

Name: Yu Feng

Realm: The Ten Heavens of the Divine Bridge Realm!

Occupation: Alchemist (Ground Level Elite +1, 0/100 billion)

Qi and Blood: 99.9 billion (10 upgrade points = 1 Qi and Blood value)

Spirits: 99.9 billion (10 upgrade points = 1 spirit points)

Special Energy: Death Force (One Piece)

Constitution: Dragon God Body (Under development, Ichigo)

Talent Skill: Dragon (Twenty times more combat!) Divine Dragon Fire (Dragon Clan Divine Fire, current level: Heavenly Rank Upper)

Root Bone: Tao Body!

Exercises: Heavenly Fire Genki Technique (Ground Level Extremity, 0/100 billion) Forging Soul Crystal (Ground Level Extremity, 0/100 billion)

Martial Arts: Shattered Mountain Palm (Ground Level Extremity, 0/100 Billion) Nine Turns Soul Blade (Ground Level Extremity, 0/100 Billion) Red Flame Gun Method (Ground Level Extremity, 0/100 Billion)

Item: Dragon Howling Gun (Awakening, Ground Level Premium, 0/100 billion)

Upgrade points: 4,500 billion

Status: Combat Power*200, Cultivation Speed*100, Talent +1



At this time, Yu Feng looked at all his attributes, and his heart instantly became solemn.

Because, at this moment, he could already feel the power of his own bloodline boiling violently.

“It’s not over yet, system, upgrade the ancestral hall!” Alchemy room and alchemy pharmacy!! ”

Yufeng said solemnly again!!

Since you want to get it, then get it all right, which is why Yu Feng saved so many upgrade points.

“Ding, take the command to start upgrading the three buildings!!”

With a systematic sound, Yu Feng’s body instantly burst out a terrifying light, and this light instantly turned into three golden rays and shot into the distance.

Three golden rays of light instantly melted into the three buildings not far away at an extremely terrifying speed.

In an instant, Yu Feng felt a terrifying breath begin to erupt in his body, and this breath began to raise his physical strength and soul madly.

In the end, Yu Feng found that his strength had more than doubled compared to before.

Name of the building: Ancestral Hall

Attributes: Cultivation Speed*200, Talent Level +1, Family Fertility*2000%, Family Combat Strength*50, Innate Dao Body Birth Rate +50%

Function: Family Genealogy (can read any Yu family descendants!) Family Formation (Condenses a defensive formation within the family station to reach 20 times the host’s combat effectiveness!) At the same time, the concentration of aura in the formation is *20) Evil (within the scope of the family station, it can explode an all-out blow that is 20 times higher than the host!) Outside the family station, near the children of the family, it can be designated by the host, and it can explode the host’s same strength to strike an all-out attack. )

Grade: Five Pins

Upgrade required: 10 trillion

Note: All attributes are available to all Yu family members who are recognized by the host!

Just the upgrade of the ancestral hall made Yu Feng’s whole body strength combat power increase to an incomparable level, and at the same time, Yu Feng also found that the ancestral hall’s defense power for the family was also rapidly improved.

“My current strength is equivalent to that of a super strong person whose strength has reached the Absolute Immortal Realm Triple Heaven, that is to say, as long as it is within the family station, as long as it is not a super strong person above the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, it is impossible to kill me?”

Thinking of Yu Feng here, Yu Feng nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

The stronger the family’s guardianship became, the more unscrupulous he became.

At the same time, not only the ancestral hall, but also the alchemy room and the alchemy room were all added up by him, and the upgrade points of three hundred billion yuan were raised to five products.

And that’s just the beginning, what’s next!

“System, use all the upgrade points to increase my Qi and Blood and Soul Power!!!”

Yu Feng said solemnly to the system, and this time, it was different from every previous realm ascension.

“Ding… Take the command to start increasing the host’s qi and blood value and soul power!! ”

The prompt tone of the system is also instantly remembered at this time.

At the same time, the entire Yu Family Ancestral Hall also emitted a series of strange forces that directly enveloped the entire Yu Family with an extremely powerful formation.

After being enveloped by the power of this array, the entire Yu family seemed to have disappeared into the territory.


At this moment, a stream of terrifying warm currents also surged madly towards Yu Feng’s body at this time.

This terrifying force only instantly broke through the Ninth Heaven Realm of the Grammar Divine Bridge Realm.


Yu Feng’s realm also reached the Heavenly Realm in an instant!

However, at the moment when Yu Feng’s realm reached the Heavenly Realm, a palpitating force instantly emerged from Yu Feng’s body, and this power began to spread frantically to all parts of Yu Feng’s body.

“Bang bang bang !!!!”

At the same time, a sound caused the surrounding space to start shaking wildly, and the heartbeat began to spread towards the surrounding void.

The entire Yu family, who had already slept, got up with a curious look on their faces and looked in the direction of the backyard.

They felt a blood thicker than water in their backyard, but at the same time it made them feel an oppressive breath.

“What is Grandpa doing?” How could such a powerful force erupt! ”

At this time, Yu Zhanling, who was already in the Secret Sea Realm, was just about to go to sleep when he was awakened by Yu Feng’s breath.

With a strong business acumen, he now manages some of the affairs of the Yu family as the new head of the Yu family.

Of course, the most important thing is that his wife, Yu Yanxiao’s mother, is about to give birth, and now he can’t walk away, otherwise he also wants to go out with his father and son.

The female relatives of the Yu family were also disturbed by this breath and quickly walked out to look at the backyard.

Fortunately, because that breath was in the Yu Family, it was weakened by the formation that could resist the Fifth Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm, otherwise if a force erupted, the power would definitely make the entire Dragon Teng Continent tremble.

“Ang!!!!! 1”

Suddenly, a roar of the Dragon God from the depths of the Void slowly erupted from the void.

This roar actually directly penetrated the ancestral hall formation and rushed to the entire Dragon Teng Continent, and at this moment, all the people above the Dragon Teng Continent felt a supreme pressure

This pressure directly enveloped the entire Dragon Teng Continent, causing the entire Dragon Teng Continent people to be suppressed by this breath in an instant and kneel directly to the ground.



At this moment, countless powerful people were looking at the sky in horror, and the horror of that breath, these super strong people who were so powerful that they could only kneel down towards the ground.

At this moment, the only thing that could stand on the entire continent was the Absolute Immortal Realm and the people of the Yu Family.


Suddenly, the whole continent began to vibrate wildly, and the boundless Dragon Continent began to shake rapidly, and countless powerful people looked at the sky in horror.

In the next instant, something happened that stunned them!

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