spherical will of flesh and blood with one palm, and its sharp five fingers pierced into the flesh and blood world, dragged it in front of itself, put its hands together, and squeezed its body to crack.

The Hongmeng Realm creatures and the Hongmeng Guardians led the Undead Witch to invade the Flesh and Blood World. The Flesh and Blood Will, which was imprisoned and refined by the Will of Heaven, could not move, so it could only look at the Hongmeng Guardian creatures and plunder the power of Heaven by using the method of returning to the void and combining with the Dao to deal with the Flesh and Blood natives.

After a period of time, the Flesh and Blood World was emptied, and the Will of Heaven also refined the Flesh and Blood Will. Its power became stronger, and reincarnation was delayed. Because the primitive world swallowed the Flesh and Blood World, the territory inside the primitive fairyland was also expanded.

The Hongmeng Realm strongmen were busy reclaiming new land and did not make any usurpation to touch the resources of the Emperor of Heaven.

In this war, the power of the Emperors of Heaven also increased because of the growth of the world.

The Will of Heaven, which guided and controlled all this behind the scenes, did not restore its original form. It still maintained its shape with half of its body growing on the sphere, looking for something in a gray void that Su Yan could not understand.

It seemed to have found something, but it remained silent until billions of years had passed in the original fairyland, and some Hongmeng Realm creatures set their sights on the Heavenly Emperors.

The Second Dimensional War began, and Youchao descended into the original fairyland, telling all living beings that the extraterritorial demons were about to invade our world.

This is a world weaker than the will of flesh and blood. The will of heaven did not take action personally, but simply raised his hand to smash the shell of the opposite world, and let the Hongmeng Realm strongmen in the original fairyland wreak havoc.

But when the Hongmeng Realm creatures faced the enemy's avenue, although they had the method of returning to the void and merging with the Tao, casualties were inevitable.

It's just that the will of heaven distorted their cognition and made them think they were invaded, and they were fighting hard to resist.

However, all this was just that the will of heaven felt that the Hongmeng Realm creatures were a bit overflowing, and artificially cleared some Hongmeng Realm creatures to maintain a balance.

The Heavenly Emperor is the pillar of the original fairyland, and their existence is far more important than the Hongmeng Realm creatures.

Therefore, the primitive fairy world needs a balance, and the power of the emperors must be higher than that of the creatures in the Hongmeng realm.

The creatures in the Hongmeng realm cannot threaten the emperors because of their numbers.

And the Hongmeng guardian, in conjunction with the existence of Youchao, must also have the power to check and balance the five emperors.


Su Yan deduced to this point, and his eyes and eyebrows twitched slightly when he saw the development of things in the deduced world.

In terms of killing intent, it has to be the Lord Tianyi!

"The data inside is correct. If I reveal my true body, I will look like that." Tianzhizhi did not use mind reading or detection thinking ability. I don't know why Su Yan stopped deducing. Therefore, it can only be simply attributed to him thinking that he was lying, so he deliberately opened his mouth to explain to Su Yan.

The half-body world will in the picture is indeed the true appearance of Tianzhizhi.

However, it divided the power and forcibly created the class of the spirit of creation, and the corresponding primitive will also returned to a low-level form.

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Chapter 906 Will I be this handsome when I grow up?

The deduction of the world is still going on. The will of heaven has made very detailed and in-depth thinking about the planning of the future world. Except for the need to conduct a ruthless screening before the implementation of the plan to select the tenacious creatures suitable for the new world, there is no flaw other than cold-bloodedness.

It even takes into account the conflicts between ethnic groups and the ambitions of creatures that expand disorderly after they become powerful.

Even the mortals in the mortal world are taken into consideration, so much so that it can be said that in the entire huge and sophisticated original will life extension concept, the existence of the will of heaven itself is also fighting on the front line.

During the invasion, the Will of Heaven was at the forefront of all living beings. After the invasion, the Will of Heaven was also the one who divided the cake. Even on weekdays, the Will of Heaven did not rest. It needed to maintain its complete form and look for other world wills.

When the tribes in the primitive fairyland were about to explode due to resource problems, the Will of Heaven also needed to serve the world will found in advance for all living beings, so that huge resources could fall into the primitive fairyland and alleviate all the contradictions that might erupt in the primitive fairyland due to resources.

The interests of cultivators of all levels and the means of balancing the strength of cultivators were all well-founded in front of Su Yan, and he could not refute them at all.

