Between them, the endless aura above the entire Dragon Teng Continent began to sprung up madly towards the sky.

Endless aura began to gather in the sky.

These aura slowly converged into a divine dragon that covered the entire Dragon Teng Continent, and this divine dragon began to roar madly in the endless void.

When the people of the whole continent saw this divine dragon shadow, they all felt a feeling as if it came from their mother.

However, the gaze of a divine dragon shadow was a trace of awe in the eyes of the direction where the Yu family was located above the Dragon Teng Continent.

Yes, it is awe, as if it were the kind of reverence that comes from the bloodline when a low-level being faces a high-level being.


With an earth-shaking dragon groan, this divine dragon in the sky exploded instantly, and the endless aura began to frantically look in the direction where the Yu family was located.

“Dragon Shadow!? Could it be the legendary Dragon of the Founding Dragon of my Dragon Continent!? ”

“That feeling of blood connection is absolutely not wrong, only the Creation Divine Dragon that created my Dragon Continent will make us feel this feeling.”

“You see, where is that direction?” Why did the continental energy condensed by the Founding Dragon rush towards that place!? ”



All the Heavenly Realm Realm Strongmen above the entire Dragon Teng Continent were looking at the distance with solemn eyes.

Everywhere their eyes went, it was just a barren continent.


However, at this moment, a wave suddenly appeared out of thin air, and this wave instantly turned into a terrifying force and began to bombard these onlookers one by one the Celestial Realm Strongmen.


In just an instant, these ancestors from thousands of top forces in the Middle Domain, the suzerains were blasted into the air one by one, spurting blood.

The whole person instantly flew backwards into the distance.

What’s more, it directly fell on the ground and smashed the earth out of a terrifying pit of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Such a terrifying picture made all the Celestial Realm Strongmen present change their faces drastically.

“Folks, the place ahead is where my Yu family is, so if there is nothing to do, please leave!!”

However, at this moment, a teenager with endless flames appeared here at this time!

However, when the people present saw the symbol on the alchemist’s robe on the teenager’s body that represented the alchemist on the ground steps, their faces suddenly changed drastically.

The alchemist on the earth level was equivalent to the most powerful alchemist on the entire continent.

“Master Yu Yanxiao!? You are Master Yu Yanxiao!? ”

At this moment, a Heavenly Realm Dual Heaven Grade Intermediate Alchemist was very excited when he saw Yu Yanxiao.

“Master Yu Yanxiao!? What the? The new genius of the Dan Huo Sect? Didn’t he just reach the ground level alchemist before!? ”

“Your news is lagging behind, just the day before yesterday, Master Yu Yanxiao has successfully taken over the position of the Danhuo Sect Leader, and also taken over the position of the new president of the Alchemist Guild!!”

“Sizzle! This…… How is this possible!? ”

“How impossible, this matter is because the incident suddenly happened that the news has just come out from within the Alchemist’s Guild, and it may take a few days for the whole continent to know about it!”



Under the blessing of the alchemy room, Yu Yanxiao was quiet for several months, and he had successfully reached the current level of the alchemist on the ground level.

At the same time, because the realm had broken through to the Shenqiao Realm, coupled with several kinds of different fires, the combat power at this time was already comparable to that of the ordinary Heavenly Realm Triple Heaven or so strong.

Such a terrifying strength also made him directly become the current suzerainty of the Danhuo Sect in one fell swoop.

And like Yu Batian, he was proficient in the Dan Medicine techniques given by Yu Feng before, because of refining the perfect level of Dan Medicine, and mastering countless lost Alchemist Techniques, he had now become the president of the Alchemist Guild.

Although he was young, almost all the ground level alchemists of the entire continent now had to call him a teacher.

This is the horror of those alchemist techniques given by Yu Feng.

With Yu Batian and Yu Yanxiao, presumably it wouldn’t take a hundred years, and the alchemist level of the entire Dragon Teng Continent would have to be raised by several levels, and this kind of epoch-making achievement The president of a small alchemist guild was definitely not a problem.

“It turned out to be Master Yu’s home, and the old man came recklessly and hoped that Master Yu would forgive him!”

At this moment, the voice of a thick middle-aged man also reached Yu Yanxiao’s ears.

Hearing this man’s voice, all the powerful people in the Celestial Realm around him hurriedly gave way to a road.

Only to see a red-haired middle-aged man with a flame rune above his eyebrow slowly come to Yu Yanxiao’s face.

Seeing this, Yu Yanxiao’s brow frowned slightly.

“Heavenly Fire Sect Lord! Yan Hong?! ”

Looking at this middle-aged man who seemed to have a slight impression of himself, Yu Yanxiao’s face instantly darkened.

He would not forget that his grandmother had been abducted by some sect.

However, what was shocking was that Yan Hong’s mouth actually had this trace of blood, and this trace of blood actually flowed slowly from the corner of his mouth, that is to say, the breath that had just been breathed was that even Yan Hong, whose strength had reached the peak of the Heavenly Realm, was shocked.

In an instant, a wave of fear instantly enveloped the hearts of everyone present.

It should be known that there was only one Sword Cloud Heaven before the person who could hurt Yan Hong on the entire continent, and as the strength of the Sword Cloud Heaven was raised to the Sword Saint, it also meant that Yan Hong at this time became the strongest in the Heavenly Realm above the Dragon Teng Continent.

In this era when he could not come out of the immortals, he was the most powerful, however, now Yan Hong was actually hurt by that breath, just a breath!

“What kind of family is this Yu family?”

For an instant the thought enveloped everyone’s mind.

“Ahem! Knowing that you are reckless, don’t leave!? ”

However, in the face of everyone present, Yu Yanxiao opened his mouth coldly.

His words instantly made Yan Hong’s original smile stiffen.

To tell the truth, being hurt by the breath of others and smiling is not how big his Yanhong measures are, but that he wants to have a good relationship with the Yu family, after all, this is a family of the president of the Alchemy Society, and this guild leader is not the previous president.

It was a young leader, but his alchemist’s talent and cultivation talent had reached an appalling level.

Such a genius, maybe 100,000 years, as long as 100,000 years can become the next Heavenly Order alchemist and the super strong person of the Immortal Realm.

What’s more, the breath that had just shaken himself to vomit blood was definitely the Immortal Realm.

“Your Excellency, President, what does this mean!?”

Yan Hong forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and then said in embarrassment.

Sure enough, the thickness of the face of the warrior who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years is that Yu Yanxiao has some feelings, if he had done it with the other party, he would have done it with the other party a long time ago!

“Xiao Yanzi’s words, that is my words, Lord Yan, you are not welcome in my Yu family, you still go!!”

At this moment, however, a calm voice also came from afar.

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