
It was just to have fun for the same kind of people, but the same kind of people had already left.

The Will of Heaven wants to run away, but it is already in the deepest part of the abyss, with no way to retreat. One step back will lead to the void outside the realm.

As the will of heaven, where can it go?


Sitting in front of the bamboo forest on the island, Tianzhi fell into a state of silence and gradually began to dig into the huge memories in his mind, looking for his own small emotional memories from the knowledge of all things in the world.

Trying to remember what I was planning.

But Heaven's Will did not ponder for long, because of the sudden change in the outside world, he looked at Su Yan who was deducing the model data with a look of doubt on his face.

Entering the world preset by the will of heaven, it was originally an extremely prosperous and prosperous age. For some reason, after swallowing the will of the sixth world, which is equivalent to the third reincarnation, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. What was being deduced was The world suddenly riots.

After everything calmed down, the atmosphere in the deduction world became extremely weird. Except for the core area, the entire world became lifeless and depressing.

The number of strong people is becoming increasingly rare, and they have even faced the will of heaven to feed them. The creatures in the deduction world are unable to open their mouths to eat the resources brought to their mouths.

"God's will"

Su Yan raised the Deduction World in his hand, sent it to Heaven's Will, and said:

"Come and see, old man, is this reasonable?"

"Did you import other parameters into it?" Tian Zhizhi looked at the lifeless world and the hundreds of Hongmeng realm creatures that were no longer active in the territory.

"I didn't import other parameters, I just slightly corrected some loopholes." Su Yan shook his head and said, "Rewind some time and you can see what happened."

After the will of heaven checked the model data and the parameters he set, he frowned slightly and went back in time to the world before the sudden riot. He wanted to take a look at Su How could such a huge change result from just slightly changing some words?

Deducing the time in the world, return to the time when the will of the fourth world was swallowed up.

The world has regained its inner peace, as stable as the preset model of the will of heaven.

The status of the creatures in the Hongmeng realm is still not as good as the Emperor of Heaven, and the Chao family oversees the changes and evolution of the world.

But what is different from before is that after countless years of beings in the Hongmeng realm, some of them gave birth to children, and some had families before becoming Hongmeng realm.

When one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, their families and tribesmen also gain rights and form the Hongmeng family divided by territorial boundaries. Each one gets one, and one or two gets two. However, these Hongmeng families do not dare to touch them. The Emperor of Heaven above them could only continue to ask for it.

The world has changed.

The existence of the Hongmeng family is a behemoth for any living being, and after years of development and devouring a large amount of resources, every living being in the Hongmeng family has extremely terrifying background.

Gods and Holy Spirits emerged in endlessly, but after a certain period of development, there were frictions among the members of the Hongmeng Family in some realms. Originally it was just some trivial matters, but the existence of the Hongmeng Family was so long ago that they even forgot about it. What kind of creature he once was.

They all only know that they are the masters of human beings. Except for the Emperor of Heaven and the law, no living being in the world dares to offend their majesty.

Some trivial matters among the younger generations involved family worshipers, and as the bloodshed occurred, some members of the Hongmeng family also intervened in the incidents that caused conflicts.

Although the incident was settled, it also planted conflicts between the two Hongmeng families.

Deducing the will of heaven in the world, controlling the major and minor events in the world.

It knew that there were too many creatures in the Hongmeng realm and it was time to prune again. Therefore, when it devoured the will of the fifth world, it did not deliberately suppress the will of heaven on the opposite side and buried all the hundreds of creatures in the Hongmeng realm. This time during the invasion.

Hostile worlds were annexed, and resources were invested in the original world.

But the Hongmeng family did not go to explore. They took the lead in targeting the family that lost Hongmeng.

When they were cannibalizing each other, they also blocked the door to the resource area, so that other creatures in the original fairyland could only watch but could not eat.

The Chao family tried to correct it, but encountered various obstacles from the Hongmeng family.

Until it led the Hongmeng Guardians to come forward, the Hongmeng family had to compromise and lift the ban. However, no other living beings had anything to do. Those who wanted to obtain resources could only join their ranks.

Talented people are unwilling to be mediocre, and either marry into the family, or change their names and become a branch of the Hongmeng family.

Gradually, the outstanding ones are monopolized by the family, the outstanding ones become more outstanding and the mediocre ones become more mediocre.

Until the sixth world will appeared, the will of heaven swallowed up and invested resources.

The Hongmeng family once again monopolized resources and undoubtedly obtained the right to distribute them.

The conflict between the outstanding and the mediocre broke out. After the turmoil ended, it did not lead to peace. Instead, it set off a larger turmoil. The Hongmeng family and the Hongmeng family had already accumulated countless conflicts and blood feuds due to historical reasons. , and it completely exploded because of this turmoil involving countless realms.

Eventually, the Heavenly Emperors were also involved. Youchao was completely powerless and could only watch from the sidelines.

The Five Heavenly Emperors were the bottom line of defense here. They possessed the absolute power granted by the Will of Heaven.