As for the meaningless things about invasion, cruelty, and mercy, neither Su Yan nor the Will of Heaven could say anything. They had already involved war and their own interests. Talking about those minor details would only make the other party laugh.

It is better to die than to die. What's wrong with fighting for the interests of oneself (one's own world will).

The atmosphere of the primitive world has always been like this.

The deduction of the world continued. After devouring the will of the second world, the strength of the will of heaven increased again. The sphere of its lower body underwent some slight alienation, but it was not too obvious.

In the original fairyland in the deduction world, because of devouring the resources of the second world, some cultivators discovered a new continent. The creatures of Hongmeng Realm and the cultivators under their command did not care about the resources of the five emperors of heaven, who existed since ancient times.

They all went to the new world. The strength of the five emperors of heaven grew with the world. When they devoured the second world, they already had the power to suppress the creatures of Hongmeng Realm alone.

The world fell into peace for billions of years again.

Su Yan saw that the world had entered a peaceful period, and suddenly looked at the Will of Heaven and asked:

"Speaking of the future of the world you imagined, Master Tianyi, I saw you fighting on the front line, and you can even say that you are the most laborious. You are obviously the only and absolute existence here, and even reincarnation can't hurt you at all. Why do you fight so hard? Do you have any ideals or goals?"

Although Su Yan didn't know that the predecessor of the Will of Heaven in front of him was a living being in harmony with the Tao, he knew that the Will of Heaven had its own emotions and thoughts, and it couldn't be speculated on with the same logic as the justice of heaven and earth.

But when Su Yan saw this, he couldn't understand the motives of the Will of Heaven.

According to the normal logic in the past, all living beings thought that the Will of Heaven would be missing when it reincarnated, and it needed to be compensated by something, or the spirits of creation needed to make up for the missing at this stage.

But the description of reincarnation by the Will of Heaven was very understated, just a normal meal.

Obviously, the rebirth of reincarnation cannot hurt it, and even the power of the Creator Spirit is distributed by it.

Su Yan was a little confused here. In the past, including Yinglong's existence, it was speculated that the Will of Heaven might be afraid that the rebirth of reincarnation would hurt its origin, causing the spiritual wisdom that was born with great difficulty to dissipate, so it tried to prolong the time of reincarnation and prolong the life of the world.

But these speculations were broken after Su Yan witnessed a corner of the great cause of the Will of Heaven.

So why is it the Will of Heaven?

In the entire life extension plan, it has been playing the most tiring role, and it also faces the risk of being severely hit by the will of the world of the same level, and even has to regulate the conflicts between resources and ethnic groups within the primitive world.

During this period, it cannot rest at all, and cannot relax any vigilance inside and outside.

It is the will of heaven with the emotions of living beings, not the original road like the world of flesh and blood will.

Its current behavior is against biological instincts. Su Yan currently only sees its efforts, but does not see any gains.

As for the increase in strength, is this what the Will of Heaven needs?

At this moment, while the Will of Heaven was beating Yinglong violently, it also pinched me with one hand and forced me to reason with it. Even so, it did not show its complete form.

For such an existence, strength is definitely not what it pursues.

Su Yan was confused by the Will of Heaven.

He was paying for nothing throughout the whole process. Is there really such a selfless creature in the world?

Su Yan had never seen such a good person.

He had a favor with Yinglong, and then a blood relationship. He also had a supply and demand relationship with the Queen Mother of the West. He even got help from Zhu Yin, which also involved the relationship level of Yinglong's ancestor.

Everything has cause and effect, and there is no such thing as pie in the sky for no reason.

".What am I planning?"

When asked by Su Yan, the Will of Heaven fell into a trance, but it was only for a moment. The Will of Heaven looked at Su Yan again and said calmly:

"What am I planning? I don't want anything."

"In your eyes, the existence of living beings is divided into different classes due to family, talent, opportunity, etc."

"But in my eyes, in the whole world, I should be the only normal living being, and your existence is just a passing cloud. Sometimes, you may disappear with a close eye, or be blown away by a gust of wind."

"You should understand my description, right?"

Su Yan looked strange and said, "Can I understand your words as, we don't even have the same life form, how can you understand my thoughts? It's completely useless to talk to you?"

"Not accurate, but there is also this part of the meaning." Heaven's Will nodded gently and did not continue to answer.

