“Since the seniors asked, the juniors said that the reason why the juniors disappeared in the past thousand years was because they went to the Demon Domain located in the depths of the Heavenly Sword Canyon!!”

The wind and snow apocalypse said solemnly to Yu Feng.

And his words suddenly made Yu Feng slightly stunned.

Because the Heavenly Sword Canyon is that Star Abyss Canyon, but the name is different.

The Heavenly Sword Canyon is only called by those who know a little bit of the Heavenly Sword Force, and what the world knows is basically the Star Abyss Canyon.

“What? Sky Sword Canyon? Has that Wind and Snow Ancestor ever seen my Excalibur Alliance Ancestor, Lone Sword Saint! ”

Without waiting for the Wind and Snow Apocalypse to continue the question, the Sword Cloud Sky beside him was even more excited, and he hurriedly asked at the Wind and Snow Apocalypse.

But his words made the wind and snow apocalypse shake his head slightly.

“Solitude entered the Demon Realm at least ten million years before us, and if we were still alive when we entered, we would have reached the Absolute Immortal Realm Second Heaven or even the Absolute Immortal Realm Triple Heaven, but unfortunately, in the Demon Realm for ten million years, the old man had not found a trace of the Absolute Lonely!”

The Wind and Snow Heavenly Revelation sighed slightly, knowing that he had also followed the footsteps of the Lone Sword Saint at the beginning, but the other party did not leave any traces in the Demon Domain, which meant that the other party was absolutely dead.

After all, the horrors of that place were still fresh in his mind.

“You should still talk about the situation of the Demon Domain first, as for the Lone Sword Saint, if the old man finds his traces after he goes to the Demon Domain to explore, he will naturally inform Yu Yuntian!!”

At this time, Yu Feng opened his mouth directly, and Jian Yuntian nodded gratefully after listening to it.

After all, even the Wind and Snow Apocalypse was now so powerful that the so-called Demon Domain in the Heavenly Sword Canyon was extremely frightening, and the horror of that Demon Domain might be difficult for them to imagine!

“Good senior, since this is the case, then I will tell you all the causes and consequences I know and speculate, after all, I am going to gather the strength of other Absolute Immortal Realm strong people to discuss countermeasures when I come back this time!”

Feng Xue Tianqi nodded slightly, and then spoke solemnly to Yu Feng and the two of them.



Seventy million years ago! The Lone Sword Saint felt the endless vibration of the Heavenly Sword, and immediately followed the guidance of the Heavenly Sword to the place where the Heavenly Sword had originally descended and injured the Death Saint King, but found that in that place, where there was nothing but the Boundless Death Force, there was a different dimensional space.

Later, in the process of gradual exploration, the Lone Sword Saint discovered that there was another world on the opposite side of this other-dimensional space, a world that was many times more powerful than the Dragon Teng Continent.

Such a discovery instantly horrified the Lone Sword Sacred Heart.

Immediately contacted all the Absolute Immortal Realm Strongmen of that year to plan to explore it.

Of course, in the end, none of them responded to him, for the simple reason that the shadow left by the Death Saint Emperor on the whole world was too great.

If the Death Saint was opposite, or if there was a more powerful being than the Death Saint King, they would just go and die.

In the end, the helpless Lone Sword Saint could only give up exploration.

However, just over 20 million years ago, the Lone Saint King had directly disappeared above the Dragon Teng Continent, and only a few people knew that the Lone Sword Saint had already entered that side of the world to explore when the Great Limit was coming.

In order to do so, it is naturally hoped that with the powerful resources opposite, he will successfully break through to the Absolute Immortal Heaven, so that he will have the opportunity to live for another hundred million years.

“Speaking of this, maybe the seniors should know that the Absolute Immortal Realm Strongman above my Dragon Teng Continent will inexplicably disappear!?”

At this moment, the Wind and Snow Apocalypse also said solemnly to Yu Feng.

Yu Feng nodded slightly.

This, of course, he knew.

“Seniors may not know that although my Fengxue Sect is a late-rising sect, the source of my ancestors is the Luo Tianhao Sect of that year, and only a few people in the whole world know this!”

However, the Wind and Snow Apocalypse smiled helplessly at Yu Feng.

His words immediately confused the sword clouds on the side.

“Luo Tianhaozong? Is it the original sect gate of the Death Lord? ”

Sword Cloud Heaven asked in doubt at the Wind and Snow Apocalypse, he didn’t expect that the ancestor of the Wind and Snow Apocalypse was actually a person of the Luo Tianhao Sect!

Listening to Sword Yuntian’s words, Wind and Snow Heavenly Revelation suddenly sighed helplessly.

“Yes, if it weren’t for Luo Tian Hao Sect’s old ancestor being too stubborn, my Luo Tianhao Sect might still be the first holy place in the mainland now!”

The wind and snow apocalypse said helplessly.

Then he sorted out his thoughts for a moment, and then continued, “Because my ancestors were Luo Tianhaozong, there is a certain record of those Absolute Immortal Realms disappearing for no reason.

In the records, all the wonderlands that are about to reach the limit will basically disappear for no reason.

In addition, if the strength is too strong, the warrior will disappear for no reason.

And this strength is to reach the Absolute Immortal Realm Triple Heaven or above, as long as the strong person who reveals the strength beyond the Absolute Immortal Realm Dual Heaven above the Dragon Teng Continent will basically disappear for no reason.

Maybe that was the case with the Death Saint King who slaughtered the Ten Holy Places by one person! ”

When the Wind and Snow Apocalypse said this, he immediately glanced at Yu Feng!

Where did he mean Yu Feng didn’t know that Yu Feng, who had such great strength, actually existed in the Dragon Teng Continent, and he was a little suspicious that his family’s record was correct!

“My situation is special, I have never shown my strength, so the existence you are talking about may not be known yet!”

Yu Feng said calmly, which was an answer to the question of the wind and snow apocalypse.

Hearing this, the Wind and Snow Apocalypse and the Sword Cloud Heaven were horrified in their hearts after hearing it, according to Yu Feng’s realm, the life expectancy was at least hundreds of millions of years, and hundreds of millions of years had not revealed their strength? Who can stand this!?

However, he didn’t know that Yu Feng’s total time from obtaining the system to now was less than half a year.

Half a year, for a Absolute Immortal Realm strong person not even enough time to sleep.

Where else to talk about being discovered.

Of course, it wasn’t that Yu Feng didn’t use his current strength but that after reaching the peak of the Shenqiao Realm from his realm, he didn’t have the opportunity to use his strength.

The wind and snow apocalypse sorted out his mood.

“So in order not to be made disappear above the Dragon Continent by that mysterious force, I went alone to the alien space in the middle of the Heavenly Sword Canyon to seek an opportunity to break through, and this trip has been more than two thousand years.”

Ten million years later, the old man and I also went to the Heavenly Sword Canyon together because the limit was approaching.

As for him, he had already accidentally entered a Heavenly Order Formation and was directly blasted into slag!

And I lived in the Demon Domain for ten million years, and finally broke through the realm before I escaped! ”

Speaking of this, the wind and snow apocalypse remembered these ten million years of events in his heart.

No one knows how he spent ten million years.

“You’ve always called that place the Demon Domain, so what exactly is that place like!?”

Sword Cloud Sky was anxious to die by the Wind and Snow Heavenly Apocalypse who said half of the words left half, and asked hurriedly.

The Wind and Snow Apocalypse nodded solemnly.

“The reason why we call that place the Demon Domain is very simple, there really are demons in it!!”

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