“Because! In those days, which alien space, absolutely did not exist!! ”

Sword Yuntian said solemnly.

Yu Feng’s brow frowned when he heard it.

“When did that alien space appear!?”

Yu Feng asked doubtfully at Sword Yuntian.

And Jian Yuntian thought about it for a moment.

“It was 70 million years ago! Just a few tens of millions of years after the appearance of the alien space, the lone sword saint of my Excalibur Alliance began to gradually explore that alien space.

You must know that my Excalibur Alliance has the responsibility of guarding the entire Dragon Continent because it possesses the Heavenly Sword, and finally after I became the suzerain, perhaps I saw the hope of becoming the next Sword Saint from me, so Lao Zu and his old man resolutely entered that different space. ”

Jian Yuntian slowly told Yu Feng what had happened, and Yu Feng nodded slowly after hearing it.

“As it is, the old man understands!” I said that the first time I saw this Heavenly Sword, I was wondering what kind of material could create such a huge Heavenly Rank weapon. ”

Yu Feng sighed slightly.

The Heavenly Order weapon is very difficult to refine, let alone such a large one.

If so many materials were all real Heavenly Order weapons and given to Yu Feng, Yu Feng could refine tens of thousands, or even hundreds of millions of Heavenly Order weapons, of course, provided that Yu Feng’s alchemist level reached the Heavenly Order.

However, the refining material of this Heavenly Order weapon was not a material suitable for the Face Weapon.

After listening to what Jian Yuntian knew, Yu Feng also knew that this kind of material was similar to the power of faith.

It was formed by the joint condensation of the will of all the powerful people of the entire Dragon Continent.

“In addition, the place you are talking about, if it is not necessary, your strength is best not to explore before reaching the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm!”

Yu Feng said solemnly, he also felt the danger of that other space.

“Fifth Heaven!? It’s so terrible! ”

Sword Yuntian’s face suddenly changed drastically after hearing this, knowing that if his strength now fully stimulated this Haoran Heavenly Sword in his hand, he could at least reach a powerful Immortal Realm One Heavy Heaven, but it was very far away from the Second Heaven Realm, for the simple reason that the gap between each Heaven of the Immortal Realm was five times that of terror!

That’s right, it’s five times, otherwise why do you think that Yu Feng’s full force can only be compared to the Absolute Immortal Realm Second Heaven.

Therefore, after reaching this realm, it is almost impossible to kill people beyond the level, after all, the strong people who can reach this level basically have extremely powerful martial arts and weapons.

Even the comprehension of the Gong Fa is extremely terrifying.

If you want to surpass it, you can only have physique, special bloodline power, and even others.

This was also why, when Luo Tianhao’s ancestor insisted on electing the Absolute God as the new suzerain, he ignored the extremely powerful Death Saint King.

In the end, the Death Saint Emperor suddenly rose from nowhere, destroying Luo Tianhaozong and even the Ten Holy Places.

And now Yu Feng actually said that he should never explore Rausch’s alien space until his strength reached the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

As for Yu Feng’s words, he still had some faith, after all, if a person who might be a Heavenly Order Alchemist and a super strong person above the Absolute Immortal Realm at least the Second Heaven could not believe it, then the person he could believe in in this world seemed to be gone.

“Well, that’s it! If there is any situation, I will go to that alien space to see for myself, but it is not needed for the time being!

By the way, Zhang Tian, remember what happened thirteen days later! ”

Yu Feng calmly said to Sword Yuntian and then said slowly to Yu Zhangtian, and the next moment his figure was also due to energy exhaustion and finally slowly disappeared into the void.

You know, this time he used the full strength of his external avatar to beat up Di Yan.

Later, a Ground Rank Ultimate Double Awakening Weapon was also refined.

Under the combination of the two, Yu Feng could say so many words was already the limit.

“Congratulations to the seniors!!!”

Sword Yuntian solemnly arched his hand at Yu Feng, who was leaving.

“Congratulations to the Master for obtaining the Most Precious !!!”

Yu Zhangtian on the side also smiled and congratulated Jian Yuntian.

“Hahaha, aren’t all the blessings entrusted to you for the teacher!?” If you weren’t my disciple, how could Master He De have obtained such a powerful weapon! ”

Jian Yuntian couldn’t help the joy in his heart.

Having said that, the gratitude in his heart to Yu Feng also made him remember in his heart.

After all, he was only Yu Zhangtian’s halfway master, and even so, Yu Feng had refined his own weapon for himself.

Moreover, the rank was the most powerful weapon on the continent besides the Heavenly Sword, except for the inventory that the Yu Family might have.

Thinking of this, a firm thought slowly appeared in Jian Yuntian’s heart.

“Zhang Tian! In the past few days, the Master will fully help you to raise your sword intent to 40%, at that time! You are the new ally of the Excalibur Alliance. ”

Sword Yuntian’s sudden words made Yu Zhangtian suddenly stunned, and then he remembered that although the current Sword Yuntian realm had not been reached, the realm was definitely a truly immortal realm.

And after his own sword intent reached forty percent, plus his own strength and others, he could definitely be compared to a super strong person of the fifth and sixth heavens of the Heavenly Realm, and at that time, with his own talent, it would not be difficult to serve as the new ally of the Excalibur Alliance.

“Got to know Master!!!”

Yu Zhangtian said with a solemn face, and the next moment he directly drew out the Holy Spirit Thunder Sword in his hand and emitted a terrifying sword intent of 30% limit!




And this side of Yu Feng’s consciousness also returned to his own body at this time.

Returning from his external avatar, he instantly felt a wave of weakness.

Of course, it was not really weak but in the external incarnation, and Yu Feng’s strength was his heyday.

And now it is just their own normalcy, and naturally they will feel a lot of weak forces.

It seems time to break through.

Yu Feng looked at the trillions of upgrade points in his background and his own attribute table and suddenly had this idea in his mind.

“System, first upgrade all my martial arts and martial arts to the ultimate level of the earth!”

Yu Feng said directly to the system that he had a premonition that this breakthrough would definitely have a great change, and it was absolutely necessary to make the best preparations.

“Ding… Take the instructions and start improving all the martial arts!!! ”

After a systematic sound, Yu Feng instantly felt a wave of majestic messages instantly begin to flow madly towards his mind.

Such a terrifying power surged into Yu Feng’s consciousness in just an instant, causing Yu Feng to begin to control it with an extremely terrifying speed.

As the minutes and seconds passed, Yu Feng could feel the change in the strength of his whole body.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, full body martial arts, martial arts, upgrades!! ”

And a system tone also came.

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