Some things cannot be explained. If you don't experience it yourself, and force others to explain it, they will not understand it at all, and will only look back at you with a look like a fool.

In the previous reincarnation, Heaven's Will actually did three meaningful things.

The first thing was that after it merged with the Tao, it also vented its joy in the primitive world through the means of descending, reincarnation, and soul division like the Emperor of Heaven, celebrating that it became the first existence to truly reach the top.

It was not until it was completely tired of playing that it began to manage and evolve the primitive world.

After it took over the primitive world in its entirety, it did the second thing, and forcibly created the class of [Spirit of Creation] in the primitive world.

This is a special class that shares eternal life with it and can obtain the power of the origin of the world.

Kongwu dispersed his power and created the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. To obtain this power, he needs to kill the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

This is a very strict condition. Although the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao is not as omniscient and omnipotent as the Great Dao, it also has the power to mobilize the natural laws of the entire world.

For normal creatures to kill the incarnation of the sky, the first step is to reach the top of the world, have ambition, and need a combination of opportunity and luck. Just reaching the top of the world is already a heaven-defying condition, not to mention that it also requires opportunity and luck.

But the will of heaven is empty, which sets such a harsh screening condition.

Because Kongwu is looking for his own kind, and the position of the Creator Spirit is also given to them.

Talent, brain, luck. These are the only requirements of Kongwu for his own kind.

At the beginning, it did find some of its own kind. Each Creator Spirit is the best in the world's reincarnation. Kongwu felt what true happiness is and found people who understand each other.

But such happiness is not long-lasting. The creator spirits who violate the law of reincarnation and rebirth often enter a state of fatigue after five to six reincarnations. Although the creator body and soul will not change, their spirit will inexplicably fall into a state of fatigue.

The creator spirits felt tired. Seeing that their friends were in unspeakable pain, the will of heaven could not bear it and gave them a way to get rid of it, hoping to see them again in the future.

The will of heaven can understand their pain. Because of its omniscience, it often feels bored and bored with everything.

So much so that it has to suppress this power, only in this way can it barely get a sense of freshness.

The creator spirits left one by one, and new creator spirits came one by one, but in the end, they all left or exiled themselves and fell into the outer domain.

The will of heaven patched this aspect and did not allow the creator spirits to contact the outer domain outside the creation.

But it was useless. The kind it found for itself would always try its best to leave.

The Creator Spirits are all smart guys, so the Will of Heaven has to keep busy patching.

One day, the Void became angry and destroyed everything in the original world. It destroyed and destroyed the world as if it had lost its mind, as if it wanted to completely destroy the original world.

But no matter how it destroyed and destroyed, the moment the world went to extinction, it was destined to be reborn.

When it came to its senses, the world was reborn from destruction again according to the law, but because the world was destroyed too many times in a short period of time, a group of death crystals of natural laws gathered in the new world.

Queen Mother of the West was born from the new life of destruction.

Queen Mother of the West can chat with the Will of Heaven. After all, she can't be born without the Will of Heaven going crazy.

It's a pity.

One day, Queen Mother of the West also chose to leave the position of the Creator Spirit.

The Will of Heaven completely closed itself off and stopped communicating with the Creator Spirit. It stayed in the void and gave up thinking, watching the world's survival.

During this time when it gave up thinking and forgot its past and emotions.

The Will of Heaven came up with a third thing.

The Creator Spirit left because of immutability. Everything in the world, including them, remained unchanged, and they gradually got tired of it.

They have gained immutability, although they will not change in their eternal life, as long as the world gains the characteristic of changeability, they can also see the changeable world as if it is alive.

Forgetting the Will of Heaven in the past, it began to lay out to make the world changeable.

The birth of the human race, secret preaching, the dramatic changes in the original fairyland, the connection between the earth and the sky, the netherworld, the development of regional isolation, and the new world after the connection between the earth and the sky.

It took several reincarnations to create a Taoist tradition that is almost perfect for dissemination, and it also waited for a long time for the birth of the human race and began to implement the plan.

Although there were humans in Su Yan's previous life, the two cannot be generalized. They are just similar in appearance.

If they combine, reproductive isolation may be triggered.

The Will of Heaven has been waiting for a long time, so long that it has begun to question its own existence. However, it is in a state of no retreat. Even if it has been shaken, or even despaired, it can only persist.

But it is not sure whether it can persist.

This is why Su Yan asked it why it was giving without expecting any return in the whole plan.

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