430 billion years ago!

At this time, it was already seven billion years since the destruction of the Dragon God Continent.

During this time, the Dragon Continent had stabilized, and countless ancient races had appeared at the same time.

Of course, the strongest of these races is only the Third and Fourth Heavens of the Absolute Immortal Realm.

And this is already the achievement that the old beggar took seven billion years to achieve.

As for the strong people in the Demon God Domain, although they were strong, these strong people were born in the Demon God Domain, and although they also lived on the fragments of the Dragon God Continent, the power of the innate law was not perfect, and they could not comprehend the power of any kind of law, even the law of destruction and the law of life.

And on this day, as the master of the two spaces, the old beggar’s limit has also arrived.

As he grew old, he looked out of the Demon God Domain, looking at the piece of Dragon Heaven Continent that he had transformed into a shrunken version of the Dragon God Continent, and no one knew the pain in his heart at this moment.

“If it weren’t for that year, I was bent on going my own way, so conceited that I thought I could break through the Heavenly Order Elite Formation, the Dragon God Continent wouldn’t have been broken!”

The old beggar sighed slightly.

To tell the truth, as the patriarch of the Dragon God Clan, the old beggar also understood the power of the Law of Life, and was also a Heavenly Rank Grade Array Mage, and such talents could be said to be the top super geniuses in the Dragon God Continent since its creation.

Perhaps only those ancient powers that possessed the blood of the Creator Dragon God in the ancient times could crush it.

However, in the era where the old beggar was, his talent was already the limit, because of the slow dissipation of the Heaven and Earth aura, it was impossible to reappear a strong person who was even more talented than him.

At this moment, in his body, that flame of life was also burning to the extreme, as if if any warrior gave him a blow, the old beggar would die!

“Dear Dragon Ancestors, filial piety, Ao Xuan has come to see you!”

A sigh emanated from the old beggar’s mouth.

The next moment, sitting in front of the cabin, he slowly closed his eyes!

And at this moment, the fire of his life was also slowly extinguished.

A generation of Dragon Clan strongmen, this is the fall!


However, at the same time, with a burst of spatial fluctuations, a figure wrapped in the Endless Law of Time stepped out of the Endless Void.

“Time reversed! Life Retrospective!!! ”

A calm voice instantly appeared in the void.

In an instant, the whole heaven and earth began to tremble madly in the midst of his voice that was even more majestic than the Heavenly Dao. ‘

At the same time, the power of the endless law of time began to frantically pour into the old beggar’s body as a series of timelines.

After these timelines entered the old beggar’s body, they began to draw a formation madly!

And this formation is the reincarnation lock fate heavenly array!

The whole heaven and earth were under his will and he began to frantically draw this powerful formation, which could foresee how terrifying the strength of this mysterious powerful man wrapped in the power of the law of time would be.

“Turn !!!!!”

At this moment, a calm low cry erupted from the mouth of this figure.

In the next instant, the power of the Endless Law of Time is connected into a mysterious array in an instant, and as the formation operates, the time around it begins to flow back wildly.

Of course, the object of the time reversal is limited to the old beggar’s body!

The fire of life that had been extinguished began to burn again in an instant.

At the same time, the old beggar’s body also began to transform madly in the direction of youth and strength from the weakness of the original limit.

Of course, the laws of time stopped after the transformation to ten billion years ago.

At this time, the reincarnation lock life array also slowly calmed down at this time, and finally hid in the body of the old beggar.

After doing all this, the figure fingertips were slightly bit, and a wave of spirit instantly poured into the old beggar’s body.

In an instant, the old beggar’s spirit was ignited again.

In the next instant, the old beggar suddenly opened his eyes.

“Me! Not dead yet!? ”

The old beggar stood up from the rattan chair and looked at his hands in disbelief!

“From now on, as long as I don’t die, you won’t die!” This is another way to crack the Heavenly Array of Ten Thousand Realms! If you think this big array is an eyesore, you can break it!

With your endless lifespan, maybe you can do it! ”

However, at this moment, which mysterious figure next to the old beggar spoke.

His deep voice instantly penetrated the old beggar’s mind like a magic sound, and the old beggar’s look changed in an instant.

He was a super strong person of the Fifth Heaven of the Earth Realm who did not even sense the existence of this breath just now.

The next moment he quickly looked at the figure, but found that the other party did not seem to have any cover, and the appearance was very obvious in front of his eyes.

But the old beggar could not remember the other person’s appearance at all.

And the next moment, a jade jian also slowly flew towards the old beggar.

“It was the seniors who saved me!?”

The old beggar felt that there were still tens of billions of years of life in his body, and then he immediately said gratefully to this figure that he could not remember.

However, this figure did not have the slightest intention of answering, and with a fluctuating period of time, the figure began to slowly disappear.

“If you have a heart, after 430 billion years, I will send you something in Yunhai Town, the northern region of the Dragon Teng Continent!” You, remember to come and get it! ”

Suddenly, at the moment when the figure disappeared, a word came directly from the void.

The old beggar was confused when he heard this.

Forty-three billion years later? How could he have lived to that time? Isn’t that a joke?

However, remembering that he had actually come back to life, and what the figure had said after he had just been resurrected, the old beggar’s face suddenly changed.

He hurriedly checked his body, and in an instant, he found that his physical body had not only recovered to the peak of his strength ten billion years ago, but even his own life force had stopped flowing.

As an enlightener of the law of life, he knows the flow of the life force best, even if he understands the law of life, he can only make the fire of life become larger, but it is impossible to change the speed of what flows.

In this case, only the legendary power of the law of time can do it!

“That is! Can I really live forever!? ”

The old beggar’s face changed instantly.

Soon he hurriedly opened the Jade Jane, but he found that in the Jade Jane, it was a record of how to use more than twenty small worlds, the formation nodes of the Ten Thousand Realms Lock Heaven Grand Array were all shrouded, and finally the method of blasting this formation after the explosion at the same time.

Even the position of each node, as well as the weakness of the formation, appeared in front of the old beggar’s eyes.

“This! It’s actually true!!! ”

The old beggar was not a fool, he had studied the Ten Thousand Realms Locked Heaven Array for almost eight or nine billion years, and naturally knew that some of the records recorded in it were exactly the same as the results of his own research, but these records were tens of thousands of times more profound than his own research!

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