After the iron-blooded suppression, the creatures under the Heavenly Emperors scraped away 80% of the world's resources.

In addition to the original share of the Heavenly Emperors, 90% of the resources that had been mined in the entire world were on them and their subordinates. The nine-tailed foxes and other fox tribes in the Western world were all eaten up.

The resources were plundered by the Hongmeng family and eventually fell into the hands of the Heavenly Emperors.

The world's resources totaled one stone, the Heavenly Emperor occupied nine buckets, and the rest of the creatures shared one bucket. The will of heaven owed all living beings eight buckets.

After this battle, the entire deduction world became lifeless and lifeless.


The Will of Heaven looked at the deduction world quietly. Except for some texts added by Su Yan, it did not move, and it made some changes to the parameters.

The deduction world began to go back and deduced again. Youchao and Hongmeng Guardian were strengthened, and the Emperor of Heaven and the Hongmeng family were balanced. The world was peaceful.

The Hongmeng family set their sights on the Emperor of Heaven. The will of heaven invested resources into the world, and the world returned to peace. The evolution and growth of the world became slightly slower.

The peace lasted until the will of the sixth world. After the Hongmeng family devoured the new resources and merged the talents, the family members grew to an extremely large number, and they could not help but look at the territory and resources of the Emperor of Heaven again.

This time, the Emperors of Heaven were defeated by the invasion, but they still had the ability to escape.

After a period of time, Su Yan suddenly appeared in the deduction world in his adult form.

At that time, he held the Tongyou Divine Sword and rode the Four Seas God, like a disaster descending on the world. Wherever he went, there was no intact place and everything turned into nothingness.

Yinglong, Zhuyin, and the Five Emperors of Heaven regrouped and led their former generals to counterattack the Hongmeng family.

The whole world was completely flooded with blood. The strength of the two was originally on par, but the Hongmeng family relied on advance preparation and numbers to win over the emperors.

Youchao and the Hongmeng Guardians tried to stop Yinglong and Queen Mother of the West from Kunlun Realm. Tracing back in time, Yinglong regained the power of the Creator Spirit again, and killed Youchao and the Hongmeng Guardians together.

The emperors of the sky didn't need any resources, and they killed wherever they went.

In order to avenge the Hongmeng family's sneak attack, the whole world was silent.


The will of heaven looked at the bloody deduction world, and then looked at Su Yan, who was full of surprise below, and fell into silence.

"Am I so handsome when I grow up?" Su Yan looked at his adult self riding a dragon to the sky, accompanied by the black and white dragons, and couldn't help but reveal an expression of amazement.

"Speaking of which, Master Tianyi, what happened in the deduction world? Why do I feel like I'm eating gunpowder?"

"I'm not a bloodthirsty person!"

"You and Ruo Nu's offspring died. You learned the whole story after you woke up from your slumber. At the same time, the dragon clan was severely damaged, and the Xia Yu Xian Dynasty managed by Princess Wuxi was regarded as the lackey of the Emperor of Heaven and was targeted for suppression."

"Many of your friends died too. You were resentful because of the friction with the Hongmeng family in the past, and they gave you an outlet to vent. You led the dragon clan and the remnants of Xia Yu to annihilate the Hongmeng family." Tianzhiyi said slowly.

"Because of the revision, the Emperor of Heaven in the deduced world this time is not the only one, and the Hongmeng family will test from time to time. The hatred between you and them was formed during that period."

"Your friends in Xia Yu are not as few as they are now. You also have a family, wife and children, and you dote on your first-born daughter, but she died for no reason in this conflict."

"Your strength is far more terrifying than mine. You have refined the Wangchuan River and a part of the Chun tree, and obtained some residues when the flesh and blood will died. When the will of the flesh and blood died, all things trembled."

After commenting on Su Yan, the will of the sky looked at the bloody world in his hand, pondered for a moment, and began to continue to make in-depth modifications to the model.

But it still did not touch the part modified by Su Yan, and did not even look at the content of the modification. It just modified the model according to its own knowledge and experience.

The world still started from the fourth will, and the world proceeded smoothly and steadily to the ninth world will.

However, an unexpected situation happened again. This time, it was not caused by the Heavenly Emperors, but by the internal strife of the Hongmeng family due to the power struggle. A successful person took the lead, and some ambitious people who were originally married into the family or from the side branches also began to act.

In the end, the whole world was still in chaos. The Heavenly Emperors sat at home looking at the resources they had picked up for free, and fell into deep contemplation. They looked at each other with blank faces, and looked at the family heads or ambitious people who came to ask for help.


The Will of Heaven frowned, moved his eyes away from the deduction world, and said to Su Yan:

"What did you put in the preset data? Why can't the error be corrected?"

It can personally see the changes in the parameters, but it didn't do that. Instead, it looked at Su Yan with great interest and hoped to discuss the changes with him.

What kind of medicine did he put in the model that could turn the model that was supposed to run for a hundred generations into an uncorrectable mess.

