From the outside world, this maple tree is still the ordinary maple tree before, but if you enter this small courtyard, you will find that this maple tree has long been transformed into a terrifying sacred tree that covers the sky.

A trace of light slowly fell from the maple tree.

The entire skyline was set off by this light and became a fiery red color.

“Ding… After the upgrade is completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Five Sacrifice Spirits! ”

“Ding… The Yu family appears to be a Lineage Sacrifice and gets upgrade points: 1,000 billion!! ”

A two-faced system tone also came.

Hearing this, Yu Feng directly looked at the attribute table of the sacrifice spirit.

Sacrifice: Innate Psychic Maple Tree!

Grade: Five Pins

Combat Strength: Absolute Wonderland

Attributes: Talent +1 (only within the Yujia station!) ), cultivation speed*10.(can be stacked with the ancestral hall) +50% chance of cultivating epiphany under the sacrificial tree

Skill: Guardian (within the protection range of the Sacrifice Spirit, all Yu Family disciples have a recovery speed*100, and a range of Reiki Content*100)

Upgrade required: 100 trillion


Although there was only one Sacrifice Spirit Skill of the Five Pins, the benefits brought by this guardian skill were absolutely unattainable by any cultivation holy place.

“In the family station, I can actually add one talent to another one!” It seems that the role of this sacrifice is also very terrifying! In addition, although the cultivation speed can only be increased by ten times, if it is superimposed with the 200 times the cultivation speed of the ancestral hall now, it is not a full 2,000 times the cultivation speed blessing!? ”

Thinking of Yu Feng’s eyes here flickered slightly, two thousand times the cultivation speed, if it was an ordinary person, one year would be equivalent to two thousand years of cultivation, but now the guy was the aura blessing of which sacrifice, and the aura concentration within the entire Yu family had reached thousands of times that of terror.

It was a very simple thing for a waste to become a powerful Secret Sea Realm strong person under such a terrifying aura indoctrination.

To put it bluntly, it is a pig that can cultivate into a big demon in the Yu family!

Moreover, coupled with the talent blessing of the ancestral hall, even the physique of the waste wood can reach the level of genius.

With such a terrible aura infusion and thousands of times the blessing of cultivation speed, the Yu family members could cultivate for one day at this time and reach the innate realm from an ordinary person.

And this is just the waste wood physique with countless upgrade points Yu Feng has long been upgraded to the level of the Yu family’s all talents.

Now that I think about it, the ancestral hall is like a decoration for the current Yu family for the chance of giving birth to the innate Daoist body.

Such a terrifying cultivation may be able to reach the powerful Secret Sea Realm after a month.

“By the way, system, what is the use of this thing of epiphany!?”

Yu Feng asked the system with some curiosity that in this world for so long, he seemed to have never heard of the so-called epiphany.

And in those online novels in his past life, the epiphany he knew was a terrible thing!

“Ding… The host can experiment with this for himself!! ”

However, this time, the system did not answer Yu Feng directly, but said calmly to Yu Feng.


Hearing the system’s words, Yu Feng had a faint glimmer of expectation in his heart.

Thinking of this, Yu Feng flew directly towards the sacrifice.

When he had just stepped into the boundless continent opened up by the Sacrifice, Yu Feng suddenly felt that all the branches and leaves of the Sacrifice Spirit were trembling with excitement.

It’s like a child meeting his parents.

“The Lord… Master!? You’re finally here!! ”

At this moment, a delicate girl’s voice came from the void to Yu Feng’s ears.

The source of the sound, Yu Feng, naturally guessed that it was the spirit in front of him!

“It seems that under the upgrade of the system, everything will recognize me as the Lord!!”

Yu Feng nodded slightly after hearing the respectful and kind voice of the sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Yu Feng’s divine thoughts began to envelop the sacrificial spirits.

I found the spirit of a teenage girl in the middle of the maple tree looking at herself excitedly.

“You are the spirit of the maple tree, I didn’t expect you to have your own consciousness!!”

Yu Feng said with some emotion, but think about the ordinary wood beings, although it is extremely difficult to cultivate, as long as they reach the Divine Bridge Realm, they can basically give birth to their own spiritual wisdom.

Now the sacrificial spirit has reached the strength of the terrifying Absolute Wonderland!

If there was no birth of Lingzhi here, the possibility of the birth of Lingzhi by the wooden beings of the entire Dragon Teng Continent could only be zero.

“Well, thanks to the master, I was able to give birth to the Wise One.”

When the priest heard Yu Feng’s voice, he was immediately excited and quickly spoke to Yu Feng.

“Hahaha, since you have been born with spiritual wisdom, then I will give you a name!”

Yu Feng was also in a good mood after hearing the crisp voice of the sacrifice spirit, after all, he had never had a daughter, and among the descendants, there was only one female relative of Yu Lingxuan.

This maple tree can also be regarded as planting it by his own hands, and in a certain sense, he can also be regarded as the father of the other party.

After the sacrificial spirit heard Yu Feng’s words, the tree body suddenly trembled with excitement, as if it was very expectant.

“Hmm! Although you are the embodiment of the maple tree, but I have been called Yu Feng, the word maple can not be used, but the maple tree in the world I once symbolized homecoming, stop to make love maple forest night, frost leaves red in February flowers, you just gave birth to Lingzhi not long ago, then with Xuan’er a generation, since so, that is to call you Lingfeng! And I have a surname in the Yu family, and call me Grandpa in the future! ”

The corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, and calmly said to Yu Ling Frost, that is, the sacrifice spirit of the Yu Family.

However, after hearing that Yu Feng had actually given it the surname of Yu Family, Yu Lingfeng’s consciousness began to tremble with excitement.

“Thank you Lord… Grandpa gave the name!! ”

Yu Lingshuang said excitedly to Yu Feng, but unfortunately, although she has consciousness, she wants to transform but only to achieve the strength above the Absolute Immortal Realm, so far, it is not enough.

“My Yu family, there is no need to be so polite!!”

Yu Feng smiled slightly, and then slowly came to the bottom of Yu Lingfeng’s body and slowly crossed his legs.

“By the way, Frost Er, I’ll cultivate first, and if there are any problems in the Yu Family Station in the future, it will depend on you!”

Yu Feng smiled slightly and calmly said to Yu Lingshuang.

“Yes Grandpa, I will protect the Yu family!!”

After hearing Yu Feng’s kind name, Yu Lingshuang replied excitedly.

Immediately he directly enveloped his entire consciousness in the Yu family and the range of hundreds of millions of kilometers outside the Yu family.

As long as anyone dared to be disrespectful to the Yu family, then they would go back to be destroyed by a super strong person whose strength had reached at least the Triple Heaven of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

After having Yu Ling Cream, Yu Feng also nodded with satisfaction.

After all, he couldn’t have been guarding the Yu family all the time, and now he could also experiment with the so-called epiphany.

At this thought, Yu Feng directly closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

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