At this time, Yu Feng began to deduce all the martial arts he had cultivated in his mind.

Of course, the most important nature is the red fire gun method.

At this time, the Chi Yan Gun Technique had already reached the level of the Heavenly Order, and it could be said that the power was terrifying enough to crush all the martial arts above the entire Dragon Teng Continent.

It’s just that Yu Feng’s time from the age of one hundred to the present is only a few months ago, even if he has a strong cultivation talent, he only relies on the ability of the system to understand the martial arts to the limit.

As for the deeper artistic conception Yu Feng, there was not much understanding!

“Let’s see if I can understand the meaning of the gun with my current understanding of martial arts!”

Yu Feng thought of this, and immediately began to rapidly deduce the Chi Yan Gun Technique in the Sea of Consciousness.

Even for the current level of Yu Feng, it would take a long time to run it again.

After pushing his spirit to the limit, Yu Feng suddenly opened his eyes.


With a wave of fluctuations, a spear instantly appeared in Yu Feng’s hand.

The moment this spear appeared, the originally gentle and elegant aura on Yu Feng’s body changed instantly.

A very sharp breath erupted from Yu Feng’s body.

The breath of terror soared straight into the sky, and the sky of this continent began to undergo a series of drastic changes.

However, at this moment, a burst of terrifying energy also slowly descended from the sky to slowly cancel out part of Yu Feng’s breath.

Of course, it couldn’t be Frost Er, but the formation of the ancestral hall.

And the next moment Yufeng began to move!

He waved the spear in his hand and began to stab into the void with one shot after another into the void.

In an instant, the entire Sacrifice Spirit Continent began to vibrate wildly.

Fortunately, there was a formation that suppressed the power that erupted during Yu Feng’s cultivation to one hundredth of a hundred millionths of the original, otherwise, the entire Sacrifice Spirit Continent would be destroyed in an instant, even if it was guarded by Yu Ling Frost.

After all, at this time, Yu Feng’s strength was stronger than Yu Ling Frost and I didn’t know how much.

And as Yu Feng’s one shot after another stabbed into the void, the whole set of Chi Yan Gun Techniques was also used by Yu Feng.

Of course, with each shot of Yu Feng’s stabbing, the space around it was extremely terrifyingly broken.

However, because this was the space for sacrifice, Frost Er also quickly repaired it.

This is also a natural ability of her as a sacrifice.

Moreover, Yu Feng estimated that the talent of Yu Ling Cream might be the space system, after all, it could create such a large continent, and it was definitely not just a strong enough to do it.

If the follow-up Yu Ling Frost could control it, the strength could definitely soar to the point where such a strong person as the Death Saint Emperor was not an opponent.

You know, the space system is one of the two great divine energies above the death system and the four special energies of life.

Of course, although Yu Ling Cream could control it, it was basically impossible to fully control it, after all, even the energy she controlled now was only the wood system among the Five Elements Force.

That is to say, he used the control of wood energy as a carrier to achieve the Absolute Immortal Realm.

And with the wood energy, the difficulty of her understanding the space system energy will be even more terrifying.

However, with the system, perhaps, this issue will not be so difficult!?


And Yu Feng’s set of marksmanship techniques is also close to the end, but although this time did not achieve enlightenment, but just after cultivating Yu Feng’s understanding of gun meaning, there has been great progress.


As Yu Feng’s last form fell, a gunshot also came from the tip of the dragon’s roaring gun.

“Whew! Again!!!! ”

The corners of Yu Feng’s mouth rose slightly, and then he moved again, he felt that as long as he practiced him dozens of times, he would definitely be able to comprehend the gun intention, and then he would be able to rely on the system to upgrade it to more than fifty or sixty percent of the sword intention.

The speed in Yu Feng’s hands was also getting faster and faster when he thought of this.

As Yu Feng became more and more engaged, his consciousness seemed to slowly fall into a mysterious and mysterious realm.

If there were ancient powers here, they would be absolutely horrified to find that Yu Feng had actually entered the legendary epiphany.

Of course, this kind of thing of epiphany has long been lost, I don’t know why, the energy system between heaven and earth seems to have not supported the people on the Dragon Teng Continent to reach the Epiphany Realm, so it is Yu Feng who has secretly flipped through the files of dozens of top forces and has not seen any records of the Epiphany.

And this time, because of the relationship of sacrificial spirits, Yu Feng actually entered the legendary state of epiphany, and in the epiphany, Yu Feng’s understanding of the energy of heaven and earth was also the power of death, or before he had some understanding of the power of Yan, the power of fire actually began to rise slowly.

At the same time, the gun intent that originally needed to be cultivated dozens of times to comprehend a trace of gun intent also reached a layer of gun intent in an instant.

A few more minutes passed, and the gun intent once again reached 20% gun intention.

At this moment, the surrounding flame power actually began to converge madly towards Yu Feng’s body.

The speed at which the endless flame power converged in the direction where Yu Feng was located also began to grow faster and faster, expanding to thousands of kilometers in just an instant.

Subsequently, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of kilometers of flame power within millions of kilometers all surged towards the reverse direction where Yu Feng was located.



“Arrow Emperor, this is my Yu family!!”

Slowly landing in front of the Yu family’s old mansion, Yu Zhanyun calmly said to the Broken Arrow Emperor.

And the Broken Arrow Emperor was stunned when he saw that this Yu Mansion was even a family with an innate realm that was bigger than this one.

Even the surrounding Yu family’s new mansion was only the size and scale of an ordinary first-class force, but the Yu family’s old mansion was so simple.

“Hahahahaha, is the Emperor of the Arrow also surprised, no way, my Yu family has always lived here, already have feelings, or come back here to feel kind!”

Yu Yanxiao on the side saw the surprise in the eyes of the Broken Arrow Emperor and did not know what was going on in the other person’s heart, and then said with a smile.

The Broken Arrow Emperor also nodded slightly after hearing it.

Some large families are also the same as the Yu family’s mansion is just an old mansion, but like the Yu family is so small, he is still the first time he has seen it.


However, at this moment, a wave suddenly came from the depths of the Yu Mansion, and this wave instantly swept through the unsuspecting Yu Yanxiao three people.

In an instant, the flame power on Yu Yanxiao’s body was like being pumped out by a water pump, and it began to leak out frantically and rush towards the depths of Yu Mansion.

“Rub, my strange fire has been sucked away, what the hell is Grandpa going to do!?”

Yu Yanxiao looked at the strange fire that had been sucked out of his body with a confused look on his face and said wordlessly.

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