Chapter 907: Make the World Lively

"What changes did you make to my presets?" Heaven's Will did not look at the deduced world parameters, but looked at Su Yan and asked with interest.

But Su Yan's attention was not on the will of heaven. The little fox sat cross-legged, frowning and muttering something on the futon.

In the deduction world, Su Yan saw his future appearance. He was very satisfied with his appearance, but he was confused about some things.

Even in the deduction world, more than a billion years have passed. No matter how you calculate it, the strength of his and Ruo Nu's descendants should belong to the world's top level.

How could it be so easy to fall? Didn't the sister-in-law Jiu Tian Xuan Nu save him?

But because it was not Su Yan who did the deduction, he could not know the details inside, so he could only keep the matter in mind and prepare to do prenatal education for his future children as soon as he got home.

Both he and Ruo Nu were so kind-hearted, and the descendants born would definitely be more kind-hearted. This was not good.


Seeing Su Yan in deep thought, the will of heaven could not help but call him and recall his scattered thoughts.


Su Yan immediately came back to his senses and responded, looking at Tian Zhi Yi again and said:

"You just said that I added some additional presets to your model, right?"


Tian Zhi Yi nodded gently and said: "As the leader of the world's fall, I think it would be more interesting for you to answer my questions in person than for me to interpret the meaning of the inner meaning myself."

Tian Zhi Yi, who has omniscience, can immediately know why there are such big changes in the deduction world as long as he knows what Su Yan has modified.

But this will lose some of the fun of deciphering, and Tian Zhi Yi did not choose a boring approach.

"I didn't modify anything, I just added some [evil] and [instinct] to it." Su Yan explained for the will of heaven:

"Regarding the development of the world, when the Ten Thousand Immortals Banquet was held, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and Senior Ruo Nu had discussed this issue. Jiu Tian Xuan Nu insisted that delaying reincarnation is good, and the only benefit is that her brothers and sisters can live forever."

"Senior Ruo Nu insisted that forcibly delaying reincarnation is actually meaningless, and it may even cause the most terrible disaster, making the creatures in the world no longer look like the original creatures."

The will of heaven pondered and said: "I roughly understand what you mean, You mean, because the Hongmeng family is above all living beings, time has caused their mentality to change, so that they despise all living beings, and even enslave and suppress all living beings."

"It makes all living beings unable to make a breakthrough forever, causing the entire world to lose its vitality."

"But I have considered these things. Every time I devour the will of other worlds, I will secretly eliminate some arrogant and domineering Hongmeng families, and the resources will be injected into the world in the world. The new generation of creatures, some creatures can get my favor and rise up."

"This is a perpetual dynamic balance, and it is also an underlying framework in my model, but you broke it."

Su Yan waved his hand and said: "In fact, it is not only the original Hongmeng family Because. It is too unfair to blame everything on the Hongmeng family. It is a chain reaction caused by all living beings, the Emperor of Heaven and the Hongmeng family. "

"Senior Ruo Nu once said that if the world loses reincarnation and rebirth, it will be distorted and corrupted."

"I didn't understand this sentence at first, but later I vaguely figured out some things. The so-called distortion and corruption do not mean that all living beings are distorted, or that all living beings have become crazy."

"It is a change in the atmosphere and mentality. As the resources of the original fairy world increase, the original fairy world will eventually usher in a brilliant prosperity, a prosperity that can be promoted by piling up resources even if there is no talent."

"The resources are in the hands of the Hongmeng family, and all living beings There is definitely no shortage of people who curry favor with the powerful. In order to obtain resource rewards, these people will inevitably curry favor with the Hongmeng family and even do some unsightly things. "

"Although the resources are circulated, it also makes the creatures have some fixed mindsets and inertia."

"Anyway, the five emperors of the world occupy 10% of the resources, and a small part of the remaining 90% of the resources is divided by the Hongmeng family. Although the remaining resources fall into the hands of all living beings, these resources will definitely flow back to the upper level through various channels."

"Instead of working hard and having nothing, it is better to take the steady path of currying favor with the powerful."

Su Yan looked at the will of heaven at this point, waiting for the will of heaven to comment on his words.

"The creatures who curry favor with the powerful have corrupted the Chosen Ones I carefully selected in the world, forming a kind of unspoken rules. Moreover, these things have existed since ancient times. Therefore, no matter how much I deduce the world back to the Fourth Will period, because of the inertia of the unspoken rules, the world has become irreversible?"

The Will of Heaven slowly spoke and smiled: "The so-called little bit of [evil] and [instinct], forming the thinking patterns and inertia of all beings, destroyed the entire world?"

"Did they go to destruction spontaneously?"

Su Yan thought for a while and said: "Of course, after listening to the debate between Senior Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and Senior Ruo Nu about the changes in the world, I have imagined countless times the depravity and distortion scenes mentioned by the seniors."

"And combined with my own life experience in the world of cultivation, I came to a conclusion: living beings are most like living beings only when they abide by the laws and regulations."

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